Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Even when trying to be a bit sympathetic to Trump, the left speaks the quiet part out loud. Trump has no rights as they see it.

The quiet part being that Trump deserves to have the system rigged against him and deserves mistreatment.

How evil is that?!?

And how many leftoids feel the same way?

How un-American they indeed are.

Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.


The essence of Trump’s argument on appeal is that the supposed harm he caused was minimal at best — all his lenders were repaid — and that the penalty levied against him was therefore wildly excessive. The conundrum is that the very size of the judgment, and the consequent size of the bond that Trump is required to post, might make him unable to appeal. Trump could pursue his case, but in the meantime, James would be entitled to seize and sell off the former president’s assets.

That can’t be right. It would mean that the more outrageous and disproportionate a damages award is, the harder it is to appeal.

As Trump’s lawyers argued to the state appeals court: “A bond requirement of this enormous magnitude, effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion, is unprecedented for a private company. Even when it comes to publicly traded companies, courts routinely waive or reduce the bond amount. Enforcing an impossible bond requirement as a condition of appeal would inflict manifest irreparable injury” on Trump.

On the other side of the equation, Trump’s lawyers argue, “waiving the bond requirement will impose no cognizable harm on the Attorney General. The case involves no actual victims and no award of restitution, and she is fully protected by [Trump’s] real-estate holdings.” They have offered to post a $100 million bond.

For her part, James contends that the court lacks the flexibility to modify the bond requirement. And doing so, she says, “would severely harm [the Office of Attorney General] and the public interest by undermining … the fundamental purpose of an appeal bond — i.e., to ensure that prevailing plaintiffs have their monetary award fully secured to guarantee prompt execution if it is affirmed on appeal.”

I’m not convinced. You won’t find me shedding any tears for Trump if the damages award is eventually upheld and he needs to sell properties or liquidate other assets to satisfy it. Couldn’t happen to a shadier guy. But even Trump deserves his day in appeals court. In the end, the rule of law will be on a steadier footing if he has it.

Even when trying to be a bit sympathetic to Trump, the left speaks the quiet part out loud. Trump has no rights as they see it.

The quiet part being that Trump deserves to have the system rigged against him and deserves mistreatment.

How evil is that?!?

And how many leftoids feel the same way?

How un-American they indeed are.

No one is denying Trump's day in court.

The problem here is that Trump isn't as rich as he claims he is. This is what got him in trouble to start with. He lied to banks about the value of his properties.

And after a lifetime of bankruptcies, frauds, stiffing his lawyers, cheating his employees, surprise, surprise, no one wants to loan him the money even with collateral on buildings that aren't worth what he claims they are.
Even when trying to be a bit sympathetic to Trump, the left speaks the quiet part out loud. Trump has no rights as they see it.

The quiet part being that Trump deserves to have the system rigged against him and deserves mistreatment.

How evil is that?!?

And how many leftoids feel the same way?

How un-American they indeed are.

Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.
The essence of Trump’s argument on appeal is that the supposed harm he caused was minimal at best — all his lenders were repaid — and that the penalty levied against him was therefore wildly excessive. The conundrum is that the very size of the judgment, and the consequent size of the bond that Trump is required to post, might make him unable to appeal. Trump could pursue his case, but in the meantime, James would be entitled to seize and sell off the former president’s assets.
That can’t be right. It would mean that the more outrageous and disproportionate a damages award is, the harder it is to appeal.
As Trump’s lawyers argued to the state appeals court: “A bond requirement of this enormous magnitude, effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion, is unprecedented for a private company. Even when it comes to publicly traded companies, courts routinely waive or reduce the bond amount. Enforcing an impossible bond requirement as a condition of appeal would inflict manifest irreparable injury” on Trump.
On the other side of the equation, Trump’s lawyers argue, “waiving the bond requirement will impose no cognizable harm on the Attorney General. The case involves no actual victims and no award of restitution, and she is fully protected by [Trump’s] real-estate holdings.” They have offered to post a $100 million bond.
For her part, James contends that the court lacks the flexibility to modify the bond requirement. And doing so, she says, “would severely harm [the Office of Attorney General] and the public interest by undermining … the fundamental purpose of an appeal bond — i.e., to ensure that prevailing plaintiffs have their monetary award fully secured to guarantee prompt execution if it is affirmed on appeal.”
I’m not convinced. You won’t find me shedding any tears for Trump if the damages award is eventually upheld and he needs to sell properties or liquidate other assets to satisfy it. Couldn’t happen to a shadier guy. But even Trump deserves his day in appeals court. In the end, the rule of law will be on a steadier footing if he has it.

Everything that has befallen Trump is his own fault.
He did this to himself.
No one is denying Trump's day in court.

The problem here is that Trump isn't as rich as he claims he is. This is what got him in trouble to start with. He lied to banks about the value of his properties.

And after a lifetime of bankruptcies, frauds, stiffing his lawyers, cheating his employees, surprise, surprise, no one wants to loan him the money even with collateral on buildings that aren't worth what he claims they are.
Because his wealth is invested?
Wow, you sure do believe a lot of the yarns that your ilk has fed you
Because his wealth is invested?
Wow, you sure do believe a lot of the yarns that your ilk has fed you

He claims he's worth 10 Billion. Coming up with 500 MM shouldn't be a problem.

No, politics played a large part of this, and you'll see it as the BS hits the the light in the courts

If that were the case, the man would be anxious to get to court, not trying to delay, hope that he wins the election and then can abuse his office to make it all go away.

"Trump 2024: I'm Too Pretty to Go To Prison!"
He claims he's worth 10 Billion. Coming up with 500 MM shouldn't be a problem.

