Is the 'market value of becoming Canadian' dropping? Fewer immigrants are becoming citizens


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There is little value in becoming a Canadian. Our Charter of Freedoms is a paperweight, regularly ignored and undermined by our Security Industrial Complex. Politicians not only do not fight for Canadians but many in places like Ontario happily expand the Police State with glee.

I was born and raised in Canada, what value did my citizenship have in assuring transparency and accountability? What consequences was there for abusers, liars, agent provacateurs? As someone who has been targeted since I was a kid. first by sons of cops (creepy) and then by the adults themselves, I can attest as to how creepy and unaccountable our system is.

CSIS should have intervened and asked me direct questions long ago, I could have provided very specific details as to what was going on since I was a kid, the protection of abusers and manufacturing of threats by the lineage of police. If such unaccountable agencies and their protectors isn't a National Security threat, what is? Do they not read history?

We need a hero who has the courage to confront what ills Canada, we are FAR from the nation we promote and I guarantee you those who REALLY need to know, do know. Regardless of how many of the S.I.C equals in the U.S work to defend these people.

Until we have a hero there is only one direction in which this nation will head. Defend your northern border. Just as the citizens of East Germany ran for freedom you are going to experience more and more of this regardless of who is in power.

Canada is taking in more immigrants than it ever has. But new data suggests that fewer and fewer of them are becoming citizens.
The proportion of eligible permanent residents acquiring citizenship has dropped significantly, especially during the last census period. A study released by Statistics Canada on Wednesday shows the proportion of permanent residents who acquired Canadian citizenship after they met the residency requirement has decreased from 75 per cent in 1996 to just 46 per cent in 2021.

While the rate of newcomers acquiring citizenship has declined consistently during the past six censuses, the drop was steep in the latest national survey, particularly among recent immigrants with lower levels of education, lower family income and lower language skills.

The findings confirm the worrisome trends identified by the research of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship that found a strong decline in the "market value of becoming Canadian."
Just there to rob you blind
No, it is far worse than being overtaxed.

We had an RCMP officer openly manufacture an "assault" in public when he railroaded a reporter by running a pick on him as he was asking questions of a senior government minister. Other officers were watching, not because they didn't agree with what he did but because they knew the cameras were rolling. "Hey, we do the same thing but not in front of the cameras man". The government didn't ask the police to do this, they are above government. They do as they please with only the judges in our courts as protection and in Ontario they are even getting rid of these protections.

This is a microcosm of Canadian policing. Surely the U.S and other agencies were watching this and asking themselves "is this the Free Press in Canada"? Is this how they manufacture threats?

Yes, it is. Unfortunately it is far worse against far less powerful and public figures using the most pervasive methods. You would have to be a drunk idiot to move to Ontario. Our best and brightest are leaving this place, why would someone arrive in Toronto with the thought that "this is where liberty lives"?

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