Keith Ellison, who appears anti-gay, anti-Jew and anti-white could chair DNC


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course, he claims ignorance that all his associates are rabid Jew, gay and white haters. Never mind that he stood next to those who said the most hateful things about those groups. Dems embrace him despite evidence that he hates gays, whites and Jews.

"Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim in Congress, may be the next Democrat National Committee Chairman.

There’s just one, big problem, however, and that is how the media have refused to cover the dark past of Ellison — namely his ties to the Nation of Islam and radical Islam.

The liberal media have shied away from reporting on Ellison, likely because of his Muslim background. Even things such as his failure to pay $25,000 in income taxes, the failure to pay parking ticket fines, the suspension of his driver’s license numerous times, willful violations of Minnesota campaign finance law, etc., have received little coverage, according to The Weekly Standard via an article back in 2006.

The scary thing is that none of those things are even the worst of it …

Ellison had claimed, in a letter to the local chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council during his bid for Congress, that his ties to the Nation of Islam spanned just 18 months around the time of the 1995 Million Man March. Public records show something different, however.

Instead of doing any digging, the media in the Minneapolis area, which Ellison is represents, simply took his word for it.

During his time as a third-year law student in 1989-1990, Ellison wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily as “Keith Hakim.” In those columns, Hakim defended Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad and wrote as an advocate of the National of Islam.

In the second column, he demanded reparations for slavery and even called for a separate optional homeland for American blacks.

Ellison has claimed that he did not know during his affiliation that the Nation of Islam was antisemitic. However, he stood on stage with Khalid Abdul Muhammad at a rally for the Million Man March in 1995. Muhammad said at the rally, “If words were swords, the chests of Jews, gays and whites would be pierced.”
In 1990, Ellison sponsored notorious radical Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to give a speech at the law school titled “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?”

In his bid for Congress, Ellison claimed that he did not personally espouse antisemitic views, yet he ignored the Jewish law students who met with him to request that he not sponsor the speech and instead allowed Ture to spew his antisemitism.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, however, as Ellison’s background is fraught with disturbing information, such as his support of a gang leader, Sharif Willis, who was accused of the murder of a police officer. Although Willis was not charged with that crime due to “insufficient evidence,” he was later convicted of drug/gun crimes and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Fast forward to Ellison’s initial bid for Congress and take a look at who flew out to Minneapolis to support him — the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad, who has expressed support for the radical Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.

Ellison’s past has been skimmed over because of political correctness. It’s bad enough that he occupies a U.S. Congress seat, but now he may also serve as head of the DNC. The fact that the Democrats would even consider someone with Ellison’s background to lead their party is a scary thought but, sadly, not surprising."

ALERT: Potential DNC Chair's Dark Past Finally Exposed... Spread This Everywhere
Good, let the democrooks keep picking increasingly vile sociopaths to lead them.

We shouldn't allow them in this country, let alone in government. This guy is the typical radical Muslim. Most seem to hold these same fucked up ideas about all non-Muslims. Dearborn, MI, is going to shit and doesn't even look like it's part of America anymore. They are like a cancer and they will continue to fight for Islam to rule the world. Here's another example of the typical Muslim.

"Think you can coexist with the Muslim community? Then you probably haven’t heard what this western Islamic religious leader has to say about the horror that is… saying “Merry Christmas.”

Yes, according to this Muslim, saying Merry Christmas is worse than murder (which, by the way, means Muslims killing other Muslims because killing an infidel like you or me ain’t no big deal).

In fact he says that saying Merry Christmas “is worse than fornication and drinking alcohol and killing someone, because you are approving of the biggest crime ever committed by the children of Adam’s sin.”

Muslim Religious Leader says Saying Merry Christmas is Worse than Murder ⋆ USA 24
Of course, he claims ignorance that all his associates are rabid Jew, gay and white haters. Never mind that he stood next to those who said the most hateful things about those groups. Dems embrace him despite evidence that he hates gays, whites and Jews.

"Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim in Congress, may be the next Democrat National Committee Chairman.

There’s just one, big problem, however, and that is how the media have refused to cover the dark past of Ellison — namely his ties to the Nation of Islam and radical Islam.

The liberal media have shied away from reporting on Ellison, likely because of his Muslim background. Even things such as his failure to pay $25,000 in income taxes, the failure to pay parking ticket fines, the suspension of his driver’s license numerous times, willful violations of Minnesota campaign finance law, etc., have received little coverage, according to The Weekly Standard via an article back in 2006.

