The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureacrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

Schiff then has The IG Interview transcript which is critical of Schiff and The Whistleblower and seems to indicate Schiff lied about contact with The Whistleblower classified as "Intelligence" and refuses to allow The Trump Defense team to see that transcript. No one has seen it yet, and Schiff is refusing to turn it over.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.
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Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureacrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.
Well worth the read .. so thanks..
Great job, The Original Tree , thank you! More facts about Ukraine:

Dmitry Simes
: It’s a part of Trump’s presidential duty to look how prudently US money is spent in Ukraine and make sure that this money does not help to cultivate corruption in Ukraine. He has to look at whether Ukraine used its financial sources in order to influence or rather meddle in US election. Ukrainian oligarchs are known to spend a fortune in Washington, they pay high ranking lobbyists and they also pay to various Think Tanks which claim to be independent and objective and at the same time take millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarchs. And this is something that these Think Tanks publicly acknowledge. Trump wanted to look into all that and to decide what kind of a role Biden and his son played in this all Ukrainian case. As for the Dems not only they decided to change the subject but they tried to force the Trump administration and the attorney generals to drop this completely. If Mueller had to probe into this case he would say that these actions constitute obstruction of justice and attempt to block American justice, a crime which demands a severe punishment. However Dems deny that this logic applies to them: they acknowledge their own right to take whatever actions they want but denying Trump in his acting the same way.

Dmitry Simes: All accusations that are aimed Trump in the context of the Ukraine gate sure have one and only purpose: to prevent him from normalizing the relations with Russia. Kiev is watching what is happening in Washington right now seeing how vulnerable Donald Trump might be in his attempt to normalize Russia/US relations. My concern is that somebody in Ukraine might think that a military action in this case may not be a totally bed idea.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureacrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.
Well worth the read .. so thanks..
Thank you sir
Great job, The Original Tree , thank you! More facts about Ukraine:

Dmitry Simes
: It’s a part of Trump’s presidential duty to look how prudently US money is spent in Ukraine and make sure that this money does not help to cultivate corruption in Ukraine. He has to look at whether Ukraine used its financial sources in order to influence or rather meddle in US election. Ukrainian oligarchs are known to spend a fortune in Washington, they pay high ranking lobbyists and they also pay to various Think Tanks which claim to be independent and objective and at the same time take millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarchs. And this is something that these Think Tanks publicly acknowledge. Trump wanted to look into all that and to decide what kind of a role Biden and his son played in this all Ukrainian case. As for the Dems not only they decided to change the subject but they tried to force the Trump administration and the attorney generals to drop this completely. If Mueller had to probe into this case he would say that these actions constitute obstruction of justice and attempt to block American justice, a crime which demands a severe punishment. However Dems deny that this logic applies to them: they acknowledge their own right to take whatever actions they want but denying Trump in his acting the same way.

Dmitry Simes: All accusations that are aimed Trump in the context of the Ukraine gate sure have one and only purpose: to prevent him from normalizing the relations with Russia. Kiev is watching what is happening in Washington right now seeing how vulnerable Donald Trump might be in his attempt to normalize Russia/US relations. My concern is that somebody in Ukraine might think that a military action in this case may not be a totally bed idea.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
That was an excellent addition to this thread. Thank You.
Great job, The Original Tree , thank you! More facts about Ukraine:

Dmitry Simes
: It’s a part of Trump’s presidential duty to look how prudently US money is spent in Ukraine and make sure that this money does not help to cultivate corruption in Ukraine. He has to look at whether Ukraine used its financial sources in order to influence or rather meddle in US election. Ukrainian oligarchs are known to spend a fortune in Washington, they pay high ranking lobbyists and they also pay to various Think Tanks which claim to be independent and objective and at the same time take millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarchs. And this is something that these Think Tanks publicly acknowledge. Trump wanted to look into all that and to decide what kind of a role Biden and his son played in this all Ukrainian case. As for the Dems not only they decided to change the subject but they tried to force the Trump administration and the attorney generals to drop this completely. If Mueller had to probe into this case he would say that these actions constitute obstruction of justice and attempt to block American justice, a crime which demands a severe punishment. However Dems deny that this logic applies to them: they acknowledge their own right to take whatever actions they want but denying Trump in his acting the same way.

Dmitry Simes: All accusations that are aimed Trump in the context of the Ukraine gate sure have one and only purpose: to prevent him from normalizing the relations with Russia. Kiev is watching what is happening in Washington right now seeing how vulnerable Donald Trump might be in his attempt to normalize Russia/US relations. My concern is that somebody in Ukraine might think that a military action in this case may not be a totally bed idea.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
That was an excellent addition to this thread. Thank You.