If that were the case, the man would be anxious to get to court, not trying to delay, hope that he wins the election and then can abuse his office to make it all go away.

"Trump 2024: I'm Too Pretty to Go To Prison!"
Riddle me this.....why has the prosecutors waited until right before the 2024 election cycle to push for the court dates????
He would rather campaign during this part of the year than get hung up in courts like these corrupt prosecutors are
trying to do to him. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

As far as his funds, very few billionaires have that kind of money just sitting....again, just common sense.

Riddle me this.....why has the prosecutors waited until right before the 2024 election cycle to push for the court dates????
He would rather campaign during this part of the year than get hung up in courts like these corrupt prosecutors are
trying to do to him. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

I'm sorry, we've been in the "2024 Election Cycle" since 2021.

The problem he knows the minute he gets in front of a jury, he's done. And then Americans will have to ask themselves if they want to elect a convicted felon.

As far as his funds, very few billionaires have that kind of money just sitting....again, just common sense.

Again, common sense, he should have made himself more liquid knowing for MONTHS that he was going to get slapped with some kind of fine.
He claims he's worth 10 Billion. Coming up with 500 MM shouldn't be a problem.

If that were the case, the man would be anxious to get to court, not trying to delay, hope that he wins the election and then can abuse his office to make it all go away.

"Trump 2024: I'm Too Pretty to Go To Prison!"
He claims he's worth 10 Billion. Coming up with 500 MM shouldn't be a problem.
would Bezos, or Bloomberg, have a problem coming up with that kind of cash?

odds are, the answer is yes.
He claims he's worth 10 Billion. Coming up with 500 MM shouldn't be a problem.

If that were the case, the man would be anxious to get to court, not trying to delay, hope that he wins the election and then can abuse his office to make it all go away.

"Trump 2024: I'm Too Pretty to Go To Prison!"
More and more people will go around the Prog socialist living areas when they can. The way of living is more important than ever. People living within those areas still may have some independence. And the costs of survival are economical enough to accept. African American women have a deep hatred in them. In important agendas they are pure Prog Socialist Communist even if they live pure selfishness for themselves. And you see it. A high percentage of irresponsible single women with children and the government paying the costs as sugar daddy. The taxpayer pays the freight and men like Trump are the cause of it from their hate. Trump cannot say anything even if he says about other things. Anyway, if a person is moving consider where you go.
would Bezos, or Bloomberg, have a problem coming up with that kind of cash?

odds are, the answer is yes.

Musk was able to come up with 44 Billion to complete his sale of Twitter, which wasn't worth anything near that value.

If Trump is worth 10 billion, he should have no problem coming up with this money.

The problem is, his wealth was always a fraud.

The Truth has finally caught up with him.
Musk was able to come up with 44 Billion to complete his sale of Twitter, which wasn't worth anything near that value.

If Trump is worth 10 billion, he should have no problem coming up with this money.

The problem is, his wealth was always a fraud.

The Truth has finally caught up with him.
Musk was able to come up with 44 Billion
More and more people will go around the Prog socialist living areas when they can. The way of living is more important than ever. People living within those areas still may have some independence. And the costs of survival are economical enough to accept. African American women have a deep hatred in them. In important agendas they are pure Prog Socialist Communist even if they live pure selfishness for themselves. And you see it. A high percentage of irresponsible single women with children and the government paying the costs as sugar daddy. The taxpayer pays the freight and men like Trump are the cause of it from their hate. Trump cannot say anything even if he says about other things. Anyway, if a person is moving consider where you go.

Could you once, just once, actually address the issues in the posts you are responding to?

This has nothing to do with Trump and whether or not it's unfair that he has to follow the law like the rest of us.
Because his wealth is invested?
Isn't most everybody's wealth "invested"?
Who keeps it in a mattress anymore?

"Riddle me this.....why has the prosecutors waited until right before the 2024 election cycle to push for the court dates????"

Riddle me this, would the trials have occurred much much earlier if the persistent attempts to delay adjudication with intentional lawfare tactics not been consistently pursued by Trump's lawyers?

How many times have we all read about Trump's attempts over the years to keep delaying and delaying as a tactic to wear down and outspend the plaintiffs who had actions against him.

Now, with governmental actors as the plaintiff's, Trump's advantage of deep-pocket spending to file delay motion after delay motion is......well, he has lost that differential.

I'm sure they weren't going to take shares in Tesla or SpaceX.
I seriously don't know whether to laugh or cry at your responses.

I asked if bezos or bloomburg had that kind of cash on hand, and you deflect.

early I questioned, in another thread about why the M1911, a handgun made specifically for military use, wasn't on the chopping block, and you deflect to a rant on genocide.

can you give a straight answer to a question, at least ONCE?
Because his wealth is invested?
Wow, you sure do believe a lot of the yarns that your ilk has fed you
Isn't this ^^^ the case in ANY American that has a Net Worth of $1,000,000+++?

If you have a House, some vehicles, other property including land or even art/collections, retirement plan, including savings, 401's, IRA's, Roth IRA's, Mutual Funds, and MORE++++, and this all easily amounts to Over One Million, do you have $50K in cash or do you have $500K in cash.

I'd say it is closer to $50K.

So, isn't this Because his wealth is invested?
The case for everyone with a $1,000,000+++ Net Worth?
I saw the meme provided by the poster 'Manonthestreet' depicting a pairing of Hunter Biden and Don Trump to illustrate some point about valuations of assets.

A key difference though....I would suggest .....is that the Biden property for sale.....was sold. So, ipso facto, a value is indisputably established at the moment of that transaction.

In contradistinction, Trump's 'valuations' were based on his honesty and opinion. Uh-oh!

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