Conservative School Board Members Propose Public Burning Of Books


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Two members of the Spotsylvania County School Board have proposed burning books that the board this week unanimously voted to ban from high school libraries. All six members of the school board voted to remove books that some parents had flagged as "sexually explicit" from libraries in the county. However, two members thought that merely banning the books didn't go far enough.

One board member said that he believes
"we should throw those books in a fire," while his fellow board member added that he wants to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff." One one book targeted by the board is "33 Snowfish" by author Adam Rapp."

I never heard of this 33 Snowfish book but it "allegedly" won an American Library Association award for best book for young adults in 2004 and it was recommended for readers 15 yrs and is that possible? How many children over the past 17 years have been permanently scarred and damaged because they were forced to read this sexually explicit trash? The book dealt with sexual abuse, drug addiction and prostitution -- how is that appropriate for children?

These books should absolutely be burned so children can learn that books that push drug use, prostitution, tranny stuff and all of the other forms of indoctrination that the left and their CRT agenda promotes will not be tolerated and is hereby canceled.

"Two members of the Spotsylvania County School Board have proposed burning books that the board this week unanimously voted to ban from high school libraries. All six members of the school board voted to remove books that some parents had flagged as "sexually explicit" from libraries in the county. However, two members thought that merely banning the books didn't go far enough.

One board member said that he believes
"we should throw those books in a fire," while his fellow board member added that he wants to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff." One one book targeted by the board is "33 Snowfish" by author Adam Rapp."

I never heard of this 33 Snowfish book but it "allegedly" won an American Library Association award for best book for young adults in 2004 and it was recommended for readers 15 yrs and is that possible? How many children over the past 17 years have been permanently scarred and damaged because they were forced to read this sexually explicit trash? The book dealt with sexual abuse, drug addiction and prostitution -- how is that appropriate for children?

These books should absolutely be burned so children can learn that books that push drug use, prostitution, tranny stuff and all of the other forms of indoctrination that the left and their CRT agenda promotes will not be tolerated and is hereby canceled.
Hmmm. Yep. I was wondering how soon it would be before those just and righteous conservatives started resorting to old playbooks.
We have one hack of a poster on these boards that likes to draw comparisons between Democrats and a certain group of people that rose somewhere in Europe in the early 1930's.

But...who's burning books?..That sitting US Senator that stood up and said it was OK to give a certain salute and why were we all getting upset over it...which party does he belong to again?
Which side is advocating bodily injury and death for people that don't agree with them?

Aren't the similarities striking? They even had their own little "Putsch" to go with it in January. Sure, those other guys had theirs years before they finally got people to buy into their bullshit..but hey, what's a few
years between crazies. :)
So parents flagged the books? Good enough for me. Parents should have more decisions as to what their children are being exposed to in school.

I have a Kwik-Trip credit card and a Bic lighter if they want to borrow them.
If the parents ban the teaching of Evolution and Climate Change it`ll save the taxpayers a lot of money. Science and Biology books will be gone from the classrooms along with the teachers

"Two members of the Spotsylvania County School Board have proposed burning books that the board this week unanimously voted to ban from high school libraries. All six members of the school board voted to remove books that some parents had flagged as "sexually explicit" from libraries in the county. However, two members thought that merely banning the books didn't go far enough.

One board member said that he believes
"we should throw those books in a fire," while his fellow board member added that he wants to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff." One one book targeted by the board is "33 Snowfish" by author Adam Rapp."

I never heard of this 33 Snowfish book but it "allegedly" won an American Library Association award for best book for young adults in 2004 and it was recommended for readers 15 yrs and is that possible? How many children over the past 17 years have been permanently scarred and damaged because they were forced to read this sexually explicit trash? The book dealt with sexual abuse, drug addiction and prostitution -- how is that appropriate for children?

These books should absolutely be burned so children can learn that books that push drug use, prostitution, tranny stuff and all of the other forms of indoctrination that the left and their CRT agenda promotes will not be tolerated and is hereby canceled.
The phrase “burning books” does invoke the image of nazi bonfires

But what do schools normally do with obsolete or no longer needed books?

Send them to the landfill?
The phrase “burning books” does invoke the image of nazi bonfires

But what do schools normally do with obsolete or no longer needed books?

Send them to the landfill?

For that matter, what does the VFW do with those worn flags people put in the drop box? They burn them. That is the accepted practice.
The phrase “burning books” does invoke the image of nazi bonfires

But what do schools normally do with obsolete or no longer needed books?

Send them to the landfill?
True, but many of the books the Nazis burned were teaching/promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, communism, socialism, and Marxism.

"Two members of the Spotsylvania County School Board have proposed burning books that the board this week unanimously voted to ban from high school libraries. All six members of the school board voted to remove books that some parents had flagged as "sexually explicit" from libraries in the county. However, two members thought that merely banning the books didn't go far enough.

