Mystery of the Pyramids

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.
Pyramids in Latin America

Despite the towering reputation of Egypt’s Great Pyramids at Giza, the Americas actually contain more pyramid structures than the rest of the planet combined. Civilizations like the Olmec, Maya, Aztec and Inca all built pyramids to house their deities, as well as to bury their kings. In many of their great city-states, temple-pyramids formed the center of public life and were the site of holy rituals, including human sacrifice. The best known Latin American pyramids include the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan, the Great Pyramid in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the Pyramid at Cholula and the Inca’s great temple at Cuzco in Peru.
This is a cool topic

I've always been fascinated by ancient civilizations and especially their architecture.

I've been to South America a few times and have seen amazing structures built with no mortar and even today after hundreds of years you still can't slip a knife blade between the stones.
This is a cool topic

I've always been fascinated by ancient civilizations and especially their architecture.

I've been to South America a few times and have seen amazing structures built with no mortar and even today after hundreds of years you still can't slip a knife blade between the stones.

And they predated the Incas by thousands of years

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.

The origin of the great flood story comes from Sumer and a king who sold grain, livestock and beer down river. He used barges. Lots of evidence including flood sediment and a king's list that dates to the spring of 2900 BC.

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.

The origin of the great flood story comes from Sumer and a king who sold grain, livestock and beer down river. He used barges. Lots of evidence including flood sediment and a king's list that dates to the spring of 2900 BC.
There are several stories of the great flood including Noah and Gilgamesh. The origin will likely never be known. Since I'm pretty sure it didn't rain for 40 days and 40 nights, I tend toward the Black Sea Deluge as I mentioned or a glacial meltdown as in "Ice Age". Either one of those would go to points north of the Fertile Crescent.

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.

The origin of the great flood story comes from Sumer and a king who sold grain, livestock and beer down river. He used barges. Lots of evidence including flood sediment and a king's list that dates to the spring of 2900 BC.
There are several stories of the great flood including Noah and Gilgamesh. The origin will likely never be known. Since I'm pretty sure it didn't rain for 40 days and 40 nights, I tend toward the Black Sea Deluge as I mentioned or a glacial meltdown as in "Ice Age". Either one of those would go to points north of the Fertile Crescent.

The Black Sea deluge was dated 5600 BC and it took years for the Mediterranean Sea to breach a sill in the Bosporus Strait.

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.

The origin of the great flood story comes from Sumer and a king who sold grain, livestock and beer down river. He used barges. Lots of evidence including flood sediment and a king's list that dates to the spring of 2900 BC.
There are several stories of the great flood including Noah and Gilgamesh. The origin will likely never be known. Since I'm pretty sure it didn't rain for 40 days and 40 nights, I tend toward the Black Sea Deluge as I mentioned or a glacial meltdown as in "Ice Age". Either one of those would go to points north of the Fertile Crescent.

The Black Sea deluge was dated 5600 BC and it took years for the Mediterranean Sea to breach a sill in the Bosporus Strait.
A seismic event could also have caused the breach. Being that it was the stuff of legend, the dating is irrelevant. I am referring to a flood of biblical proportions undocumented in recorded history. There have been many floods

After so much time researching, archeologists and scientists finally agree on how the pyramids were built. Because it's really baffling how these giant and massive structures were built using 50 ton stone blocks, using only manual labor.

Here are some more facts that added to the mystery:

>>Sand with high radioactive properties was discovered in the main chambers.<<<

The Giza pyramid complex has enough stone to wall off the entire planet with a 2-feet tall stone wall.

Some "modern-day" math and physics relationships are found in basic proportions in the Great Pyramids, and the last fact is even weirder - hieroglyphics, found in almost every Egyptian structure, were never found inside Pyramids.

The Pyramids predate the Great Flood. Both the Pyramids and the Sphinx were under 40 feet of salt water at one point

The great flood was in the Euphrates River Basin.
The Great Flood was likely the inundation of the Black Sea when the Bosporus broke and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the shores of the lower-lying inland lake and even perhaps the fabled Atlantis, the dispersal of the original Indo-Europeans and the story behind Noah's Arc.

Much too early.. and it was a very slow moving flood. They had plenty of time to move their people and livestock to higher ground.

You're right. That migration did in fact spread agricultural practices and technology.
No one knows.
Study the Sumerians and you will find out a story of migration and the sharing of agricultural practices they brought to the Euphrates river valley.

