Argentina’s Javier Milei Plans to Fire 70,000 Government Workers


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

God willing Trump will be doing the same thing here on the same scale. 2/3 of the Federal Government could disappear today and it would be years before anyone noticed. My favorite government worker title is: Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Administrator. I’m sure we need lots of those.

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God willing Trump will be doing the same thing here on the same scale. 2/3 of the Federal Government could disappear today and it would be years before anyone noticed. My favorite government worker title is: Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Administrator. I’m sure we need lots of those.

Anyone with a lick of sense knows that there was truth in Will Rogers' comment "If you find yourself in a hole, QUIT DIGGING." You can't deficit spend yourself to prosperity. At some point, the bills have to be paid or you face destruction. Milei has finally done the responsible thing in Argentina--it is long overdue.
“Milei, you scumbag, you are the dictatorship.” This was among the defiant shouts that rang out across downtown Buenos Aires on Sunday March 24 as some 400,000 Argentinians filled the Plaza de Mayo, the iconic square that has borne witness to pivotal moments in Argentina’s history.

They don't forget the last dictator and the dirty war.

Here is what I would do once a nations government becomes too massive.

First, set up training programs for those who lose their jobs. Run it online and have them credential standards. I learned how to code and A.I all online until my wife and I parted and I had to refocus my energy. If I can do it at my age, others can. I was learning from guys from India and Eastern Europe even as my interests naturally extended beyond the courses.

Two, demand accountability of government. You are there to assist and improve your nation. It is a duty, not a job.

Three, this is quite specific to Canada, the UK and other East German Big Brother-like systems, demand transparency of Police Background checks and the covert activities in the economy that encourage nepotism and destroy careers and the economic potential of an entire nation

Four, ban all public unions.
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God willing Trump will be doing the same thing here on the same scale. 2/3 of the Federal Government could disappear today and it would be years before anyone noticed. My favorite government worker title is: Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Administrator. I’m sure we need lots of those.
From a practical standpoint, the first step would be to freeze new hiring. The second step would be to fire any public employees who refuse to do their jobs. The third step is to reassign remaining employees into more productive positions and train or demote those who can't perform their jobs at a satisfactory level.
“Milei, you scumbag, you are the dictatorship.” This was among the defiant shouts that rang out across downtown Buenos Aires on Sunday March 24 as some 400,000 Argentinians filled the Plaza de Mayo, the iconic square that has borne witness to pivotal moments in Argentina’s history.

They don't forget the last dictator and the dirty war.

Leftists are the only ones who are allowed to trash human rights.
From a practical standpoint, the first step would be to freeze new hiring. The second step would be to fire any public employees who refuse to do their jobs. The third step is to reassign remaining employees into more productive positions and train or demote those who can't perform their jobs at a satisfactory level.
He is replacing and has added staff that were convicted and jailed for their crimes.

Exactly what Trump wants to do. Pardons and all that stupid shit dictators do.
He is replacing and has added staff that were convicted and jailed for their crimes.

Exactly what Trump wants to do. Pardons and all that stupid shit dictators do.

Meanwhile in Socialist Paradise Venezuela

This is What a Rigged Election Looks Like

The opposition held a primary to decide who would face off with Maduro and, as expected, Machado won despite the government sending out its colectivo thugs on motorbikes to harass opposition voters.

Machado hoped that a clear win in the primary would embarrass the socialist government into allowing her on the ballot, but in January the country's Supreme Court, which is made up of Maduro loyalists, ruled she would not be allowed to run.

Apparently ruling her out of the process wasn't enough for Maduro. Last week, his government announced that it was arresting her campaign manager and other members of her staff.

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