One board member said that he believes
"we should throw those books in a fire," while his fellow board member added that he wants to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff." One one book targeted by the board is "33 Snowfish" by author Adam Rapp."

I never heard of this 33 Snowfish book but it "allegedly" won an American Library Association award for best book for young adults in 2004 and it was recommended for readers 15 yrs and is that possible? How many children over the past 17 years have been permanently scarred and damaged because they were forced to read this sexually explicit trash? The book dealt with sexual abuse, drug addiction and prostitution -- how is that appropriate for children?

These books should absolutely be burned so children can learn that books that push drug use, prostitution, tranny stuff and all of the other forms of indoctrination that the left and their CRT agenda promotes will not be tolerated and is hereby canceled.
Why would you lefties suddenly care about banning books? Your side loves to censor conservatives. You just label anything you don’t like “misinformation” like a good little Soviet.

Pornography should of course be banned from schools. Only sick fucks (homosexuals, pedos....aka Democrats) would object to that.
One of the schoolboard members was offended by the language and vulgarity of a parent she threatened to have him removed. He had to point out that he was reading and quoting from the book.

"Two members of the Spotsylvania County School Board have proposed burning books that the board this week unanimously voted to ban from high school libraries. All six members of the school board voted to remove books that some parents had flagged as "sexually explicit" from libraries in the county. However, two members thought that merely banning the books didn't go far enough.

One board member said that he believes
"we should throw those books in a fire," while his fellow board member added that he wants to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff." One one book targeted by the board is "33 Snowfish" by author Adam Rapp."

I never heard of this 33 Snowfish book but it "allegedly" won an American Library Association award for best book for young adults in 2004 and it was recommended for readers 15 yrs and is that possible? How many children over the past 17 years have been permanently scarred and damaged because they were forced to read this sexually explicit trash? The book dealt with sexual abuse, drug addiction and prostitution -- how is that appropriate for children?

These books should absolutely be burned so children can learn that books that push drug use, prostitution, tranny stuff and all of the other forms of indoctrination that the left and their CRT agenda promotes will not be tolerated and is hereby canceled.
That's happening here too.

Why would you lefties suddenly care about banning books? Your side loves to censor conservatives. You just label anything you don’t like “misinformation” like a good little Soviet.

Pornography should of course be banned from schools. Only sick fucks (homosexuals, pedos....aka Democrats) would object to that.
Can you show me where pornography is being shown to kids in schools??

I'll wait while you make up shit
Its rather depressing isnt it ? Kids go to school to learn and by the time they are 15 there is a lot for them to take in.
Sex, drugs and prostitution are aspects of the world that we have created for them and some instruction would be helpful for them in trying to cope.
I think that schools would be remiss in not trying to educate the kids on these issues.
Its rather depressing isnt it ? Kids go to school to learn and by the time they are 15 there is a lot for them to take in.
Sex, drugs and prostitution are aspects of the world that we have created for them and some instruction would be helpful for them in trying to cope.
I think that schools would be remiss in not trying to educate the kids on these issues.
The fact that one of the books they want to publicly burn won an award in 2004 (During the BUSH years) is MORE PROOF that this is just manufactured outrage....

In 2004, Conservatives were too occupied with fearmongering over muslims to worry about library books.....

Then fear-mongering over Obamacare, birth certificates, gays getting married, mosques being built -- all of that kept them occupied for the last 10 yrs of they had to dig deep into the dumpster of bullshit find new things to outraged over....
"The Other Boy
A twelve-year-old likes pitching for his baseball team. But then someone reveals that he is secretly “gay.”

Basically gay porn....

"The God Box
A born-again Christian boy falls in love with a homosexual who transfers to his high school."

Who do these people think we are? Catholic...

Rethinking Normal
Nineteen-year-old Katie Hill talks about being born a boy and then undergoing gender reassignment surgery to “become” a girl. "

Yea right, only in Communist countries...

Despite the fact one of your sources is called "Rapture forums" -- I am pretty sure this is more manufactured outrage by reactionary right-wingers who would have no problem with living under a fascist theocracy...

And if you think any of this qualifies as pornography -- I'd hate for you to know what your kids can see on their own phones and tablets that you bought for a way, you are allowing them to access porn yourself
Yes I know history.
If you know history -- then you should also know that they didn't just burn books....they published literature of their own that they wanted every child to learn.....

Literature that called for "a pure national language and culture..attack "Jewish intellectualism", assert the need to "purify" German language and literature, and demand that universities be centres of German action described as a “response to a worldwide Jewish smear campaign against Germany and an affirmation of traditional German values.”

I see tons of so-called Conservatives whining about "intellectuals" and college elites....I see tons of Conservatives whining about how universities and schools aren't teaching kids more revisionist nationalism...and I see tons and tons of Conservatives whining and opining about how we aren't teaching "traditional" American values"

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