Mystery of the Pyramids


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.
The Pyramids Used to Look Much Different

Today, the Great Pyramid seems to blend with the sand and dirt that surrounds it. Believe it or not, these pyramids looked completely different back in the day. The sandy surface was only the inner core of the structure, while the outside layer was covered with shiny, white polished limestone. This made the pyramids shine, while the strategically placed cuts made it look smooth and flat in direct sunlight.

Because of this shiny, diamond-like layer, the Great Pyramid was supposedly able to reflect the sun like a mirror, which is why many people called it a jewel that emerges from the sand. Unfortunately, a strong earthquake in 1303 AD caused the limestone layer to loosen so people had to take stones off. Of course, the stones didn’t go to waste. They were reused for fortresses and other structures, while the pyramids were left with a sandy, orange surface.

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Evidence Shows That Egyptians Were Not the Ones Who Built the Pyramids

It took 2.3 million stone blocks to build the Great Pyramid. Each of these blocks weighed from 2.5 to 15 tons. The only evidence scientists have from that period is that the Egyptians only had ropes and wood as tools for building structures and fortresses. Logically thinking, it was absolutely not possible to move such heavy stones using only these primitive tools and equipment.

On top of it all, there is no real evidence of how the Egyptians were able to create something that is not only extremely large but also extremely precise. Even in our modern age, it would take advanced technology to make the right measures and built something so precise that it aligns with the stars. In fact, modern-day scientists have tried to recreate smaller-scale pyramid models but they failed every time. This led many historians, archaeologists, and scientists to believe that the pyramids were built even before the Egyptians by a civilization that was even more advanced than ours.
Scientists Might Be on the Verge of Discovering the Higher Energies in the Great Chamber

It has been speculated for centuries that the ancient pyramids could be generating some kind of energy. However, people didn’t have any strong evidence that could lead them in the right direction of investigating this theory. Today, scientists might have a clue that could reveal the truth soon. After the hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid was discovered, scientists conducted a series of studies that showed that the pyramid actually concentrates electromagnetic energy in its internal rooms.

The source of this mysterious energy were the hidden chambers inside the large structure. To make things even more shocking and incredible, the higher amounts of energy were recorded in the rooms where people found the remains of Pharaoh Khufu and his wife, as well as in another chamber. Archaeologists haven’t yet discovered why this randomly hidden chamber generated energy, while our scientists still cannot figure out how the remains of a Pharaoh could be a source of energy.
Some Chambers in the Great Pyramid Generate Heat

The Pyramids of Giza are some of the most mysterious sites in the world. Besides the mystery behind the story of how the pyramids were made, there is also the mystery of unknown energy being generated inside hidden chambers. Scientists have discovered that the giant pyramids actually emit heat from some rooms, while other parts remain cold. There is obviously no modern source of energy inside the structure, so where could the heat be coming from?

A thermal scan was performed in 2015 when experts and scientists scanned the Great Pyramid and found that three areas inside the structure generated some form of heat. The first assumption was that the heat was generated by some sort of ancient technology. Heat spots were discovered in the upper half of the pyramid. Because of this, we can’t be sure whether the heat is created because of the sun reaching the upper part of the structure or because there are more mysterious and undiscovered chambers inside the pyramid.
The Great Pyramid Is the Only Pyramid Built With Air Shafts

Speaking of shafts, the Great Pyramid was the only pyramid built with air shafts. And, again, no one really knows why. More importantly, these precise shafts align with celestial bodies, which opens up a ton of new questions. How did ancient people manage to create such precise cuts without advanced measurement tools? We’re sure that wood and ropes couldn’t make this happen. Besides, why did they even bother to align such a structure with the stars? What is the meaning behind it?

Some are assuming that the whole star alignment thing has to do something with guiding the body to the afterlife. Some more extreme conspiracy theorists even believe that the alignments might have been used to signal the aliens in outer space. However, not all shafts reach the outside area. While some were used for ventilation, others were completely shut off for no obvious reason.
Pyramids Were Intentionally Lined Up With Constellations

Egyptians apparently loved aligning things. It’s not only the shafts that are aligned with celestial bodies. All three Pyramids of Giza are connected to the outer space. The Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure’s pyramids are precisely aligned with the stars of the popular Orion’s Belt. The pyramids are aligned with stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. How this was possible and why they did it remains a mystery.

