Female Democrat Tweets / Tells Teenager He Should Be AFRAID Of Her...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
That was a crazily defensive tweet that is for sure.

What the hell. Bad night or what?
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
I thought Socialists were against Bullying,.?
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
why should i fear what this government wants to do with our country?

unless they know i'm not going to like it. in which case, it's on.

not misinterpreted at all. just something very stupid to say.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.

Either way it is not the right way to go.

Why should he be afraid of our politicians?

This should not be defended nor justified by either side.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
why should i fear what this government wants to do with our country?

unless they know i'm not going to like it. in which case, it's on.

not misinterpreted at all. just something very stupid to say.
Lol, the way you guys act I'd hate to see what happens if someone uses a metaphor or a figure of speech around you.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
This is why more and more men and not enough of them will watch them get their azzes handed to them. A five minute beat down wailing on their face will work wonders. Please do not haze me. This exists today in areas of our nation where survival is harder and the temperment of individuals is shorter. You see the tip of the iceberg with some sports players. The TV shills react swiftly to deflect this issue and condemn a sport player for it but it has to expand as the male poverty rate expands and the education of males declines.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
This is why more and more men and not enough of them will watch them get their azzes handed to them. A five minute beat down wailing on their face will work wonders. Please do not haze me. This exists today in areas of our nation where survival is harder and the temperment of individuals is shorter. You see the tip of the iceberg with some sports players. The TV shills react swiftly to deflect this issue and condemn a sport player for it but it has to expand as the male poverty rate expands and the education of males declines.
What the fuck are you talking about?
She's obviously talking about coming political changes...
And a 14yo boy is suppose to know that?

Again, not trying to bash her / demonize her, just pointing out this was not the best way to respond.

This should not be a 'bash-able' moment for the D-NY Rep. It should be a 'teachable' moment for her.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
why should i fear what this government wants to do with our country?

unless they know i'm not going to like it. in which case, it's on.

not misinterpreted at all. just something very stupid to say.
Lol, the way you guys act I'd hate to see what happens if someone uses a metaphor or a figure of speech around you.
you mean like "please, find those 33k mails" gets way blown out of proportion?

you defending this bullshit speaks volumes of you.
She's obviously talking about coming political changes...
And a 14yo boy is suppose to know that?

Again, not trying to bash her / demonize her, just pointing out this was not the best way to respond.

This should not be a 'bash-able' moment for the D-NY Rep. It should be a 'teachable' moment for her.
i'll bash her and anyone in our government who says you should fear them, what they're out to do, their politics...

it is wrong and i don't give a flying horse shit in a hurricane who did it.
Where the citizens fear the government, there is tyranny. Where the government fears the people there is liberty.

The Democrats intend that we should fear them. By definition they are tyranny.
She's obviously talking about coming political changes...
And a 14yo boy is suppose to know that?

Again, not trying to bash her / demonize her, just pointing out this was not the best way to respond.

This should not be a 'bash-able' moment for the D-NY Rep. It should be a 'teachable' moment for her.
The best way? Maybe not, but certainly not worthy of the apoplectic OP. Mountains out of molehills, it seems to be a conservative staple these days.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
why should i fear what this government wants to do with our country?

unless they know i'm not going to like it. in which case, it's on.

not misinterpreted at all. just something very stupid to say.
Lol, the way you guys act I'd hate to see what happens if someone uses a metaphor or a figure of speech around you.
you mean like "please, find those 33k mails" gets way blown out of proportion?

you defending this bullshit speaks volumes of you.
That's a direct quote, do you deny he said it? Is there another way to interpret it?
The best way? Maybe not, but certainly not worthy of the apoplectic OP. Mountains out of molehills, it seems to be a conservative staple these days.
DUDE.....it seems to be BOTH SIDES' staple and not just 'these days'. There are way too many on both sides playing that game. BTW, this kid was not playing that game.

'Know Your Audience'
'Always put your best foot forward'
You never get a 2nd chance to make a good 1st impression'

These are good rules of thumb for everyone.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress

Those who engaged in the attempt to cover up the Mueller Investigation are to be feared. The truth will make you free; lies can destroy you.
WHY should any child - or American - be AFRAID of an elected 'Servant Of The People'?

WHY would any politician Tweet to a child and tell them that they should be AFRAID of her?

CJ Pearson, the teen Internet star/activist on the internet who goes back and forth between supporting conservatives and Liberals, was Tweeting during the State of the Union Speech.

In one Tweet he comments about AOC constantly talking to a woman next to her, a woman he does not know.

".@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way ????.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) February 6, 2019"

To Pearson's surprise, 'the woman' Tweeted a response to him.

"Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us. But you should learn my name. https://t.co/frL8ikNDcV
— Nydia M Velázquez (@ReElectNydia) February 6, 2019"

...ok, that's a little CREEPY! She actually 'threatened' the child, told the child they had a reason to be afraid of an elected federal politician.

That is not MY OPINION - That is the same way 'TWITTER' felt ... and THEY responded back to D-NY Velázquez:

"You do know that @thecjpearson is a minor right? You sound like you are threatening a minor...
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju)
February 6, 2019"

"United States Citizens should NEVER fear politicians. This tweet is deeply disturbing.
— Julie Betts (@JulieLvsPACKERS)
February 6, 2019"

"Wow. You had an opportunity to introduce yourself in a diplomatic way. Instead you chose to let citizens know we should be afraid of you. Not to mention on a night when POTUS was calling for unity.. literally right in front of you. Who are the divisive ones again?? ??
— Allie Mass (@AllieMassengale)
February 6, 2019"

"This tweet is disturbing... An elected official who demands that they be feared is an elected official who should never have been elected in the first place.
— Lady Porch ?? (@TheMrsPorch)
February 6, 2019"

"Threatening the constituency? Who are you, Joseph Stalin? Oops. You probably don't know who that is.
— Amy R (@LittleHawaii) February 6, 2019"


Unfortunately it seems D-NY Velázquez suffers from the same problem as does AOC - major attitude and speaks without thinking 1st. She had an opportunity to introduce herself to the teen and chose instead to Tweet a 'threat' / 'warning/ instead.

Pearson Tweeted back that he genuinely didn't know who she was and told her that perhaps if she worked harder more Americans would know her name.

With there being 435 members of Congress 'working harder' probably won't help many people outside of her own Constituents to get to know her....BUT INTRODCING YOURSELF BY THREATENING A CHILD IN A TWEET IS A REALLY GOOD WAY TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU...AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. :p

(In her defense, I / we do not know if she has faced insults and criticism - especially sexist or 'socialist' or whatever, but it sounds like she was a rather 'defensive'. She just need to remember to work on her PR / People skills and to always be 'pleasant', especially at 1st....until it's time to stop being so 'pleasant'.)

Seriously? This Dem Rep Just Told a Kid He Should Fear Members of Congress
Holy deliberate misinterpretation Batman!

She's obviously talking about coming political changes, not physical violence.
This is why more and more men and not enough of them will watch them get their azzes handed to them. A five minute beat down wailing on their face will work wonders. Please do not haze me. This exists today in areas of our nation where survival is harder and the temperment of individuals is shorter. You see the tip of the iceberg with some sports players. The TV shills react swiftly to deflect this issue and condemn a sport player for it but it has to expand as the male poverty rate expands and the education of males declines.
What the fuck are you talking about?
That there comes a time when men have taken enough of this. The numbers are growing. And most of it from your agendas. This is not caveman crap. Many women have been affected also. What the hell do you think the African American Israelite group who threatened the Catholic school kids that is supposedly on your side is? Go ph uk with them. Tell them you are a progressive socialist and on their side.

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