Electron and atomic model

There is a lot of empty space in the atom? I researched it and it appears the chicken and the egg of info that is came around the same time, Rutherford and Boohr. (sic) I assume they came up with their model first then naturally since the electron orbit has to be some distance from the nucleus, it was just accepted that atoms are 99.5% or more empty space? For me that dismisses the model, IDK.
His name is Niels Bohr.

How big the Earth would be if all the space was squeezed out of atoms?
The question is poorly phrased. There is no squeezing space out of atoms, particularly the entire earth.

If all the empty space within atoms were removed, the earth's volume would decrease by a factor of about 10^27 (a 1 followed by 27 zeros). This is an incredibly small amount and would not have any noticeable effect on the earth's size or shape.
One followed by twenty-seven zeroes is NOT "an incredibly small amount." It is huge. Here's a different approach. What is the volume of all the nuclei of the earth? The answer: about 184 meters.

ω = 4.122×1016 radians per second = 6.56×1015 turns per second. This is about 7 quadrillion revolutions per second or equivalently 7 thousand trillion revolutions per second. This is fantastically fast but it is much slower than the rate of rotation of nuclei.

Why would nuclei rotate?
Just reading the first one, there's nothing that would change the experiment if the EM field came from the core of the atom like I says.

list some popular experiments that are proof the electron orbits the proton?


Sure! There are several experiments that provide evidence for the existence of electron orbits or electron shells around the atomic nucleus:

Thomson's Cathode Ray Tube Experiment (1897): J.J. Thomson's experiment demonstrated that cathode rays, which we now know to be streams of electrons, can be deflected by electric and magnetic fields. This observation suggested the presence of negatively charged particles (electrons) moving within the atom.
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment (1911): Ernest Rutherford's experiment involved bombarding a thin gold foil with alpha particles. The majority of the alpha particles passed through the foil, but some were deflected at large angles, indicating the presence of a concentrated positive charge in a small region of the atom. This led to the proposal of a nuclear model of the atom, where electrons orbit around a central, positively charged nucleus.
Franck-Hertz Experiment (1914): The Franck-Hertz experiment provided evidence for the existence of discrete energy levels in atoms. By passing electrons through a low-pressure gas and measuring the energy they lose, distinct drops in energy were observed. These drops corresponded to the energy differences between electron energy levels, indicating that electrons occupy specific quantized orbits around the nucleus.
Spectroscopy Experiments: Various spectroscopic techniques, such as optical spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy, provide evidence for electron orbital transitions. These experiments involve analyzing the interaction of atoms with electromagnetic radiation and detecting the specific energy levels at which electrons absorb or emit photons.
Electron Diffraction Experiment (1927): The electron diffraction experiment, performed by Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer, showed that electrons exhibit wave-like properties. Electrons were directed at a crystalline target, and the resulting diffraction pattern could only be explained if electrons were treated as waves interfering with each other. This experiment supported the wave-particle duality of electrons and confirmed their existence as discrete entities orbiting the nucleus.
These experiments, among others, collectively provide strong evidence for the existence of electron orbits or electron shells around the atomic nucleus and support the current atomic model.
There is a lot of empty space in the atom? I researched it and it appears the chicken and the egg of info that is came around the same time, Rutherford and Boohr. I assume they came up with their model first then naturally since the electron orbit has to be some distance from the nucleus, it was just accepted that atoms are 99.5% or more empty space? For me that dismisses the model, IDK.

How big the Earth would be if all the space was squeezed out of atoms?

If all the empty space within atoms were removed, the earth's volume would decrease by a factor of about 10^27 (a 1 followed by 27 zeros). This is an incredibly small amount and would not have any noticeable effect on the earth's size or shape.

What speed do electrons orbit the nucleus?

ω = 4.122×1016 radians per second = 6.56×1015 turns per second. This is about 7 quadrillion revolutions per second or equivalently 7 thousand trillion revolutions per second. This is fantastically fast but it is much slower than the rate of rotation of nuclei.

Do electrons actually orbit the nucleus?

Electrons do not orbit a nucleus in the manner of a planet orbiting a star, but instead exist as standing waves. Thus the lowest possible energy an electron can take is similar to the fundamental frequency of a wave on a string.

What causes the atoms in a molecule to join together?

The atoms in a compound are held together by chemical bonds. Either "ionic bonds" (formed when one or more electrons are 'transferred' from one atom to another) or "covalent bonds" (formed when atoms 'share' electrons instead of transferring them).

Do electrons have weight?

Electrons are negatively charged particles weighing zero atomic mass units and located in the various orbitals of the energy levels outside the atomic nucleus. The electron actually weighs 9.11x10-28 grams. This means it would take about 1,830 electrons to equal the mass of one proton.

What does the shell of an atom do?

Shell (electron): A grouping of electrons in an atom according to energy. The farther a shell is from the nucleus, the larger it is, the more electrons it can hold, and the higher the energies of those electrons. The first shell (closest to the nucleus) can hold two electrons.

What repels atoms from each other?

Particles with the same charge repel each other, while oppositely charged particles attract each other. For example, a proton, which is positively charged, is attracted to electrons, which are negatively charged. However, if we put two electrons together or two protons together, they will repel one another.

Where does magnetic field come from?

Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges. Everything is made up of atoms, and each atom has a nucleus made of neutrons and protons with electrons that orbit around the nucleus. Since the orbiting electrons ≠are tiny moving charges, a small magnetic field is created around each atom.

