AG Barr: FISA Abuses to Spy on Trump Campaign Are Being Investigated

"Attorney General William Barr revealed Tuesday that he is reviewing the “conduct” of the FBI’s original Russia investigation during the summer of 2016.

Barr explained that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has a pending investigation into the FISA warrants and said the probe will be complete by May or June. He then confirmed he's personally reviewing the investigation itself.

“More generally, I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted in the summer of 2016,” Barr testified.

The comments come after House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said over the weekend he was preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week regarding alleged misconduct by DOJ and FBI officials during the Trump-Russia investigation. It is unclear whom Nunes will refer for investigation, and what the process at the Justice Department might be.

When asked Tuesday about Nunes’ referrals, Barr said he hasn’t seen them yet, but, “Obviously, if there is a predicate for investigation, it will be conducted.”

1. Declassify ALL DOJ, FBI, & US IG documents and release them to the public NOW!

2. As soon as the recommendations for indictment are submitted, declassify / release the names of the Democrats IMMEDIATELY.

3. WHY was there a 'COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE' Operation run against the President of the United States by the Obama Administration?
Why did the FBI 'sic' their top Counter-Intel on the President when / after former FBI Agt Page said the FBI's internal investigation revealed NO EVIDENCE worthy of investigation / suggesting collusion. (Democrats claim it was inconclusive and needed more time. WTF? The traitors had 3 years and never could prove the false narrative / accusation. The FACT is there was no justification for running a Counter-Intel Op against the President!)

4. The shoe is about to be on the other foot, and the exposed traitors / criminals are going to be investigated!


Barr reveals he is reviewing ‘conduct’ of FBI’s original Russia probe


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