The origin of the great flood story comes from Sumer and a king who sold grain, livestock and beer down river. He used barges. Lots of evidence including flood sediment and a king's list that dates to the spring of 2900 BC.
There are several stories of the great flood including Noah and Gilgamesh. The origin will likely never be known. Since I'm pretty sure it didn't rain for 40 days and 40 nights, I tend toward the Black Sea Deluge as I mentioned or a glacial meltdown as in "Ice Age". Either one of those would go to points north of the Fertile Crescent.

The Black Sea deluge was dated 5600 BC and it took years for the Mediterranean Sea to breach a sill in the Bosporus Strait.
A seismic event could also have caused the breach. Being that it was the stuff of legend, the dating is irrelevant. I am referring to a flood of biblical proportions undocumented in recorded history. There have been many floods

Of course there have been many floods but none were worldwide. The flood footprint in the Euphrates river valley is 150 miles wide and 350 miles to the south.
Apparently other cultures around the world were obsessed with the constellation Orion

But what is ORION? Astronomers usually refer to it as M42, and it is there where stars are being born. The Orion constellation is one of the most prominent star formations in the night sky and has been revered by ancient cultures around the globe for thousands of years, even perhaps before written history.

The constellation was named after the Greek demigod Orion in the 8th century B.C. when connected, the stars form the head, shoulders, belt and feet of a man. According to Greek mythology, Orion was a giant born with superhuman abilities, a mighty hunter who killed animals with an unbreakable bronze club.

When the Greek hero was eventually slain, he was placed among the stars for eternity. His father was Poseidon.

In this article we take a look at Orion and why it was so important for our ancestor’s thousands of years ago. Perhaps the ‘Gods’ themselves came from Orion in the distant past?

The Giza Plateau and Orion


The Great Pyramid of Giza and its companion structures have fascinated researchers, historians, and archaeologists for centuries.

These majestic structures are unlike any other monuments on the surface of the planet. Interestingly, the three pyramid at Giza seems to be profoundly connected with the constellation of Orion.

The ancient Egyptian civilization firmly believed that it was from Sirius and Orion that beings came to Earth in the form of humans, referring to Osiris and Isis and according to mythology they literally instigated the human race.

This is perhaps one of the main reasons why the builders of the Pyramids decided to mimic the constellation of Orion on the surface of the planet. Looking at the three main stars of the constellation of Orion, and observing at the three main pyramids of Giza from above, we notice a fascinating similarity among the two.


Furthermore, according to Goro Adachi, there was an extraordinary set of alignments around 10,500 BC.
  1. Orion reached its lowest point at the Meridian in its 26,000-year precessional cycle. (Precession slowly shifts Orion and other stars up and down the meridian, the imaginary north-south line drawn in the sky where the stars achieve their highest daily altitudes.)
  2. On the vernal equinox, the Great Sphinx, directly facing east, witnessed the rising of its two celestial counterparts – the sun and Leo.
At the moment of equinoctial sunrise (c. 10,500 BC):

  1. Orion was positioned right at the meridian.
  2. In the southern sky, the Milky Way was seen roughly vertical and positioned in such a way that it appeared to be an extension of the Nile. Orion was situated just to the right of the celestial river – closely mimicking the configuration of the Giza pyramids and the Nile.
Teotihuacan and the Constellation of Orion

Credit: History
Credit: History
However, if we travel half way around the world, we will find another fascinating phenomenon in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. According to experts, the entire city layout of Teotihuacan is aligned astronomically.

It is consistently oriented 15 to 25 degrees east of true north, and the front wall of the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly perpendicular to the point on the horizon where the sun sets on the equinoxes.

The layout of the pyramids of Teotihuacan are placed in such a way that they represent our solar system but also Orion’s Belt. According to ancient mythology, it is a point of creation. History tells us that in 3114 B.C., the gods came from the heavens to Earth in a convention, and this convention occurred in Teotihuacan.

The Ancient Hopi and Orion

hoppi and orion
The three Hopi Mesas align “perfectly” with the constellation of Orion. Credit History Channel.
If we travel from Teotihuacan further north into the modern day United States, we will eventually arrive at the sacred Hopi land.

The Hopi are a Native American tribe whose cosmology, monuments, and landscape also have a profound connection with the constellation of Orion, and as other ancient civilizations across the globe, ranging from Africa to Europe, the Hopi tribe also constructed their sacred sites in correlation to the constellation of Orion. High above the Arizona desert, their reservation, encompassing more than 1.5 million acres, consists of 12 villages. According to research both the Hopi landscape and the tribe’s mythology are centered on Orion.

Looking at the entire star formation of the constellation of Orion, and comparing it to the Ancient Hopi cities spread in the vicinity of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, we will notice a staggering similarity where the land mimics the stars from above.

