Debate Now Mark Levin to Biden: "Who the hell do you think you are?"

No idea how many Americans are hostages. Everybody wants them back. Your problem is you think it is OK to indiscriminately kill innocent children. If Netanyahu was in charge in 1945, he would have been in favor of just bombing Auschwitz instead of liberating the innocent victims there.

I don’t have a problem. Only when you show up.
He is wrong for taking sides against his country
She's upset she can't control your responses. It's killing her.

Levin claims his family are red blooded Americans who love this country to the core. Yet he does nothing but scream America is not great. Americans are commies and no good. He hates more than half of America. I'm not sure about his family, but I suspect they could all be suffering a type of Stockholm Syndrome.
Levin didn't say anything like that. What did Levin get right or wrong in that video linked in the OP?
Biden never said Isarel shouldn't take all legal action to wipe Hamas from the face of the earth. He did say Israel should remain within international law, and not indiscriminately kill children and noncombatants. Israel bombed UN run schools, and prevents food, water and medical supplies from reaching the known innocents that need them desperately. Starving children is not honorable. Israel's actions are not honorable. Biden is the president of the United States and has a responsibility to not join the illegal, immoral breaking of international law. That's who the hell Biden is.
Levin is one of the most neurotically truthful individuals in all of politics. I challenge anyone reading this to identify a lie that has been told by Levin, recognizing that he has written many books, countless articles, and speaks copiously in his various programs, etc. Name one.

Biden's current gambit of withholding funds (etc) from Israel is nothing but a cynical political move, trying to salvage votes in Michigan and Minnesota. It goes beyond the President's discretionary powers under Article 2; Congress appropriates money the President cannot withhold it. Biden has a history here, as everyone who pays attention knows.
Biden never said Isarel shouldn't take all legal action to wipe Hamas from the face of the earth. He did say Israel should remain within international law, and not indiscriminately kill children and noncombatants. Israel bombed UN run schools, and prevents food, water and medical supplies from reaching the known innocents that need them desperately. Starving children is not honorable. Israel's actions are not honorable. Biden is the president of the United States and has a responsibility to not join the illegal, immoral breaking of international law. That's who the hell Biden is.

Did anyone go after you (meaning America) when you were busy destroying Isis?

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