Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute

Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

29 Mar 2024 ~~ By Dabid NG

New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), radio host Andrew Wilkow, and Trump attorney Alina Habba are among those calling for “Tish” to show that no one is above the law.
Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.
Now Stewart has egg on his face, with pressure building on James to ensure the equal application of the law.

The DJT loans in questions were paid back early and never defaulted on. So the loan for the property becomes irrelevant when you are talking about valuation at time of sale…. If you are actually comparing apples to apples, John Stewart did do the exact same thing as President Donald Trump to avoid paying higher taxes. So why shouldn’t Stewart be prosecuted in the same fashion. If the New York Judical system and A.G James were honest they would probably know that this is clearly a political prosecution, but they are not, so they will probably get angry and need a coloring book and a good cry before considering their next weak argument.

Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute

Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

29 Mar 2024 ~~ By Dabid NG

New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), radio host Andrew Wilkow, and Trump attorney Alina Habba are among those calling for “Tish” to show that no one is above the law.
Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.
Now Stewart has egg on his face, with pressure building on James to ensure the equal application of the law.

The DJT loans in questions were paid back early and never defaulted on. So the loan for the property becomes irrelevant when you are talking about valuation at time of sale…. If you are actually comparing apples to apples, John Stewart did do the exact same thing as President Donald Trump to avoid paying higher taxes. So why shouldn’t Stewart be prosecuted in the same fashion. If the New York Judical system and A.G James were honest they would probably know that this is clearly a political prosecution, but they are not, so they will probably get angry and need a coloring book and a good cry before considering their next weak argument.

LOL Poor desperate retards. Anything to shift the focus from their orange criminal.

Sorry retards. You are stuck with this one. No amount of mudding the waters is going to help. Thoughts and prayers.

Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute

Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

29 Mar 2024 ~~ By Dabid NG

New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), radio host Andrew Wilkow, and Trump attorney Alina Habba are among those calling for “Tish” to show that no one is above the law.
Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.
Now Stewart has egg on his face, with pressure building on James to ensure the equal application of the law.

The DJT loans in questions were paid back early and never defaulted on. So the loan for the property becomes irrelevant when you are talking about valuation at time of sale…. If you are actually comparing apples to apples, John Stewart did do the exact same thing as President Donald Trump to avoid paying higher taxes. So why shouldn’t Stewart be prosecuted in the same fashion. If the New York Judical system and A.G James were honest they would probably know that this is clearly a political prosecution, but they are not, so they will probably get angry and need a coloring book and a good cry before considering their next weak argument.

Did stewart lie about the value of his property?

Letitia James Faces Growing Pressure to Prosecute

Jon Stewart over Property Overvaluation

29 Mar 2024 ~~ By Dabid NG

New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.
Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), radio host Andrew Wilkow, and Trump attorney Alina Habba are among those calling for “Tish” to show that no one is above the law.
Jon Stewart was recently found to have overvalued his Tribeca duplex by more than 800 percent when he was selling it back in 2014. The embarrassing revelation comes after the comedian used Monday’s episode of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show to claim Trump was “lying” when valuing his own properties.
Now Stewart has egg on his face, with pressure building on James to ensure the equal application of the law.

The DJT loans in questions were paid back early and never defaulted on. So the loan for the property becomes irrelevant when you are talking about valuation at time of sale…. If you are actually comparing apples to apples, John Stewart did do the exact same thing as President Donald Trump to avoid paying higher taxes. So why shouldn’t Stewart be prosecuted in the same fashion. If the New York Judical system and A.G James were honest they would probably know that this is clearly a political prosecution, but they are not, so they will probably get angry and need a coloring book and a good cry before considering their next weak argument.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not even close to the same thing! :lol:

You don't know anything about this case and the charges!
Did stewart lie about the value of his property?
Kind of looks fishy, what do you think?

in 2014, the comedian reportedly sold his 6,280-square-foot Tribeca duplex to financier Parag Pande for $17.5 million. But, according to 2013-2014 assessor records obtained by The Post, the property had the estimated market value of only $1.882 million. The actual assessor valuation for property tax purposes was $847,174.