The scary thing is that none of those things are even the worst of it …

Ellison had claimed, in a letter to the local chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council during his bid for Congress, that his ties to the Nation of Islam spanned just 18 months around the time of the 1995 Million Man March. Public records show something different, however.

Instead of doing any digging, the media in the Minneapolis area, which Ellison is represents, simply took his word for it.

During his time as a third-year law student in 1989-1990, Ellison wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily as “Keith Hakim.” In those columns, Hakim defended Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad and wrote as an advocate of the National of Islam.

In the second column, he demanded reparations for slavery and even called for a separate optional homeland for American blacks.

Ellison has claimed that he did not know during his affiliation that the Nation of Islam was antisemitic. However, he stood on stage with Khalid Abdul Muhammad at a rally for the Million Man March in 1995. Muhammad said at the rally, “If words were swords, the chests of Jews, gays and whites would be pierced.”
In 1990, Ellison sponsored notorious radical Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to give a speech at the law school titled “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?”

In his bid for Congress, Ellison claimed that he did not personally espouse antisemitic views, yet he ignored the Jewish law students who met with him to request that he not sponsor the speech and instead allowed Ture to spew his antisemitism.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, however, as Ellison’s background is fraught with disturbing information, such as his support of a gang leader, Sharif Willis, who was accused of the murder of a police officer. Although Willis was not charged with that crime due to “insufficient evidence,” he was later convicted of drug/gun crimes and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Fast forward to Ellison’s initial bid for Congress and take a look at who flew out to Minneapolis to support him — the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad, who has expressed support for the radical Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.

Ellison’s past has been skimmed over because of political correctness. It’s bad enough that he occupies a U.S. Congress seat, but now he may also serve as head of the DNC. The fact that the Democrats would even consider someone with Ellison’s background to lead their party is a scary thought but, sadly, not surprising."

ALERT: Potential DNC Chair's Dark Past Finally Exposed... Spread This Everywhere

I think it's a great idea, go DNC go.
I think it's a great idea, go DNC go.

Yea, nothing will help their image like pandering to those who hate gays and women and all other non-Muslims. Hillary wanted to bring even more over here, all the while claiming she was about women and gay rights.
I don't understand this non sense that the so-called liberal media wouldn't negatively report on a guy with a Muslim background. So your logic is that they wouldn't want to offend Muslims? Why would they walk on eggshells over that? Why would they care? Why would liberals care? I don't care if a some Muslim happens to be an asshole.
I think it's a great idea, go DNC go.

Yea, nothing will help their image like pandering to those who hate gays and women and all other non-Muslims. Hillary wanted to bring even more over here, all the while claiming she was about women and gay rights.

And you know they'll keep screaming about white privilege. That will really help them too.
Just when we thought the GOP was about to keel over from old age, the Democrats have decided to commit suicide.

Surely this is a planned civil war, surely.
I don't understand this non sense that the so-called liberal media wouldn't negatively report on a guy with a Muslim background. So your logic is that they wouldn't want to offend Muslims? Why would they walk on eggshells over that? Why would they care? Why would liberals care? I don't care if a some Muslim happens to be an asshole.

You're a liberal, because they are part of the diversity coalition. Your cant even report the truth, hell.they dont even report race in crime stories because of bullshit pc.They hate america and that is why liberals love them.
This is just a trial balloon that the Dems are putting out there. Then again, they gave us Pelosi and Reid. So, I don't think there's a limit to their lows.
I don't understand this non sense that the so-called liberal media wouldn't negatively report on a guy with a Muslim background. So your logic is that they wouldn't want to offend Muslims? Why would they walk on eggshells over that? Why would they care? Why would liberals care? I don't care if a some Muslim happens to be an asshole.

You're a liberal, because they are part of the diversity coalition. Your cant even report the truth, hell.they dont even report race in crime stories because of bullshit pc.They hate america and that is why liberals love them.
Contrary to what you people like to believe, liberals don't blindly defend Muslims. Also there is a huge difference between college campus PC culture and being a progressive.
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Of course, he claims ignorance that all his associates are rabid Jew, gay and white haters. Never mind that he stood next to those who said the most hateful things about those groups. Dems embrace him despite evidence that he hates gays, whites and Jews.

"Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim in Congress, may be the next Democrat National Committee Chairman.