Thanks for starting such an important thread. However everything you and I said is just a tip of iceberg of ugly truth about Ukraine.
So much corruption on the Democrat/Fake Media/Washington Swamp side of the ledger.. :eusa_doh:

Personally, I'm thinking the imperfect Trump and a ballsy Republican Party could actually save America if given the chance after the 2020 election.
Post coup Ukraine is a Soros/Obama creation. A fair investigation of the crimes in Ukraine since 2014 could end up with Dems losing American elections for years, so much ugly truth about them could come up from my home country of Ukraine. The problem is: I don't think it's even possible. The new president has 60% of Soros people in his new government (according to opposition whom I trust) and seems to be looking forward for Trump's loss during 2020 presidential elections because Deep State keeps controlling Ukraine (as well as her officials) since 2014.

One more interesting fact according to Dmitry Simes, a frequent guest on Russian TV: there is a very strong Ukrainian lobby in US Congress in spite of the fact that the are a lot fewer Ukrainians residing in USA comparing to the amount of Russians residing in USA, who have never had their lobby.
Post coup Ukraine is a Soros/Obama creation. A fair investigation of the crimes in Ukraine since 2014 could end up with Dems losing American elections for years, so much ugly truth about them could come up from my home country of Ukraine. The problem is: I don't think it's even possible. The new president has 60% of Soros people in his new government (according to opposition whom I trust) and seems to be looking forward for Trump's loss during 2020 presidential elections because Deep State keeps controlling Ukraine (as well as her officials) since 2014.

One more interesting fact according to Dmitry Simes, a frequent guest on Russian TV: there is a very strong Ukrainian lobby in US Congress in spite of the fact that the are a lot fewer Ukrainians residing in USA comparing to the amount of Russians residing in USA, who have never had their lobby.
I believe that The Russian Collusion Narrative and now Ukraine Collusion Narrative Investigations, COUP plots, ShamPeachment were all done to hide Corruption, Graft, Bribery and Extrortion used by The Democrats to enrich themselves using their children and family members as shields to funnel campaign funds, tax dollars and foreign Aid back in to their pockets through NGOs, LLCs, and Offshore accounts.

Hillary Clinton and Pelosi are masters at this, and even Sanders got involved, creating an LLC where his wife was named President of an LLC (Bernie does not appear as an owner) which buys ad time for his campaign and she and her son gets 15% commission on that, so they are stealing campaign funds. They all are, and this is why so many run.
Last edited:
Great job, The Original Tree , thank you! More facts about Ukraine:

Dmitry Simes
: It’s a part of Trump’s presidential duty to look how prudently US money is spent in Ukraine and make sure that this money does not help to cultivate corruption in Ukraine. He has to look at whether Ukraine used its financial sources in order to influence or rather meddle in US election. Ukrainian oligarchs are known to spend a fortune in Washington, they pay high ranking lobbyists and they also pay to various Think Tanks which claim to be independent and objective and at the same time take millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarchs. And this is something that these Think Tanks publicly acknowledge. Trump wanted to look into all that and to decide what kind of a role Biden and his son played in this all Ukrainian case. As for the Dems not only they decided to change the subject but they tried to force the Trump administration and the attorney generals to drop this completely. If Mueller had to probe into this case he would say that these actions constitute obstruction of justice and attempt to block American justice, a crime which demands a severe punishment. However Dems deny that this logic applies to them: they acknowledge their own right to take whatever actions they want but denying Trump in his acting the same way.

Dmitry Simes: All accusations that are aimed Trump in the context of the Ukraine gate sure have one and only purpose: to prevent him from normalizing the relations with Russia. Kiev is watching what is happening in Washington right now seeing how vulnerable Donald Trump might be in his attempt to normalize Russia/US relations. My concern is that somebody in Ukraine might think that a military action in this case may not be a totally bed idea.

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019

Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
That was an excellent addition to this thread. Thank You.

Thanks for starting such an important thread. However everything you and I said is just a tip of iceberg of ugly truth about Ukraine.
Oh, I know that. This was just a list of things that The Public could find through a little research. A Full Blowin Mueller Type Investigation with someone who really wanted the Truth would blow The Democrat Party's Corrupt Pyramid Kickback schemes to High Heaven and then straight to hell.
Post coup Ukraine is a Soros/Obama creation. A fair investigation of the crimes in Ukraine since 2014 could end up with Dems losing American elections for years, so much ugly truth about them could come up from my home country of Ukraine. The problem is: I don't think it's even possible. The new president has 60% of Soros people in his new government (according to opposition whom I trust) and seems to be looking forward for Trump's loss during 2020 presidential elections because Deep State keeps controlling Ukraine (as well as her officials) since 2014.

One more interesting fact according to Dmitry Simes, a frequent guest on Russian TV: there is a very strong Ukrainian lobby in US Congress in spite of the fact that the are a lot fewer Ukrainians residing in USA comparing to the amount of Russians residing in USA, who have never had their lobby.
I believe that The Russian Collusion Narrative and now Ukraine Collusion Narrative Investigations, COUP plots, ShamPeachment were all done to hide Corruption, Graft, Bribery and Extrortion used by The Democrats to enrich themselves using their children and family members as shields to funnel campaign funds, tax dollars and foreign Aid back in to their pockets through NGOs, LLCs, and Offshore accounts.