They say it is a place where they can make contact with the gods and according to some researchers, not only do the three mesas represent the stars in Orion’s Belt but when connected to other Hopi landmarks throughout the Southwest, the collective sites map the entire body of the Orion constellation
So the Sphynx was built where the constellation Leo should be in relation to Orion (makes sense) and the Great Pyramids and the Nile is located where the long line of the Milky way is in relation to Orion and the Great Pyramids.

Fascinating stuff.

Did the ancient cultures of Egypt and South America communicate with each other?

Central Mexico, 35 miles northeast of Mexico City, in a highlands plateau, lies the enormous archaeological site of the ancient city of Teotihuacan. Established around 100 B.C., and lasting until its fall between the seventh and eighth centuries, Teotihuacan was one of the largest cities in the ancient world, with over 150,000 inhabitants at its peak. As you walk through the city you notice immediately the difference compared to other ancient cities. Teotihuacan is amazing, it has this advanced but ancient feeling to it. Teotihuacan has a modern city layout, you have a Street of the Dead that goes for miles, along which you have all of the major ceremonial architecture, including some of the largest buildings ever erected in the New World.

According to archaeologists the advanced design of Teotihuacan suggests that ancient builders had knowledge, not only of architecture but of complex mathematical and astronomical sciences, and one of the things that is just incredibly amazing and different from all other ancient sites is the fact that from the air, Teotihuacan‘s city layout strangely resembles a computer circuit board with two large processor chips— the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid. Researchers have also found numerous and remarkable similarities to the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

As you can observe, the layout of the three main pyramids in Teotihuacan incredibly resemble a modern-day circuit board with processors, and this detail is unique to Teotihuacan and like many other details can only be appreciated from the sky, and we know that the placement of these ancient monuments was not random and had mathematical, geometrical and geographical influence.

Is it possible that in the city layout of Teotihuacan a hidden Pyramid code is waiting to be found?


Researchers have also found numerous and remarkable similarities to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza and the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan apparently have about the same base almost 750 feet square.

The Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt, which is basically the formation in which the three pyramids of the Giza Plateau have been laid out into as well so this is just too complex to be just a coincidence as some researchers refer to. You have an ancient civilization in Egypt and you have another in Central Mexico, separated by over seven thousand miles, yet they have constructed their monuments in such alignment to Orion’s constellation that it leaves researchers, archaeologists and scientists baffled.

You can try to explain this but you cannot come to a logical conclusion other than that these civilizations had to have been connected in some way.

One of the most interesting things about Teotihuacan is the finding by archaeologists of the extensive use of mica embedded in numerous structures. This mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil and it is found in all buildings, housing complexes, temples and along the roads so basically this mineral is all over Teotihuacan. The pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm.

Human use of mica dates back to prehistoric times. Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World. The earliest use of mica has been found in cave paintings created during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 BC to 10,000 BC).

Obviously, Mica was not incorporated to these constructions for decoration purposes because you couldn’t see it, so it is clear that this mineral was incorporated into these monuments for another purpose.

Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric, and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat; it can be split very thin (0.025 to 0.125 millimeters or thinner) while maintaining its electrical properties, has a high dielectric breakdown, is thermally stable to 500 °C, and is resistant to corona discharge. Muscovite, the principal mica used by the electrical industry, is used in capacitors that are ideal for high frequency and radio frequency. Phlogopite mica remains stable at higher temperatures (to 900 °C) and is used in applications in which a combination of high-heat stability and electrical properties is required. Muscovite and phlogopite are used in sheet and ground forms.

So we know that Mica was not used for aesthetic purposes so they must have had a very specific and good reason to incorporate it, they clearly knew of the characteristics of this mineral. Teotihuacan, a marvel of ancient engineering.
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The person that started all this building boom was named Imhotep

The First Pyramid Was Designed by Imhotep

We all know about Imhotep, the popular character from The Mummy movie franchise. However, we’re not sure whether the character was named after the real Egyptian deity. Either way, the real Imhotep was the one who designed the first Egyptian pyramid. As one of the most popular architects of his time, Imhotep was the chief minister of Djoser.
He designed the pyramid from the first blocks all the way to the top. Because of this, King Djoser respected him so much that he requested for a statue to bare Imhotep's name in the King’s court, which was an honor like no other at the time. Besides being an accomplished architect, Imhotep also had ties with medicine and he was worshiped as the God of Medicine in Egypt. What an odd combination of professions!

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in a past life I was IMhoteps gardner....he love to eat my onions

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