Can anyone think of a reason why we’d fund Ukraine

We promised to support Ukraine in return for giving up the nukes that the Soviet Union had stationed there

And because Putin is an insane asshole not unlike Mousolini
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?

Can anyone think of a reason why we’d fund Ukraine​

Can’t think of a reason to engage with this thread.
It's America's proxy war against Russia.
But that's a very dissatisfying answer now that it indicates that America and allies combined can't win this war.

At least we can start to entertain the question on whether American can win the war by calling off some of the previously agreed upon limitations.

That would begin with the agreement not to attack Russia directly with long range US made missiles, in numbers too large for Russia to shoot down.

I think the time has come. Now it depends on whether anybody is interested?

What comes next? If Moscow is hit, will Russia turn Kiev into a smoking ash pile? Would Russia even be capable of doing that? Or are we getting dangerously close to nuclear war?
The entire Cold War was a proxy war.
Putin wants those days back. Then he’ll get them.
China's and Russia's preliminary arrangements have now been finalized in Beijing.

But even the Brics alliance aside, it's become evident that Russia has been underestimated severely!

A peaceful solution is needed soon!
Russia can barely cover their own fight let alone China’s too. Get real.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to Lend-Lease to England to defend against Hitler?

There are fucking idiots like you in every generation.

Did you not understand the OP?

I'll draw a picture for you

$ > Ukraine > American weapons, or

$ > American weapons.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
One word: geopolitics

---think of a reason why we’d fund Ukraine​

Could it be that the PissPot Family Crime Syndicate has had a poor year and needs some Quantitative Easing support ?
The "zero sum game" is a fake game.
What if Russia, China, and the US didn't threaten?
What if trillions were freed up from military spending and put into housing, transportation, Medicine?

The desire for power, the lust for power, GREED is the root of all evil.
Russia and China wanted that but that may have changed.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
So we see that you have been taken in by Russian Propaganda...

Ukraine interests are a shared interest...

Putin is fucking scum who finds Democracy a threat. If Democracy works then he might have to let it happen in Russia.

He also thinks that more than one NATO countries should be part of Russia or under Russian influence...

Well he can fuck off there... We aren't going back to the Cold War... We already won one...

Thing with scumbag Dictator, best stop them early or next you have a major later...

Ikraine is the bargin of the Century when it comes to wars and the Pro Russian like you are quite upset about that...

that is why you have to play the false narrative about Ukraine.
Russia is repairing the damage in their newly acquired territories.
That's about the most ludicrous thing I've heard all day.
Sure Russia has built new Rail lines to move troops, munitions, and equipment but that's because Ukraine had all other roads so dialed in with mortars, rockets and drones nothing remotely military could travel them.
The famous Bridge certainly wasn't going to be of help getting stuff to Crimea. The ports were also of little use as Ukraine's Navy became proficient at blowing up ships in the harbors.

The "reconstruction" is tantamount to telling Chechens they can have the confiscated homes as their own...the cities aren't being rebuilt...they are still piles of Rubble. Bahkmut is still rubble. And with all the munitions lying about and dummies playing with them its a very dangerous place to live. Hidden land mines and conscription notwithstanding .

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