Zombie: Is it A Code Word?


Active Member
Jun 29, 2014
Here is the thing....

I was perusing a local gun store today and, for whatever reason, was interested in looking at shotguns. I am not a big shotgunner, but I do have a soft spot for over/unders. I noticed some shotguns that were designated as " zombie guns". Mossberg and Remington both make one. They are made with synthetic furniture and are trimmed with that bright green zombie color. I prefer a wood finish myself, but whatever.

In the past I have seen the zombie handguns that are trimmed in bright green. Plus, there are a handful of ammo companies making ammo specifically for repelling zombies.

Obviously, this is a marketing ploy designed to capitalize on this whole ridiculous popular fascination with zombies. Whatever, I guess. It is not my thing.

Then I come home and start thinking: is there something more to this? Now, I am a big gun enthusiast. I have a safe full of guns I have be acquiring for years. I go to the range at least once every two weeks. I carry every day. I like to read about the history of firearms. It is my thing, my interest, and, I guess, my hobby. I say this to point out that I am not a prude when it comes to guns.

That said, I start wondering, is "zombie" code for something else? For example - and I am not asserting that this is the case - what if "zombie" is code for Mexican immigrants? You know, someone may liken them to zombies mindlessly and relentlessly marching across the border seeking our doom?

I acknowledge that it sounds kind of far-fetched. But if you calmly and objectively consider it, is it really THAT far-fetched? There are a TON of firearms and firearm related products being marketed, sold and bought in the name of survival in a zombie apocalypse. Obviously, this is not a credible threat. It is silly. Yes, it will get some zombie loving assholes to buy shit. But there may be something else going on here.

Maybe the imaginary zombie apocalypse is an allegory being used by extremists in response to what they see as the demise of our nation. The nazis handed out copies of Nietzsche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra" to their soldiers. The work spoke of Der übermensch in an effort to inspire the rank and file to fight for the Germanic people and it's history. In fact, Nietzsche would have disapproved of his work being so used, to say the least. It was being promoted as a work glorifying the German people by Nietzsche's anti-Semitic sister after his death. But, the point is that "Zarathustra" was part of the nazi mythos. I wonder if the whole idea of the "zombie apocalypse" is a similar matter.

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The modern target makers were faced with a dilemma. Thanks to liberals they couldn't portray terrorists as bearded ....rag head ...terrorists and face civil rights suits. They could put out targets showing Christ on the Cross or the Virgin Mary but that wasn't an option. Pop culture came to the rescue and manufactured the modern version of zombies. Now even liberals could pull the trigger on human targets as long as they were sub-human or formerly human. That's the way the system works
The modern target makers were faced with a dilemma. Thanks to liberals they couldn't portray terrorists as bearded ....rag head ...terrorists and face civil rights suits. They could put out targets showing Christ on the Cross or the Virgin Mary but that wasn't an option. Pop culture came to the rescue and manufactured the modern version of zombies. Now even liberals could pull the trigger on human targets as long as they were sub-human or formerly human. That's the way the system works

What about black/minority/LGBT/immigrant/terrorist zombies? :dunno:

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