Pro-HAMAS Protestor assaults and tases Jewish student at UCLA


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Are you leftists still going to insist that being critical of Israel is unrelated to antisemitism? Get a load of this pro-terrorist assaulting a Jewish student and pulling out a taser on him.

The bitch should be arrested, and if foreign, deported.

Are you leftists still going to insist that being critical of Israel is unrelated to antisemitism? Get a load of this pro-terrorist assaulting a Jewish student and pulling out a taser on him.

The bitch should be arrested, and if foreign, deported.

Did you notice the campus security doing nothing to stop the assault?
Are you leftists still going to insist that being critical of Israel is unrelated to antisemitism? Get a load of this pro-terrorist assaulting a Jewish student and pulling out a taser on him.

The bitch should be arrested, and if foreign, deported.

was the disgusting sharmutah arrested?
If you are a serious practicioner of the Jewish faith, you understand that a Palestinian life is just as valuable as a Jewish life. But it seems that there are American Jews and Gentiles who seem to think it's OK for Netanyahu to bomb and kill until there are no Palestinians left.

Netanyahu Calls U.S. Student Protests Antisemitic and Says They Must Be Quelled​

“What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities. They call for the annihilation of Israel. They attack Jewish students. They attack Jewish faculty.”

(Netanyahu is lying)

A relatively small number of students have staged protests for months at universities in different parts of the country to protest Israel’s conduct of the war in Gaza, which began after Hamas led an attack on Israel on Oct. 7 in which around 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 others were taken hostage. Since then, the authorities in Gaza say, more than 34,000 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes and fighting, a majority of them women and children.

The protesters’ main policy demand is that the U.S. government stop sending military aid to Israel. Some students have also called on universities to stop investing in weapons manufacturers and to sell, or divest, holdings in funds and businesses they say profit from Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian lands.

Netanyahu is not our president and he should shut his mouth. There is wrong on both sides and we should not alow anti muslim bigotry/racism to create an unbalanced view of whats going on over there.
Are you leftists still going to insist that being critical of Israel is unrelated to antisemitism? Get a load of this pro-terrorist assaulting a Jewish student and pulling out a taser on him.

The bitch should be arrested, and if foreign, deported.

He is a supporter of Israel's current military actions. That's the only relevant thing. I wonder if it would be surprising to you to learn that Americans have a long history of protesting against unjust wars, regardless of if Israel is involved or not.
Would be nice if we got the full story and see what lead up to this. You should always be skeptical when you see a clipped video about what is being left out
If you are a serious practicioner of the Jewish faith, you understand that a Palestinian life is just as valuable as a Jewish life. But it seems that there are American Jews and Gentiles who seem to think it's OK for Netanyahu to bomb and kill until there are no Palestinians left.

Netanyahu Calls U.S. Student Protests Antisemitic and Says They Must Be Quelled​

“What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities. They call for the annihilation of Israel. They attack Jewish students. They attack Jewish faculty.”

(Netanyahu is lying)

A relatively small number of students have staged protests for months at universities in different parts of the country to protest Israel’s conduct of the war in Gaza, which began after Hamas led an attack on Israel on Oct. 7 in which around 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 others were taken hostage. Since then, the authorities in Gaza say, more than 34,000 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes and fighting, a majority of them women and children.

The protesters’ main policy demand is that the U.S. government stop sending military aid to Israel. Some students have also called on universities to stop investing in weapons manufacturers and to sell, or divest, holdings in funds and businesses they say profit from Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian lands.

Netanyahu is not our president and he should shut his mouth. There is wrong on both sides and we should not alow anti muslim bigotry/racism to create an unbalanced view of whats going on over there.
You can't have it both ways. Joey XiBaiDung is trying to tell Netanyahu how to run his country. Why can't Bibi tell joey how to run his country..
You can't have it both ways. Joey XiBaiDung is trying to tell Netanyahu how to run his country. Why can't Bibi tell joey how to run his country..
Actually when we are the ones protecting them, we can indeed tell Netanyahu what to do. I'm sure you would feel different if Netanyahu was trying to tell a Republican president what to do. So Netanyahu should shut his mouth or get cut off.
Would be nice if we got the full story and see what lead up to this. You should always be skeptical when you see a clipped video about what is being left out
The full story is that Netanyahu propped up Hamas for years. He allowed Qatar to give them money. He turned a blind eye as they were purchasing weapons, all in order to deny a 2 state solution hoping to further his poitical career.
If you are a serious practicioner of the Jewish faith, you understand that a Palestinian life is just as valuable as a Jewish life. But it seems that there are American Jews and Gentiles who seem to think it's OK for Netanyahu to bomb and kill until there are no Palestinians left.

Netanyahu Calls U.S. Student Protests Antisemitic and Says They Must Be Quelled​

“What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities. They call for the annihilation of Israel. They attack Jewish students. They attack Jewish faculty.”

(Netanyahu is lying)

A relatively small number of students have staged protests for months at universities in different parts of the country to protest Israel’s conduct of the war in Gaza, which began after Hamas led an attack on Israel on Oct. 7 in which around 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 others were taken hostage. Since then, the authorities in Gaza say, more than 34,000 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes and fighting, a majority of them women and children.

The protesters’ main policy demand is that the U.S. government stop sending military aid to Israel. Some students have also called on universities to stop investing in weapons manufacturers and to sell, or divest, holdings in funds and businesses they say profit from Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian lands.

Netanyahu is not our president and he should shut his mouth. There is wrong on both sides and we should not alow anti muslim bigotry/racism to create an unbalanced view of whats going on over there.
Are you trying to justify random attacks on Jews in the US?
He is a supporter of Israel's current military actions. That's the only relevant thing. I wonder if it would be surprising to you to learn that Americans have a long history of protesting against unjust wars, regardless of if Israel is involved or not.
I thought the US of A was a wonderful country with the freest speech courtesy of the First Amendment. However, some Americans are justifying attacks on certain fellow Americans if those fellow Americans exercise their First Amendment right to express opposing opinions freely.

Perhaps you're not American, however, since the relevant event took place in America, I say we should take the American Constitution and the American laws into account.

PS: how exactly do you know what the man attacked in the video supports or thinks about anything?
Actually when we are the ones protecting them, we can indeed tell Netanyahu what to do. I'm sure you would feel different if Netanyahu was trying to tell a Republican president what to do. So Netanyahu should shut his mouth or get cut off.
Would your president have the right to tell a foreign sovereign country what to do if members of your nation were mistreated there?
I thought the US of A was a wonderful country with the freest speech courtesy of the First Amendment. However, some Americans are justifying attacks on certain fellow Americans if those fellow Americans exercise their First Amendment right to express opposing opinions freely.

America is a banana republic now, run by organized criminal gangs. Israel is probably right to be seeking alternative alliances and a more independent foreign policy.
So much for the peaceful protests from the Left. This crazy bitch is using weapons on people she doesn’t agree with yet somehow, this is OK with the Left???

Should all protestors bring tasers to protests? Or, maybe the Jewish protesters simply take a page from Obama: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

Are you? Thats as stupid question. Stop ignoring the point. Netanyahu is the poblem. That's who is being protested. Netanyahu needs to go.
what did Netanyahu do to which you object?

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