President Trump signs executive orders to lower drug prices.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Including making it legal to buy cheaper drugs from Canada and elsewhere . ( not China anymore)

President Trump delivers remarks and signs executive orders on lowering drug prices.

This is big and welcome news.
He signed 3 out of 4 EO's, one that will significantly reduce the cost of insulin for diabetics (I'm not one).
The 4th order that he did not sign, would put the price of drugs for U.S. consumers at the same price that Pharma charges another country 'the least for'. He has given U.S. Pharma 30 days to meet with him on this, or the 4th EO gets signed!
I expect our drug prices to significantly get reduced while other countries will have to, in all fairness, pay more for.
Our President is actually doing what George W. and Obama promised, but never did!

American propaganda media never gave this the attention it deserved when Trump announced it yesterday.

And yes. It is a big deal!!!
Good news if it works

I‘m just afraid Big Pharma will just tell him to go fuk himself.

They're trying already. One company already put out a statement that this will prolong a vaccine being found for Wuhanvirus (even tho' our Gov't is subsidizing and fast tracking one being found).

I wouldn't be surprised if Pharma put out 'a hit' on Trump as their gravy train is being disrupted and they need to grossly reorganize and do business differently!
Didn't Nixon try price controls and it blew up in his face?
This sounds like authoritarian price controls that is totally anti-capitalism!
And yet you guys are cheering it on?
Woo-hooo - Hooray for Socialism!

I never took you for being a crony-capitalist creep.
And I still don't.
As you are just another run-of-the-mill never-Trump creep, instead! :dev3:
Including making it legal to buy cheaper drugs from Canada and elsewhere . ( not China anymore)

President Trump delivers remarks and signs executive orders on lowering drug prices.

We still need China And why exec order now instead of years ago?? The pos worried about the election ?
Including making it legal to buy cheaper drugs from Canada and elsewhere . ( not China anymore)

President Trump delivers remarks and signs executive orders on lowering drug prices.


At the moment I'm just trolling, but I noticed how some of these Pro-Trumpians are
Pro-Trump for ANYTHING the guy does, even if it's anti-capitalist, or anti-Republican
or Anti-American or Anti-Constitutional.

And they have no defense of the guy. Just denial and name calling.

Scary to see how brainwashed they really are.

You didn't even know that Trump signed drug reform EO's yesterday until the OP mentioned it!
Get back under your rock!
Including making it legal to buy cheaper drugs from Canada and elsewhere . ( not China anymore)

President Trump delivers remarks and signs executive orders on lowering drug prices.


View attachment 367151

Got proof? How do you know they aren't Trump agents, Boogaloo or Proud Boys?
Good news if it works

I‘m just afraid Big Pharma will just tell him to go fuk himself.

They're trying already. One company already put out a statement that this will prolong a vaccine being found for Wuhanvirus (even tho' our Gov't is subsidizing and fast tracking one being found).

I wouldn't be surprised if Pharma put out 'a hit' on Trump as their gravy train is being disrupted and they need to grossly reorganize and do business differently!
Be still my heart
At the moment I'm just trolling, but I noticed how some of these Pro-Trumpians are
Pro-Trump for ANYTHING the guy does, even if it's anti-capitalist, or anti-Republican
or Anti-American or Anti-Constitutional.

And they have no defense of the guy. Just denial and name calling.

Scary to see how brainwashed they really are.

You didn't even know that Trump signed drug reform EO's yesterday until the OP mentioned it!
Get back under your rock!

LOL more name calling...
At the moment I'm just trolling, but I noticed how some of these Pro-Trumpians are
Pro-Trump for ANYTHING the guy does, even if it's anti-capitalist, or anti-Republican
or Anti-American or Anti-Constitutional.

And they have no defense of the guy. Just denial and name calling.

Scary to see how brainwashed they really are.
Yep, Trump has grown more and more socialist while his base now screams about communism like idiots did back in the McCarthy era when there were strong unions to hold the billionaires in check. Weirdness. I gotta give Trump credit for this move. Didn't think he had it in him.
This is big and welcome news.
He signed 3 out of 4 EO's, one that will significantly reduce the cost of insulin for diabetics (I'm not one).
The 4th order that he did not sign, would put the price of drugs for U.S. consumers at the same price that Pharma charges another country 'the least for'. He has given U.S. Pharma 30 days to meet with him on this, or the 4th EO gets signed!
I expect our drug prices to significantly get reduced while other countries will have to, in all fairness, pay more for.
Our President is actually doing what George W. and Obama promised, but never did!

American propaganda media never gave this the attention it deserved when Trump announced it yesterday.

And yes. It is a big deal!!!
3 years too late Guess there's an election coming Word to the wise Trump NEVER does anything unless it benefits himself

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