There’s just one, big problem, however, and that is how the media have refused to cover the dark past of Ellison — namely his ties to the Nation of Islam and radical Islam.

The liberal media have shied away from reporting on Ellison, likely because of his Muslim background. Even things such as his failure to pay $25,000 in income taxes, the failure to pay parking ticket fines, the suspension of his driver’s license numerous times, willful violations of Minnesota campaign finance law, etc., have received little coverage, according to The Weekly Standard via an article back in 2006.

The scary thing is that none of those things are even the worst of it …

Ellison had claimed, in a letter to the local chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council during his bid for Congress, that his ties to the Nation of Islam spanned just 18 months around the time of the 1995 Million Man March. Public records show something different, however.

Instead of doing any digging, the media in the Minneapolis area, which Ellison is represents, simply took his word for it.

During his time as a third-year law student in 1989-1990, Ellison wrote two columns for the Minnesota Daily as “Keith Hakim.” In those columns, Hakim defended Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad and wrote as an advocate of the National of Islam.

In the second column, he demanded reparations for slavery and even called for a separate optional homeland for American blacks.

Ellison has claimed that he did not know during his affiliation that the Nation of Islam was antisemitic. However, he stood on stage with Khalid Abdul Muhammad at a rally for the Million Man March in 1995. Muhammad said at the rally, “If words were swords, the chests of Jews, gays and whites would be pierced.”
In 1990, Ellison sponsored notorious radical Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) to give a speech at the law school titled “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy or Both?”

In his bid for Congress, Ellison claimed that he did not personally espouse antisemitic views, yet he ignored the Jewish law students who met with him to request that he not sponsor the speech and instead allowed Ture to spew his antisemitism.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, however, as Ellison’s background is fraught with disturbing information, such as his support of a gang leader, Sharif Willis, who was accused of the murder of a police officer. Although Willis was not charged with that crime due to “insufficient evidence,” he was later convicted of drug/gun crimes and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Fast forward to Ellison’s initial bid for Congress and take a look at who flew out to Minneapolis to support him — the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad, who has expressed support for the radical Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.

Ellison’s past has been skimmed over because of political correctness. It’s bad enough that he occupies a U.S. Congress seat, but now he may also serve as head of the DNC. The fact that the Democrats would even consider someone with Ellison’s background to lead their party is a scary thought but, sadly, not surprising."

ALERT: Potential DNC Chair's Dark Past Finally Exposed... Spread This Everywhere

i know and i cant wait

one of the best things that could happen to the right
I don't understand this non sense that the so-called liberal media wouldn't negatively report on a guy with a Muslim background. So your logic is that they wouldn't want to offend Muslims? Why would they walk on eggshells over that? Why would they care? Why would liberals care? I don't care if a some Muslim happens to be an asshole.

You're a liberal, because they are part of the diversity coalition. Your cant even report the truth, hell.they dont even report race in crime stories because of bullshit pc.They hate america and that is why liberals love them.
Contrary to what you people like to believe, liberals don't defend blindly defend Muslims. Also there is a huge difference between college campus PC culture and being a progressive.

It's the same thing exactly.
I don't understand this non sense that the so-called liberal media wouldn't negatively report on a guy with a Muslim background. So your logic is that they wouldn't want to offend Muslims? Why would they walk on eggshells over that? Why would they care? Why would liberals care? I don't care if a some Muslim happens to be an asshole.

You're a liberal, because they are part of the diversity coalition. Your cant even report the truth, hell.they dont even report race in crime stories because of bullshit pc.They hate america and that is why liberals love them.
Contrary to what you people like to believe, liberals don't defend blindly defend Muslims. Also there is a huge difference between college campus PC culture and being a progressive.

It's the same thing exactly.
No, and I'm going to explain that by explaining myself. I'm a progressive who rejects the college PC hysteria. I think it's nauseating how college students will get butthurt by such insignificant crap like Halloween costumes or a stand up comedian's routine. They make huge generalizations about people as a result. The reason why is because they are young, naive adults. They need to experience the real world before they can fully understand political correctness.
according to The Weekly Standard via an article back in 2006.

Wow an article from a decade ago? Desperate much?

Why, has the guy's history changed in the last 10 years? This is about his radical views. And all of his past is ignored by the left.

Yes it has, his taxes are clean and parking tickets are taken care of.

The rest of the accusations are guilt by association. Council on American-Islamic Relations would support ANY muslim candidate.

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