Heart Valve Replacement

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He has stenosis of the aortic valve and the only remedy is a valve replacement.
Had a friend whos elderly mother had two heart valves replaces with "pig" valves... it worked fine for her and she lived a few years with no problems... she died later though of something else.
After the surgery recovery she was moving around just fine.
“Millions “ successfully recover every year and if he has no co- morbidities he will be fine . Of course If he has had Killer Shots he will probably still be fine . Valves can be replaced but heart muscles not , as I understand it .
Has anyone here undergone a heart valve replacement? My dad is scheduled to have his replaced.

I met a Viet Nam vet who told me he had one of his heart valves replaced with a Pig's heart valve. He hadn't had any problems with it in 15 years.
My mother had the aortic and mitral valves replaced in the late 80's with the plastic/metal valves and was on a blood thinner thereafter. She lived until 2008.

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