Israel war is ONLY about natural resources . The rest is BS .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Recent History tells you that all US wars involve Resources ( US and Israel are interchangeable because essentially they alone are global banking with creepy UK in the background ).
And don't forget that Soviet resource analyses in the 70s and 80s showed $£6 trillion lay under Afghanistan soil .

Now see this present ME conflict , which Normies only see as a heartbreak of terrible violence to and from both sides, also as about resources . Little more or less .
I told you how Israel had prevented Palestine from developing Oil and Gas reserves off the Gaza coast . And I remind you that only days after October 7 , Israel handed out 12 exploration contracts to six groups of international cronies .

So read this and see the bitter truth underneath the war and how the basic reasons for international skullduggery are never seen by Normies and Sheeple



We are engaged in two wars, in Europe and in the Middle East, which are having increasingly serious consequences for our living conditions and security.
On the European front, in September 2022, what the Wall Street Journal calls "one of the biggest acts of sabotage in Europe since World War II" was carried out: the United States, aided by Norway and Poland, blew up Nord Stream, the main pipeline carrying cheap Russian gas to Germany and, from there to other European countries. The dynamics of this war action have been reconstructed, on the basis of precise evidence, by the American journalist Seymour Hersh and by a German investigation.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the blockade of Nord Stream "a huge strategic opportunity for years to come" and pointed out that "the U.S. has become the largest supplier of liquefied natural gas to Europe [read: the European Union]," gas that we Europeans pay much more for than we used to import from Russia.
At the same time, the United States is passing on to the European Union the enormous cost of NATO's war in Ukraine against Russia. The European Commission is paving the way for Ukraine's imminent entry into the EU, with the result that it is European citizens who will pay for Ukraine's huge deficit.
On the Middle East front, the European Union supports the war in which Israel, with the support of the United States and NATO, is attacking Palestine and fuelling a regional conflict, targeting Iran in particular. Italy, which has been linked to Israel by a military pact since 2004, has provided the fighter jets on which Israeli pilots train, which bomb Gaza causing massacres of civilians, and supports the Israeli armed forces in various ways. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni that Italy would become an energy hub for the delivery of gas that Israel will send to Europe through the EastMed pipeline.
The portion of the offshore gas field, which Israel claims sole ownership, is largely located in the territorial waters of the Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank. Through the EastMed pipeline, Israel will therefore export Palestinian natural gas, which it seized by military force, to Italy and the EU.

Manlio Dinucci

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Last edited:
Recent History tells you that all US wars involve Resources ( US and Israel are interchangeable because essentially they alone are global banking with creepy UK in the background ).
And don't forget that Soviet resource analyses in the 70s and 80s showed $£6 trillion lay under Afghanistan soil .

Now see this present ME conflict , which Normies only see as a heartbreak of terrible violence to and from both sides, also as about resources . Little more or less .
I told you how Israel had prevented Palestine from developing Oil and Gas reserves off the Gaza coast . And I remind you that only days after October 7 , Israel handed out 12 exploration contracts to six groups of international cronies .

So read this and see the bitter truth underneath the war and how the basic reasons for international skullduggery are never seen by Normies and Sheeple



We are engaged in two wars, in Europe and in the Middle East, which are having increasingly serious consequences for our living conditions and security.
On the European front, in September 2022, what the Wall Street Journal calls "one of the biggest acts of sabotage in Europe since World War II" was carried out: the United States, aided by Norway and Poland, blew up Nord Stream, the main pipeline carrying cheap Russian gas to Germany and, from there to other European countries. The dynamics of this war action have been reconstructed, on the basis of precise evidence, by the American journalist Seymour Hersh and by a German investigation.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the blockade of Nord Stream "a huge strategic opportunity for years to come" and pointed out that "the U.S. has become the largest supplier of liquefied natural gas to Europe [read: the European Union]," gas that we Europeans pay much more for than we used to import from Russia.
At the same time, the United States is passing on to the European Union the enormous cost of NATO's war in Ukraine against Russia. The European Commission is paving the way for Ukraine's imminent entry into the EU, with the result that it is European citizens who will pay for Ukraine's huge deficit.
On the Middle East front, the European Union supports the war in which Israel, with the support of the United States and NATO, is attacking Palestine and fuelling a regional conflict, targeting Iran in particular. Italy, which has been linked to Israel by a military pact since 2004, has provided the fighter jets on which Israeli pilots train, which bomb Gaza causing massacres of civilians, and supports the Israeli armed forces in various ways. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni that Italy would become an energy hub for the delivery of gas that Israel will send to Europe through the EastMed pipeline.
The portion of the offshore gas field, which Israel claims sole ownership, is largely located in the territorial waters of the Palestinian territory of Gaza and the West Bank. Through the EastMed pipeline, Israel will therefore export Palestinian natural gas, which it seized by military force, to Italy and the EU.

Manlio Dinucci

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It's a mediocre amount of gas but it could supply all of Palestine. But of course the Israeli's want to take it for themselves.
Wish he went a step further and identified International Bankers as Deep State elite .
Tragic that threads like this are barely worth the time and effort to present .
Far too deep and complex .

They do not contain key trigger words /terms like :-
Words ending in an alphabet letter
Special Numbers below 42 beginning with a vowel
Anti semitism
All Palestinians resemble turds
Why Left is Right but Right is not Left
plus other brands of garbage

Of course your video is useless .
43 minutes ??
Come on . We already know that the highest number known to Sheeple is theoretically 42 .
In practise 10 minutes is a big effort for them .

In my universe all Sheeple should be forced to recite this boring treatise ( albeit a correct one ) or be publicly skinned alive , then quartered with heads displayed at sporting eventsand pop concerts .
perhaps Gen Butler's abridged version Lu?

long before Eisenhower went down the same road>


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