Records also show that Stewart paid property taxes based on that assessor valuation price — in other words, what he accused Trump of doing.
Kind of looks fishy, what do you think?

in 2014, the comedian reportedly sold his 6,280-square-foot Tribeca duplex to financier Parag Pande for $17.5 million. But, according to 2013-2014 assessor records obtained by The Post, the property had the estimated market value of only $1.882 million. The actual assessor valuation for property tax purposes was $847,174.

Records also show that Stewart paid property taxes based on that assessor valuation price — in other words, what he accused Trump of doing.
Trump wasn't selling his house! :lol:
Tish is probably back up in the trees after getting ape-slapped by the appellate court. It's amazing what happens when people that don't want to fuck kids take charge....

"Trump overvalued his assets on loan applications, which is a federal crime," said Shawn Foss." Jon Stewart sold his penthouse for a lot more than the market value, which is completely legal."
Trump didn't overvalue his property .. and Trumps valuations informed the banks to make their own valuations .. do you believe Mar a logo is worth only 18 mill like the judge with a face that is the poster child for white leftist males claimed .

Jon Stewart simply sold his house, for whatever he was able to sell it for.... Or for whatever some fool was willing to pay for it. He's not responsible for whatever the city chose to tax him on it or what the market value was allegedly.... Because of surrounding neighbor's values etc. Now that it sold at that higher price, THAT PRICE becomes the market value, and it will be taxed as a percentage of that new value.

Crooked Donald was trying to borrow a hundred million or two, and not selling his home for more than what its estimated worth was...

The bank required a certified accounting firm to certify a form listing Trump's existing property assets to secure the loan so they can determine his risk for a loan rate, and special circumstances that could affect his property values... like a deed restriction, an existing mortgage and the amount, limitations on rent, like Rent Control....and even a higher value due to notoriety if true....

Trump lied about his property assets to the Accounting firm who certified his assets on the bank form. (since the trial, when the accounting firm found out Trump n team had LIED to them, they severed their business contract and dumped Trump org)

THAT has nothing at all, in common with Jon Stewart selling his house.
Tish is probably back up in the trees after getting ape-slapped by the appellate court. It's amazing what happens when people that don't want to fuck kids take charge....

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She didn't determine the amount, the presiding Judge did.... So she didn't get a whipping from the appellate court.

And the appellate court only reduced the bond down to $175 million, they did not reduce the +/-$450 million penalty fine.

Only if trump wins on appeal, can that happen.
"Trump overvalued his assets on loan applications, which is a federal crime," said Shawn Foss." Jon Stewart sold his penthouse for a lot more than the market value, which is completely legal."
Simply the bank could have denied the loan if they believed the assets were over valued. Instead they did their due dilligence as required by law and approved the loan. There was no law broken. If anything Stewarts penthouse was over valued for Soho property.
Or for whatever some fool was willing to pay for it.
And Trump put his up for collateral on a loan. The bank basically bought the property until the loan was paid back--which it was and the bank (buyer) would do it again by their own admission in court docs. Your hatred for Trump is so great you would swear on a stack of bible that he murdered someone in your front yard if you saw Biden do it with your own eyes. You weren't raised very well.
And Trump put his up for collateral on a loan. The bank basically bought the property until the loan was paid back--which it was and the bank (buyer) would do it again by their own admission in court docs. Your hatred for Trump is so great you would swear on a stack of bible that he murdered someone in your front yard if you saw Biden do it with your own eyes. You weren't raised very well.
You have no idea what you are talking about...

I am probably the only liberal on this site that has spoken out and said that the penalty fine, for these repeated fraudulent actions over ten years, is too high.

Not because he didn't repeatedly committed outright fraud on the sworn paperwork, to get better interest rates from the bank....but because it could have been worse, he could have committed this fraud, and defaulted....what would the fine be then? This $350 - $450 million with interest seems like, to me, the penalty amount could be if, his lying and fraud caused more damage like going belly up on all or even some, of the loans.

The appeals court should give us our answer...
Trump didn't overvalue his property .. and Trumps valuations informed the banks to make their own valuations .. do you believe Mar a logo is worth only 18 mill like the judge with a face that is the poster child for white leftist males claimed .

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Why would Trump lie on the Required to be the certified and truthful property assets form....

if it didn't benefit him to lie in some manner yidnar?

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