Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Iran.....spreading its wings to destroy Israel ]

The protests and encampments all over the country are taking on disturbing and astounding tones. The demands of the Columbia encampment (credit: The Free Press): “Their demands are that ‘Zionism’ be fully dismantled and that these schools embrace things like declaring Jerusalem the capital of Palestine. And this isn’t a make-peace group hoping for two states; for them, even talking to the other side is evil: ‘We, therefore, reject all collaboration and dialogue with Zionist organizations through a strict policy of anti-normalization. The liberation of Palestine requires the abolition of Zionism.’ “ Here’s a terrific op-ed by a non-Jewish liberal Columbia professor who explains what the difference is between protest and .. what’s actually going on.

These students are then inverting the truth and history, calling the natives the colonizers, and demanding that the natives return the colonized land to the colonizers


The Jews are the natives who were able to come back to power and take back their own destiny. They’re here to stay. Israel is Jewish. These people are not giving up their land ever again. They know what happens when they do. They have learned from their tragic history.

But when were you ever silenced? You've been calling to stop Jewish migration to Mandate Palestine, stop Arab sale of land to Jews, deport the Jews, destroy their state, kidnap their airplanes, kidnap their athletes, make them scared to go around U.S. college campuses.

You were never ever silenced. You've been trying to silence Jews since forever, convince them that a Jewish state is racism that should be destroyed (but an Islamic State is liberal democracy where queer will be teated like royalty), that only Muslims can imagine religious legends in Jerusalem but not Jews, that Jewish women were never raped or 1,200 of them were ever killed, and on an on.

Numbers can make noise, but cannot make reality. When numbers think their fiction is realty, it is called collective delusion.Muslims are a global majority, Jews are a fraction. The fraction cannot out shout the majority.

Enough with these Al-Jazeera propaganda trips.

As if these Hamas loving cretins would suddenly stop supporting rape and torture by Islamist terrorists if “the occupation” ended.

Well I got news for ya buddy, Islamists have been jealous of Jews to the point of trying to kill them since long before 1967…before 48 too. It was terrorists who ethnically cleansed Hebron in 1929 of their indigenous Jewish population — a pogrom inspired by the same BS lies that are being spread today “Al Aqsa is in danger” Occupation is a symptom, not the problem.

And by the way, Palestinians don’t think this is bad or oppressive. Their top intellectual Rashid Khalid’s said in an interview, weeks ago, that the problem of Jewish migration to Mandate Palestine was that Jews didn’t assimilate and learn Arabic, but had their own national project.

So all what you see on US campuses is not peace or demand for two states. It’s a demand for replacing Jewish Israel with an Arab Palestine. And most Arabs think that the Arab identity is all encompassing, because it is not a religion, while a Jewish identity is exclusive because it is a religion.

A lot to unpack here to explain this fundamental Arab error, and eventually racism and antisemitism, but won’t fit in one Post.
Meet the new Left, who think Hamas are good and that Swastikas are woke.
The refusal to view political struggles as anything beyond ‘good’ and ‘evil’ has led progressives down a dark path.

Ryan Zickgraf.
24 April 2024 • 1:23pm

The messaging of modern Leftist activism is muddled at best.
It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

During the Trans Day of Visibility, a Palestine flag flew above the Trans flag during some marches, with one sign explaining that “Liberations are linked.” Some are even talking up BRICS as allies (maybe Putin and Xi aren’t so bad after all?) and – yes – even looking back fondly at the Khmer Rouge.

It’s narcissistic identity politics on steroids, one where specific conditions and geography melt away completely. It’s no longer enough to have solidarity with the people of Palestinians in their time of plight; you must be them. Are you fat, trans, and live in, say, Evanston, Illinois? You are somehow in a shared position with starved and bombed-out citizens of Gaza. “Palestine is a flat circle,” you can almost hear True Detective’s Rust Cohle murmur if he were a contemporary campus radical.

I witnessed All One Thingism in the flesh in Atlanta while reporting on the “Stop Cop City” saga. What began as a very specific protest against the construction of an expensive new public safety facility in a Georgia forest by environmentalists, police, and prison abolitionists got subsumed into “Free Palestine.” After October 7, anarchists marching in the streets of Atlanta increasingly donned keffiyehs, waved Palestinian flags, and held signs that said: “From Atlanta to Palestine” (which I believe is a fairly big 6,400-mile line).

There’s no better embodiment of this trend than James “Fergie” Chambers, the wealthy tattooed Left-wing heir in Atlanta. Last summer, Chambers helped bankroll the Stop Cop City movement with millions from his Cox family fortune and attended protests in person. Then, in December, he announced he was converting to Islam. He’s currently living in Tunisia and directing his big bucks into anti-Zionism causes.

And lest you think it’s just blue-haired college baristas with these views, consider the author with the worst book title of all time who recently posted among the most despicable Tweets of all time. That would be courtesy of Malcolm Harris, the author of S--- Is F---ed Up and Bulls--- and veritable Napoleon Dynamite of communist writers.

Earlier this month on X, Harris responded to CNN’s Jake Tapper’s report that the Pennsylvania synagogue he had bar mitzphaed at had been vandalised with a swastika. Harris didn’t condemn the anti-Semitic graffiti but indirectly praised it. The meaning of the Nazi symbol had been reversed from bad to good, Harris said, “from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide.”

America is evil, Hamas is good, and swastikas are now woke. This is your brain on All One Thingism.

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