"British troops will be deployed in Ukraine for the first time under plans being discussed with military chiefs, the UK's new defense secretary

Ooo..Turks hate the Russians.

Idk why, but I saw a Turkish guy kill a Russian ambassador, and he did not give a fuck.

He had a lot of hate in him.

I'm not searching for the vid anymore, I saw it the 1st time around. He shot him and the dude died right there.
This is part of it:


I'm not real clear on that story either, I am watching this long one in bits, very educational. Goes way back in history.

Why NATO’s Biggest Internal Problem is Turkey​

I am aware, that Turkey is NOT enforcing the west's economic sanctions on Russia. This is the main way, Russia is circumventing the sanctions of the west, and getting high tech industrial products still. It is the favorite spot for Russian tourists right now.

Nor are they allowing NATO ships to pass through the Bosporus.

The US was probably actually blessed to get Obammer instead of him.

He would have started WW3 for sure.
Obama turned out to be just as much an Establishment stooge as Mc-shit-Stain. Remember he was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? Instead the wars got worse, then he bombed the Libyan government out of existence, then we became state sponsors of terrorism by backing radical Sunni Muslim terrorists in Syria to overthrow the Assad government.
As with tanks, teaching pilots and long-range weapons, the UK moves first 👍 and then more timid countries can follow.

that is a big step FORWARD ! US/Japan/EU/NZ/Canada/etc. will follow !
Great news for Ukraine equal bad news for THE HORDE 🇷🇺 🐐 🐖 ...

"British troops will be deployed in Ukraine for the first time under plans being discussed with military chiefs, the UK's new defense secretary has disclosed", - The Telegraph

This is not a good idea.
This is not a good idea.
why ?
Like 1905&1917, the Czar is now merely pouring lightly armed conscripts into piles at the front to absorb Ukrainian ammunition. very soon, The Moscow slaves will take putin and his family down to the basement

why ?
Like 1905&1917, the Czar is now merely pouring lightly armed conscripts into piles at the front to absorb Ukrainian ammunition. very soon, The Moscow slaves will take putin and his family down to the basement

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If they really do put British troops in-country in Ukraine, I hope you do not see it as a good thing. It's not and the Brits should surely know better.
If they really do put British troops in-country in Ukraine, I hope you do not see it as a good thing. It's not and the Brits should surely know better.
Biden´s strategy is slowly boiling Moscow frog (empire 🇷🇺 )British instructor lead the way for others . by the way , you are a military man, you´d know that a defending side always escalates, Nothing is special here

a leading military strategist edward luttwak speaks :

You’ve been posting Russia’s GDP for well over a year and a half. Yet Russia still stands and Ukraine is decimated.
For a year and a half you have been posting that Ukraine is decimated. Yet, Ukraine still stands and you are pushing Russian crap.

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