To make things even weirder, besides each pyramid being aligned with a star in the Orion’s Belt, the three pyramids are aligned with one another at their southeast corners. After all, the Orion’s Belt wasn’t even discovered until 2000 years after the pyramids were built. The Egyptians connected that constellation with Osiris, the God of Rebirth and the Afterlife, thousands of years before it was named Orion’s Belt.
The Pyramid Chambers Were Designed with Greater Precision Than the Royal Observatory, Greenwich

Would you believe it if we told you that the ancient Egyptians might have been more advanced than our own civilization? It is quite possible since their chambers point north with much better precision than the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. We’re not talking about the general North but the specific direction towards the magnetic North. So, how did they build something more precise than our technology?

The Royal Observatory in Greenwich was created in 1675 and it sets the actual clock to GTC (Greenwich Mean Time or Prime Meridian Time). If it took people so many centuries to create the Royal Observatory, what kind of strategies and technologies were the Egyptians using back in the day? Today’s scientists are still baffled by this idea.
Evidence From the Pyramids Show That Egyptians Had Knowledge of Mathematics

We already know that there are tons of carvings inside the pyramids and other ancient structures. However, some evidence shows that the ancient Egyptians had knowledge of mathematical constants. Things start getting weirder and weirder from here. If you subtract the length of the Great Pyramid with its height, the result you will get is 314.16 – 100 times Pi. If you then add the two sides together in meters, it equals 100 times Phi, also known as the Golden Number that is used in art, architecture, and theology.

However, what makes this so strange is that Pi as an official mathematical constant was not recognized until 1793. We needed modern measurements to figure out this constant but it seems like the Egyptians already knew about it. Ancient Egyptians used cubits to measure things, where one cubit equaled to 0.536 meters. So, what does that have to do with anything? Well, the circumference of a circle that has the diameter of a single cubit equals to Pi. In other words, the Egyptians were obviously capable of making complex calculations. How? Who knows…
It Took Humanity 3 871 Years to Build a Structure Taller Than the Pyramid of Giza

The Pyramid of Giza held the title of the world’s tallest structure for a total of 3 871 years. In other words, it took almost 4 000 years for humanity to create a new structure taller than the pyramid that was built by a supposedly primitive civilization. The new tallest structure was the Lincoln Cathedral in England, which was built in 1311. What’s even stranger is that the Egyptians built the pyramids in 20 years, but it took people over 200 years to build the English Cathedral. Once again, how did Egyptians manage to do this?

If you take a look at the Cathedral of Lincoln today, you wouldn’t believe it was taller than the stunning Pyramid at Giza. However, that’s only because the Cathedral’s central spire collapsed in 1549, after which it was never built (yet the pyramids are centuries old and still standing). The Cathedral of Lincoln was the world’s tallest building for a total of 238 years but its significance lies in the record it broke!The
Temperature Inside the Pyramids is 68 Degrees

Even though it was proven that some parts of the pyramids generate mysterious heat, the structure itself still remains relatively cool on the inside. Official temperature readings show that the most common temperature inside the structure is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides being able to create such an astonishing building, the ancient Egyptians were able to incorporate a cooling system using nothing but “primitive” tools.

The pyramid’s ventilation system is made of strategically placed air shafts. Once these shafts are opened, they immediately let cool air inside the chamber. As soon as you open them, the temperature in the chamber drops quickly. However, what is so mind-blowing is that no matter the temperature outside, the temperature inside the pyramids always remains 68 degrees. No one knows how this is possible without any machinery and technologies maintaining the temperature.
Pyramids Could Tell Time

As if all the alignments and stunning structures weren’t enough, Egyptians made it possible for pyramids to tell time. The incredible structure of the pyramids was designed so that it doesn’t cast shadows at noon. In other words, the Great Pyramid was not only an ancient tomb but also a sundial and it is one of the most complex sundials ever built.

In case you’ve never heard about them, sundials are one of the earliest objects used for timekeeping. These ancient clocks could cast a shadow based on the position of the sun and tell the time as accurately as our modern clocks today. In fact, sundials are the most accurate way to tell time even today. What is truly astonishing is the fact that ancient people managed to build such a large pyramid and turn it into a sundial as well.
The Location of the Great Pyramid Has a Special Meaning

According to the calculations by Dr. Joseph Seiss, the pyramids are located at the exact spot where the world's most extended lines of longitude and latitude meet. Dr. Seiss came up with this exciting conclusion in 1877, that forever changed the way people say the Pyramids at Giza. Most simply put, his complex calculations proved that the pyramids sit at the end center of all landmass on Earth.

