Democrat Leadership believes abortion rights will swing 2024 election their way.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


PHOENIX, Arizona — Democrats are counting on abortion rights to carry them to victory this fall in races across the country. But nowhere more so than in Arizona.

Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!
Since Roe v Wade was overruled, abortions are more numerous than they have been in a decade, so Democrat's argument is bogus again. As far as women's health is concerned, the abortion pill is 4 times as dangerous as the surgical procedure and it's even more dangerous now that our imbecile President has removed the necessity of a doctors supervision to use the pill. So if we're talking about women's health, Democrats are the villain, not Republicans. If we're talking about availability, there were10% more abortions in 2023 than 2021. Roe v Wade was shot down in 2022. So, the Democrat's alarmist argument is all a lie. MAGA
Since Roe v Wade was overruled, abortions are more numerous than they have been in a decade, so Democrat's argument is bogus again. As far as women's health is concerned, the abortion pill is 4 times as dangerous as the surgical procedure and it's even more dangerous now that our imbecile President has removed the necessity of a doctors supervision to use the pill. So if we're talking about women's health, Democrats are the villain, not Republicans. If we're talking about availability, there were10% more abortions in 2023 than 2021. Roe v Wade was shot down in 2022. So, the Democrat's alarmist argument is all a lie. MAGA

I appreciate your thoughtful post!

Our country is in a very precarious situation - high inflation, cost of necessities of life spiking, country being overrun with millions of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal and terrorists' foreign nationals, our foreign enemies see our current leadership as weak and constantly testing it, our nation's needy citizens are seeing their emergency rooms, schools and public housing being taken over by illegal entrant foreign nationals, our current president appears to be using his office of public trust to fatten his families fortune by selling out our best interests, and the list goes on and on and yet, there is a loud vocal crowd, probably orchestrated by some nefarious folks, trying to make abortion a national concern which is quite distressing, and especially so when most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

While all that's true, the GOP still needs to get the stick out of its ass and figure out the messaging, which counters the lies and renders them impotent.
It's the economy, the border and foreign policy for thinking people. Biden has failed miserably on all three

And that appears to be why our popular media, which is in bed with the current Democrat Party Leadership, is attempting to make abortion a federal issue and paint Republicans as wanting to place a total and federal ban on abortion. But the irrefutable fact is, most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”
And that appears to be why our popular media, which is in bed with the current Democrat Party Leadership, is attempting to make abortion a federal issue and paint Republicans as wanting to place a total and federal ban on abortion. But the irrefutable fact is, most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”
If the election is lost on that issue, the divide will get larger. And resentment may begin from Republican voters. Venting steam for an election is fine. Holding your breath and doing the scorned act is dangerous with a major party who has allegiance to other concerns.
If the election is lost on that issue, the divide will get larger. And resentment may begin from Republican voters. Venting steam for an election is fine. Holding your breath and doing the scorned act is dangerous with a major party who has allegiance to other concerns.

Seems that our un-American big media is intent on stirring the people's emotions using abortion, and doing so to take the heat off the current Democrat Party Leadership for the destruction it is inflicting upon the United States with its America last policies.
Abortion is a way overblown issue designed to create the largest victim group of all; women. Democrats thrive on victimhood.
Don’t create pregnancy and abortion is moot. It’s not like catching a cold. It requires an intentional and avoidable behavior.
And abortion hasn’t been outlawed, it was merely relegated to states’ authority per the constitution.
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

Believe? :auiqs.jpg:
Roe, Roe, Roe the vote. Gently, during a blue tsunami.
It is absolutely bewildering that the issue of abortion can determine the winner in a federal election. It is insane!

People in our country are suffering the effects of high inflation, cost of necessities of life spiking, our country being overrun with millions of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal and terrorist foreign nationals, our foreign enemies see our current leadership as weak and are constantly testing it, our nation’s needy citizens are seeing their emergency rooms, schools and public housing being taken over by illegal entrant foreign nationals, our current president appears to be using his office of public trust to fatten his families fortune by selling out our country’s best interests, and the list goes on and on and yet, there is a loud vocal crowd, probably manufactured by some nefarious evil folks, and trying to make abortion a national concern, which our Constitution says it is otherwise, all of which is quite distressing, and especially so when most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton and not with extremists on the abortion issue. . . . “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.” which is a practical viewpoint which I imagine sits well with ordinary, common sense, everyday people.


Most Republican voters agree with Hillary Clinton, and not extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.” And its regulation ought to be by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

Very possible. Reps are pretty good at destroying themselves. And dems take care of any left overs.

abort abort.jpg
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

Sexual perverts and baby killers always make this mistake. IF it doesn't swing the election it will bring a well-deserved repression for making the taking of life the big issue when actually living people need help. Go ahead, fools, kill yourself
It is absolutely bewildering that the issue of abortion can determine the winner in a federal election. It is insane!

People in our country are suffering the effects of high inflation, cost of necessities of life spiking, our country being overrun with millions of other countries poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal and terrorist foreign nationals, our foreign enemies see our current leadership as weak and are constantly testing it, our nation’s needy citizens are seeing their emergency rooms, schools and public housing being taken over by illegal entrant foreign nationals, our current president appears to be using his office of public trust to fatten his families fortune by selling out our country’s best interests, and the list goes on and on and yet, there is a loud vocal crowd, probably manufactured by some nefarious evil folks, and trying to make abortion a national concern, which our Constitution says it is otherwise, all of which is quite distressing, and especially so when most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton and not with extremists on the abortion issue. . . . “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.” which is a practical viewpoint which I imagine sits well with ordinary, common sense, everyday people.


Most Republican voters agree with Hillary Clinton, and not extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.” And its regulation ought to be by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.
So, in a nutshell, you think that border security is a much bigger issue than abortion access.

You would be wrong.
Diddycrats love child sacrifice, child trafficking, and organ harvesting.

Can 2 men have a baby? These 2 are on tapes trying...
Trump now says he will solve the abortion issue

Former President Donald Trump is vowing to solve the abortion dilemma that has dogged Republican candidates since the fall of Roe v. Wade with his singular dealmaking acumen.

The presumptive Republican nominee, who has pledged to make a statement on abortion this week, has said for months that if elected he would “come together with all groups” and “negotiate something” that would “make both sides happy,” suggesting that “15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at.”

Can Trump settle the issue with a plan that will please both sides?

I would doubt that

He is tampering with a base that he can count on who are pro life. It also will not appease the other side because they want choice. They would never believe him.

Trump is you either hate him or love him. That is not going to change

Well I believe he is just making campaign promises and now a politician

Boom goes the dynamite

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Ultimately they will go where it is legal
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