Good vs Evil Dimension


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
In Convoluted Universe 4 by Dolores Cannon (page 517), the Aliens said Earth is in a Dual System Dimension of good vs evil, hot vs cold, black vs white. There are 38 different Systems. 38 Dimensions?
I'm not familiar with Dolores Cannon, but rational and logic consideration of the universe/cosmos does show that there is a polarity existence. In addition to the examples you show in your OP others of significance would be Positive/Negative, Light/Dark, and Energy/Matter.
I'm not familiar with Dolores Cannon, but rational and logic consideration of the universe/cosmos does show that there is a polarity existence. In addition to the examples you show in your OP others of significance would be Positive/Negative, Light/Dark, and Energy/Matter.
Thank you Stryder50 for your input on this topic.

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