BREAKING! It's Over: Biden Received 'Laundered' Chinese Money Disguised As Loan Repayment

Sorry, Junior. The emails are not conspiracy theory.
Sorry, kiddo. The emails have not produced a shred of evidence Joe Biden has committed a crime.

28,000 emails? No Joe Biden crime found!

12,000 pages of bank records? No Joe Biden crime found!

No one has had the tiniest grains of their life sifted through to this extent. And still nothing! Bummer!

Stay tuned for hoax #2,354,970 to be released.

When a hoax is exposed to be total bullshit, the Republican tactic is to quickly release a new one to cover up their embarrassment.
Sorry, kiddo. The emails have not produced a shred of evidence Joe Biden has committed a crime.

28,000 emails? No Joe Biden crime found!

12,000 pages of bank records? No Joe Biden crime found!

No one has had the tiniest grains of their life sifted through to this extent. And still nothing! Bummer!

Stay tuned for hoax #2,354,970 to be released.

When a hoax is exposed to be total bullshit, the Republican tactic is to quickly release a new one to cover up their embarrassment.
You're not the brightest bulb in the drawer.
He's busted. The Usurper is a blatant crook. Not even Louisiana's former crooked democrat Governor Edwin Edwards would attempt to align himself with the communists to do something like this. He had patriotism. Biden is oblivious to patriotism.

Nope. Biden is a high level Democrat.

He can do any damn thing he wants and walk away laughing and scot-free. It’s only the low level Democrats who have to worry about the law. Every once in a while, one gets thrown under the buss as a sacrifice.

The FBI will cover for Joe. The DOJ will refuse to prosecute. The mainstream media will report on it for a couple of days and then forget it happened. When it is brought up again, the main stream media will say it is just old news.

It is simply great to be a high level Democrat and you can get filthy rich along the way.
Sorry, kiddo. The emails have not produced a shred of evidence Joe Biden has committed a crime.

28,000 emails? No Joe Biden crime found!

12,000 pages of bank records? No Joe Biden crime found!

No one has had the tiniest grains of their life sifted through to this extent. And still nothing! Bummer!

Stay tuned for hoax #2,354,970 to be released.

When a hoax is exposed to be total bullshit, the Republican tactic is to quickly release a new one to cover up their embarrassment.
they do when you combine them with other evidence,,
The Bohai post:

The reason to develop a chron is to analyze the gestures of psychopaths in time and space.
Chan and Ridley say it was published in 2018, though this target Zhoushan virus (mentioned in this thread) was tentatively collected in 2017:

'By early January, her contacts were going silent. The doctors said: 'We can't talk about it, but we need to wear masks.'....By 19 Jan, Dr. Yan had leaked this information to Lu De, a YouTuber and China critic, who told his hundred thousand followers that the novel coronavirus had been deliberately engineered and released by the Chinese government, pointing to research on bat SARS-like viruses in Zhoushan, in Zhejiang Province, published in Sep 2018 by scientists at the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command.'
(Viral, p.198)

Above we said the Zhoushan virus was posted to Ebright's Twitter/X, though the target virus, ZC45, was posted on Quay's Twitter on 24 Aug 2023. That is the virus we believe was collected during the "Biden Year" 2017.
Tracking the Zhoushan virus leads back to this post that seems to have been either scrubbed or a typo. The first entry is the US link to Third Military Medical University, Chongqing:

23 Aug 2022 Post #1,183
'Third Military Medical University, Chongqing.'

23 Dec 2022 Post #1,641
'Third Military Medical University, Chongqing.'
For the 2017 Biden family chron, we now confirm that both the collection of the Zhoushan virus and the Hunter Biden tryst with his brother's widow occured about the same time, though the virus came first:

ZC45 Zhoushan Coronavirus
'Rhinolophus pusillus....Third Military Medical University, Chongqing'

ZC 45
'....collected Feb 2017....'
By developing the 2017 chron, we can now see that there was plenty going on in Feb.

1. Hunter's tryst with the widow of the dead brother (shades of Citizen Cain), no actual date of the first copulation can be established, though the report is 1 Mar.

2. Chinese P.L.A. collecting (Metabiota-like) the important Zhoushan virus, ZC45. When dealing with dipshit Chinese communism, one should always be suspicious when they conveniently forget to put the precise date on collection. In this case, its "Feb 2017."

3. The very important Herridge report on the P.L.A., published on 23 Feb 2017. This report happened close enough in time to "spook" (if it's ok to use that term here) the ChiComs. The resulting litigation means that a dipshit Obama-appointed judge could get the whistleblower killed by forcing Herridge to disclose the source.
He's busted. The Usurper is a blatant crook. Not even Louisiana's former crooked democrat Governor Edwin Edwards would attempt to align himself with the communists to do something like this. He had patriotism. Biden is oblivious to patriotism.

It won't matter. The fix is in. The Bidens are above the law.

The National Enquirer is right more often than CNN and MSNBC these days:

The Enquirer brought down John Edwards.
8 Aug 2017

1. Northern International Capital (affiliate of CEFC)

2. Hudson West III

26 Jun 2023 Post #1
' 8 Aug 2017 CEFC....wired $5 million to Hudson West III.'
1. = CEFC-affiliated Northern International Capital

2. = Hudson West III

3. = Hunter Biden's Owasco P.C.

4. = Lion Hall Group (James and Sara Biden)

2017: 8 Aug, 14 Aug, 17 Aug, 25 Aug, 28 Aug, 3 Sep
Players: 1. through 4., Chinese CEFC exc., Hunter Biden, James and Sara Biden

1 Nov 2023 Post # 404

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