Princeton students end hunger strike due to hunger, 'health concerns' after 10 days

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm rather surprised by this. They all look like they had enough fat stored up to easily survive a nine day strike.

When they get up to this guy's level, then maybe people would pay attention.

Bobby Sands - Wikipedia

Sands died on 5 May 1981 in the Maze's prison hospital after 66 days on hunger strike, aged 27.[38] The original pathologist's report recorded the hunger strikers' causes of death as "self-imposed starvation", amended to simply "starvation" following protests by the dead strikers' families. The coroner recorded verdicts of "starvation, self-imposed".[39] Sands was one of 22 Irish republicans (in the 20th century) who died on hunger-strike.[40]
They don’t make protesters like they used too…

That's across the board. Not just with hunger strikers.

Of course the Civil Rights protesters had laws that directly impacted them to protest. Thus they just had to keep breaking the laws they wanted overturned over and over to shame the local politicians into giving up enforcement, or to force the State and Federal ones to do something about it.

The current crop of protests is about abstract ideas that don't directly impact those protesting.
I'm rather surprised by this. They all look like they had enough fat stored up to easily survive a nine day strike.

They did. They survived for 9 days without food. Good for them.

Whatever one may think of their cause, the kids have shown that they can come together for a greater cause than themselves.

Compare that with the retards who threw a fit and charged Congress because they lost an election. Then, they whined because they got caught.
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That's across the board. Not just with hunger strikers.

Of course the Civil Rights protesters had laws that directly impacted them to protest. Thus they just had to keep breaking the laws they wanted overturned over and over to shame the local politicians into giving up enforcement, or to force the State and Federal ones to do something about it.

The current crop of protests is about abstract ideas that don't directly impact those protesting.
I see your point, though fairness…I’m not sure I agree with your minimizing that as a reason. Protesters opposed the Vietnam war and even though we have no “boots on the ground” in Gaza we are supplying weaponry and participating in what they see as unjust. I think there is also a generational difference. Young people are much more globally minded in terms of issues today and much more attuned to justice/injustice and the legacy of colonialism.

Still….swapping out on a hunger strike rather defeats the purpose doesn’t it? I think about about the violence Civil Rights protesters endured.
I see your point, though fairness…I’m not sure I agree with your minimizing that as a reason. Protesters opposed the Vietnam war and even though we have no “boots on the ground” in Gaza we are supplying weaponry and participating in what they see as unjust. I think there is also a generational difference. Young people are much more globally minded in terms of issues today and much more attuned to justice/injustice and the legacy of colonialism.

Still….swapping out on a hunger strike rather defeats the purpose doesn’t it? I think about about the violence Civil Rights protesters endured.

Those students were at risk for the draft. And I didn't mention them because their cause also mixed far more Marxism into the situation than the civil rights movement. For the civil rights movement, the goal of the leadership was removing bad laws and bad SC cases. For the Vietnam protests, it was a combo of peaceniks and socialists.

And on your last point, you get to the main problem I have with these protesters. They expect nothing to happen to them, even when they break the law. For the civil rights protesters breaking the law was the WHOLE POINT. They broke it, got arrested, paid the fine, did the time, and went RIGHT BACK and did it again.
I was hoping they could make a month.

It would have been fun to send the spell of pizza through the ventilating system wherever they were holed up, though.
They did. They survived for 9 days without food. Good for them.

Whatever one may think of their cause, the kids have shown that they can come together for a greater cause than themselves.

Compare that with the retards who threw a fit and charged Congress because they lost an election. Then, they whined because they got caught.
they both took over private property fuck the students as well....
A local bread bakery switched to baking during the day to fill Princeton with delicious bread fumes....

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