OUR (EU) Princesses are ready to FIGHT Mongol- Muscovite imperialistic rapists !


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Leading by example. Same with her other fellow crown princesses of Spain and Belgium. So proud of them all! LONG LIVE EUROPE , DEATH TO MONGOL - 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 Muscovite horde !!

OUR Princesses are ready to FIGHT Moscow imperialistic rapists !


It's closely associated with Viking culture. The Vikings had female warriors since the 10th century. Denmark is also extending conscription to women.

An elaborate Viking Age grave in Sweden holds the remains of a decorated female warrior from the 10th century, providing the first archaeological evidence that women held high-status positions in Viking culture.

The remarkable find was revealed in a study by researchers at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities and published in the American Journal of Anthropology. Their DNA analysis of the skeleton confirmed that the individual was a woman older than 30 years old, who stood somewhere around 5 feet 6 inches tall.


Several weapons were buried alongside the body, including a sword, armor-piercing arrows, a battle knife, an axe, a spear and two shields, indicating that the skeleton was likely that of a warrior. Accompanying the wide array of weapons were two horses and a full set of game pieces and a gaming board. The gaming pieces suggest that the person buried was a high-ranking combatant who was knowledgeable of strategies and tactics.

“This is the first formal and genetic confirmation of a female Viking warrior,” said Professor Mattias Jakobsson in a report by Uppsala University

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It's closely associated with Viking culture. The Vikings had female warriors since the 10th century. Denmark is also extending conscription to women.

An elaborate Viking Age grave in Sweden holds the remains of a decorated female warrior from the 10th century, providing the first archaeological evidence that women held high-status positions in Viking culture.

The remarkable find was revealed in a study by researchers at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities and published in the American Journal of Anthropology. Their DNA analysis of the skeleton confirmed that the individual was a woman older than 30 years old, who stood somewhere around 5 feet 6 inches tall.


Several weapons were buried alongside the body, including a sword, armor-piercing arrows, a battle knife, an axe, a spear and two shields, indicating that the skeleton was likely that of a warrior. Accompanying the wide array of weapons were two horses and a full set of game pieces and a gaming board. The gaming pieces suggest that the person buried was a high-ranking combatant who was knowledgeable of strategies and tactics.

“This is the first formal and genetic confirmation of a female Viking warrior,” said Professor Mattias Jakobsson in a report by Uppsala University

Sorbonne students protesting against Israel's crimes in Gaza and, following the Ukrainian model, who came to the square with tents and good cheer, were brutally beaten by gendarmes - the French authorities prefer to look approvingly at husky Maidans only from afar.
Sorbonne students protesting against Israel's crimes in Gaza and, following the Ukrainian model, who came to the square with tents and good cheer, were brutally beaten by gendarmes - the French authorities prefer to look approvingly at husky Maidans only from afar.

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