Hillary Clinton and Pelosi are masters at this, and even Sanders got involved, creating an LLC where his wife was named President of an LLC (Bernie does not appear as an owner) which buys ad time for his campaign and she and her son gets 15% commission on that, so they are stealing campaign funds. They all are, and this is why so many run.
If you need any info about Ukraine I'll gladly provide it to you (if I possess it), making it public will help both of our countries in our fight against Deep State.

BTW, I'm not sir, I'm a Madame, however I don't think it matters for a political forum.
Last edited:
Post coup Ukraine is a Soros/Obama creation. A fair investigation of the crimes in Ukraine since 2014 could end up with Dems losing American elections for years, so much ugly truth about them could come up from my home country of Ukraine. The problem is: I don't think it's even possible. The new president has 60% of Soros people in his new government (according to opposition whom I trust) and seems to be looking forward for Trump's loss during 2020 presidential elections because Deep State keeps controlling Ukraine (as well as her officials) since 2014.

One more interesting fact according to Dmitry Simes, a frequent guest on Russian TV: there is a very strong Ukrainian lobby in US Congress in spite of the fact that the are a lot fewer Ukrainians residing in USA comparing to the amount of Russians residing in USA, who have never had their lobby.
I believe that The Russian Collusion Narrative and now Ukraine Collusion Narrative Investigations, COUP plots, ShamPeachment were all done to hide Corruption, Graft, Bribery and Extrortion used by The Democrats to enrich themselves using their children and family members as shields to funnel campaign funds, tax dollars and foreign Aid back in to their pockets through NGOs, LLCs, and Offshore accounts.

Hillary Clinton and Pelosi are masters at this, and even Sanders got involved, creating an LLC where his wife was named President of an LLC (Bernie does not appear as an owner) which buys ad time for his campaign and she and her son gets 15% commission on that, so they are stealing campaign funds. They all are, and this is why so many run.
If you need any info about Ukraine I'll gladly provide it to you (if I possess it), making it public will help both of our countries in our fight against Deep State.

BTW, I'm not sir, I'm a Madame, however I don't think it matters for a political forum.
Ok Thank you. Truly appreciate your perspective and helping all of us understand more about The Ukraine.
So much corruption on the Democrat/Fake Media/Washington Swamp side of the ledger.. :eusa_doh:

Personally, I'm thinking the imperfect Trump and a ballsy Republican Party could actually save America if given the chance after the 2020 election.
These politicians on The Left have been laundering money through foreign aid and other corrupt practices since Obama came to power, and most likely long before that. If we could expose the massive corruption, waste, fraud and abuse it would save taxpayers 100s of Millions of Dollars every year.
Could or should the Senate turn the impeachment trial into a full-blown investigation of Democrat corruption involving Ukraine?

It seems to me that the underlying issue regarding President Trump's alleged "abuse of power" is whether or not his request for an investigation was based on legitimate grounds. If that corruption actually occurred, then he was justified in making that request. If not, remove him from office.

Anyone have a problem with that?
there was an exit on one road that led straight to the impeachment super highway -----

Could or should the Senate turn the impeachment trial into a full-blown investigation of Democrat corruption involving Ukraine?

It seems to me that the underlying issue regarding President Trump's alleged "abuse of power" is whether or not his request for an investigation was based on legitimate grounds. If that corruption actually occurred, then he was justified in making that request. If not, remove him from office.

Anyone have a problem with that?
It's what should be done but for some reason, Lindsey Graham is against it. I say BURN THEM AND SEND THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL!
Could or should the Senate turn the impeachment trial into a full-blown investigation of Democrat corruption involving Ukraine?

It seems to me that the underlying issue regarding President Trump's alleged "abuse of power" is whether or not his request for an investigation was based on legitimate grounds. If that corruption actually occurred, then he was justified in making that request. If not, remove him from office.

Anyone have a problem with that?
It's what should be done but for some reason, Lindsey Graham is against it. I say BURN THEM AND SEND THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL!

hate to to tell you, but no body gives a f what you say.

Could or should the Senate turn the impeachment trial into a full-blown investigation of Democrat corruption involving Ukraine?

It seems to me that the underlying issue regarding President Trump's alleged "abuse of power" is whether or not his request for an investigation was based on legitimate grounds. If that corruption actually occurred, then he was justified in making that request. If not, remove him from office.

Anyone have a problem with that?
It's what should be done but for some reason, Lindsey Graham is against it. I say BURN THEM AND SEND THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL!

hate to to tell you, but no body gives a f what you say.

Don't you think for the good of the country Adam Schiff should be locked up? He can share a cell with Gropy Joe, Ed Buck, James Comey, Clapper, Epstein and Weinstein.

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