The question is, was this done on purpose? Were the Egyptians aware of this when building the pyramids or is it a pure coincidence? If it really is a coincidence, then it is quite a strange one. For all we know, the Pyramids at Giza are the most accurately aligned structures in the entire world.
....the Pyramids are just about perfect...without computers/etc......they used basic architectural tools that if they had been slightly off, so would've been the Pyramids
..I worked for engineers for 14 years and even with software designed for engineering, they couldn't build a simple box right sometimes
....the Pyramids are just about perfect...without computers/etc......they used basic architectural tools that if they had been slightly off, so would've been the Pyramids
..I worked for engineers for 14 years and even with software designed for engineering, they couldn't build a simple box right sometimes
The notion that ancient people were primitive I think can be flushed down the commode.

Some of their precision back then can't be duplicated today even with computers.

On top of it all, there is no real evidence of how the Egyptians were able to create something that is not only extremely large but also extremely precise. Even in our modern age, it would take advanced technology to make the right measures and built something so precise that it aligns with the stars. In fact, modern-day scientists have tried to recreate smaller-scale pyramid models but they failed every time. This led many historians, archaeologists, and scientists to believe that the pyramids were built even before the Egyptians by a civilization that was even more advanced than ours.
....the Pyramids are just about perfect...without computers/etc......they used basic architectural tools that if they had been slightly off, so would've been the Pyramids
..I worked for engineers for 14 years and even with software designed for engineering, they couldn't build a simple box right sometimes
There was a lot of trial and error in the building of pyramids. There are several that pre-date the Great Pyramid which were colossal failures, suggesting that there was no magic or alien influence.
The person that started all this building boom was named Imhotep

The First Pyramid Was Designed by Imhotep

We all know about Imhotep, the popular character from The Mummy movie franchise. However, we’re not sure whether the character was named after the real Egyptian deity. Either way, the real Imhotep was the one who designed the first Egyptian pyramid. As one of the most popular architects of his time, Imhotep was the chief minister of Djoser.
He designed the pyramid from the first blocks all the way to the top. Because of this, King Djoser respected him so much that he requested for a statue to bare Imhotep's name in the King’s court, which was an honor like no other at the time. Besides being an accomplished architect, Imhotep also had ties with medicine and he was worshiped as the God of Medicine in Egypt. What an odd combination of professions!

....the Pyramids are just about perfect...without computers/etc......they used basic architectural tools that if they had been slightly off, so would've been the Pyramids
..I worked for engineers for 14 years and even with software designed for engineering, they couldn't build a simple box right sometimes
There was a lot of trial and error in the building of pyramids. There are several that pre-date the Great Pyramid which were colossal failures, suggesting that there was no magic or alien influence.
The reason that the "alien" theory is out there is because people refuse to change their belief about how advanced ancient people really were.
....the Pyramids are just about perfect...without computers/etc......they used basic architectural tools that if they had been slightly off, so would've been the Pyramids
..I worked for engineers for 14 years and even with software designed for engineering, they couldn't build a simple box right sometimes
There was a lot of trial and error in the building of pyramids. There are several that pre-date the Great Pyramid which were colossal failures, suggesting that there was no magic or alien influence.
The reason that the "alien" theory is out there is because people refuse to change their belief about how advanced ancient people really were.
...they had all the time in the world to ''think'' and figure things out
Evidence Shows That Egyptians Were Not the Ones Who Built the Pyramids

It took 2.3 million stone blocks to build the Great Pyramid. Each of these blocks weighed from 2.5 to 15 tons. The only evidence scientists have from that period is that the Egyptians only had ropes and wood as tools for building structures and fortresses. Logically thinking, it was absolutely not possible to move such heavy stones using only these primitive tools and equipment.

On top of it all, there is no real evidence of how the Egyptians were able to create something that is not only extremely large but also extremely precise. Even in our modern age, it would take advanced technology to make the right measures and built something so precise that it aligns with the stars. In fact, modern-day scientists have tried to recreate smaller-scale pyramid models but they failed every time. This led many historians, archaeologists, and scientists to believe that the pyramids were built even before the Egyptians by a civilization that was even more advanced than ours.

They were Egyptians .. The construction workers camps have been excavated.

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