How are electron shells formed?

An electron shell may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom nucleus. Because each shell can contain only a fixed number of electrons, each shell is associated with a particular range of electron energy, and thus each shell must fill completely before electrons can be added to an outer shell.

What is an atom? Well we kind of think we know, it's more or less electrons and a nucleus.

But what are those things made of?

I've been looking at the strong theory and the idea there seems to be that everything is just energy. It seems to make sense to me. An electron is just energy, maybe going in waves, maybe not, but string theory says it is, even in the math doesn't add up yet.

The nucleus is made up of things that are also just energy. Then you have light bouncing around hitting energy and changing that energy, changing how it moves, so that it can be light, heat or something else.

The difference is that photons can be in the same place as other photons, in other words they let lots of energy be in the same place, whereas the electrons and other such forms of energy don't, hence why things become "solid", even liquid and gas is "solid" as they can't be in the same place at the same time.
the core is a region where the background medium is a single functioning area of heat, in the earth core or the atom. The larger the core region is the stronger the gravity field, The core of the earth doesn't radiate out a gravity field but the heat creates an attraction by increasing towards the center, quite the opposite of something that is radiating heat. So the heat isn't magic its just being absorbed by the core instead of radiating away from what is hot its compressing around, instead of an explosion you get gravity?
One followed by twenty-seven zeroes is NOT "an incredibly small amount." It is huge.
That's about the only potentially helpful comment I've read in this thread. The innumeracy on display here is astounding.

Your next assertion for example:
Here's a different approach. What is the volume of all the nuclei of the earth? The answer: about 184 meters.
184 cubic meters? Liters perhaps?

What's the volume of the Earth?
Space.com says:
"1.086 trillion cubic kilometers"

What's 1.086 trillion cubic kilometers divided by 1 x 10^27?
(1 086 000 000 000 / 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000)

Google says:
= 0.000000000000001081 cubic kilometers
UnitConverters.net says:
= 1081 cubic millimeter

In other words, pretty small. Not much.
eta: 1081 cubic millimeter = 1.084 milliliters

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I try hard not to be an asshole. I do. Math is hard. I often screw it up as well as the next guy. For example, above I was just saying "1086" one minute, then switched to "1081" the next.

Main point is "Pay attention to your units!" as at least one of your teachers screamed at least once in one class or another. Picking on trevor is too easy. Comparing what the supposed experts have to say is what's truly enlightening. Generally speaking.. they're no better!

Bunch of pompous asses who couldn't stick to a set of units if their lives depended upon it. Check out this smarmy crap from physics.stackexchange.com:

Question: "If there were no space between nuclei, how big would the Earth be?" {<---actual link}

Initial response apparently from the forum gods (links deleted):
  • @coffee We aren't a discussion site. We have quite a few rules on which types of questions we allow (see tour, help center, and How to Ask). It's OK to raise doubt about the suitability of the question for the site, as long as it is done constructively.
    – Manishearth
    Nov 4, 2013 at 16:22

  • What experimental evidence do you know of coffee, that says there is no space between nuclei ? Without that, your question is not about Physics.
    – user26165
    Nov 6, 2013 at 1:57
Now check out the "Five Responses".. (why radius? or density?)
Extra credit: Is that a teaspoon or a tablespoon pictured above?

Mr. Death? Mr. Death? ..Yes, I was wondering if we could take the cars?
spin a nuts

one day
Dr. Nuts say
your idea like butts!
but then
Nuts begin
to spin
he say
'what the hey!'
what spin a nuts
this way?
and to this day
Nuts spin away
arguing his seat
is made of clay!
Nope. No such thing as empty space. Even died in the wool atomists like Dr. Becky preach the same.

Nuts are you still against all my new stuff? It has been a common reaction, however some people are beginning to question? We talked a lot I can kind of guess what your going to say... seems like it starts with the space in the atom trick, where you have deviated from mr Bohr? can you explain why?
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You're welcome!
So Nuts how is the spin angular momentum of the earth not effected by the vast oceans moving on its surface? wouldn't the initial spin of the earth change dramatically by meteors striking? but do explain how something that spins maintains its initial oscillation indefinitely in space unless acted on by an outside force, how the forces of the ocean and meteors aren't influencing? Or am I calling you out when you think this anyway?
Again, you're welcome.
So in your mind does the spin create the poles of the earth and its magnetic field? or is it coincidence and the field is going to flop at any second? Can't understand after all our discourse where you would stand, seems whimsical to what mood you're in?
So in your mind does the spin create the poles of the earth
and its magnetic field?
or is it coincidence
and the field is going to flop at any second?
Can't understand after all our discourse where you would stand, seems whimsical to what mood you're in?

Why does Earth spin?

Earth spins because of the way it was formed. Our Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago when a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud collapsed, it started to spin. Some of the material within this cloud gathered into swirling eddies and eventually formed into planets. As the planets formed, they kept this spinning motion. This is similar to what you see when skaters pull in their arms and spin faster. As material gathered in more closely to form a planet, like Earth, the material spun faster. The Earth keeps on spinning because there are no forces acting to stop it.
Since the forces that generate our magnetic field are constantly changing, the field itself is also in continual flux, its strength waxing and waning over time. This causes the location of Earth’s magnetic north and south poles to gradually shift, and to even completely flip locations every 300,000 years or so.
You're welcome.

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