RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
It appears the Trump controlled RNC has gone whole hog on the 2020 election fraud myth. I wonder how this affects the long term viability of the Republican Party.

RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election​

The Republican National Committee last week sent out a scripted call to voters’ phones on behalf of new co-chair Lara Trump saying Democrats committed “massive fraud” in the 2020 election.
It’s the latest example of how the RNC under the former president’s daughter-in-law is perpetuating lies about the 2020 election, even as prominent Republicans say the party needs to look forward to win in 2024.
“We all know the problems. No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place,” the RNC call said. “If Democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn’t even an American citizen.”

The claim of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election marks a significant shift in messaging for the RNC because lies about the 2020 election had not been a consistent theme in its messaging since Donald Trump left office.
But the call’s message is largely consistent with the views publicly espoused over the past four years by Lara Trump, who was elected as co-chair in early March as part of Donald Trump’s takeover of the GOP. Lara Trump has a long history of echoing his election fraud claims, according to a CNN KFile analysis of her past statements as a commentator and surrogate for the former president.
“I’m sure you agree with co-chair Trump that we cannot allow the chaos and questions of the 2020 election to ever happen again,” said the call, which was obtained by CNN’s KFile from the anti-robocall application Nomorobo, which estimated 145,000 calls were sent with the message from April 1-7.

It comes amid previous CNN reporting about the RNC asking employees who are reapplying for their jobs whether they believe the 2020 election was stolen in an apparent litmus test for hiring. The RNC denied any such litmus test existed. Lara Trump and new chair Michael Whatley succeeded Drew McKissick and Ronna McDaniel, who had earned the ire of the former president because of his dissatisfaction with how the RNC handled claims of fraud around the 2020 election, CNN previously reported.
It appears the Trump controlled RNC has gone whole hog on the 2020 election fraud myth. I wonder how this affects the long term viability of the Republican Party.
Well stop stealing elections then we’ll stop talking about them.

The numbers don’t lie, it was rigged and everyone knows it.

When your party fights every election integrity law, and fights every audit, it proves they are cheating.




It appears the Trump controlled RNC has gone whole hog on the 2020 election fraud myth. I wonder how this affects the long term viability of the Republican Party.
Just a family hack, supporting the family grift takeover of that party, making it the Trump Party family business revenue stream. It is about the only charity fund-raising entity, they are allowed to participate in as a profit center anymore.
So......which of these is incorrect:

"...No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens..."

You could add,
  • massive illegal trolling for votes in Democrat, brain-dead districts, paid for my Zuckerberg,
  • last minute changing of voting rules, contrary to State laws,
  • informal waivers of ballot requirements to allow more votes from urban, overwhelmingly Democrat districts,
  • suppression of truthful news items unfavorable to Democrats (e.g., the Hunter Biden laptop),
  • Etc.
No matter how you slice it, the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Unfortunately, because it was planned over several months by an army of Leftist attorneys, there was no significant PROVABLE voter fraud, which is what that headline attacks. The level of fraud was certainly significant, but it remains unproven. The Trump lady should not have used that term (assuming she had something to do with it), but the election was stolen and everybody knows it.
So......which of these is incorrect:

"...No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens..."

You could add,
  • massive illegal trolling for votes in Democrat, brain-dead districts, paid for my Zuckerberg,
  • last minute changing of voting rules, contrary to State laws,
  • informal waivers of ballot requirements to allow more votes from urban, overwhelmingly Democrat districts,
  • suppression of truthful news items unfavorable to Democrats (e.g., the Hunter Biden laptop),
  • Etc.
No matter how you slice it, the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Unfortunately, because it was planned over several months by an army of Leftist attorneys, there was no significant PROVABLE voter fraud, which is what that headline attacks. The level of fraud was certainly significant, but it remains unproven. The Trump lady should not have used that term (assuming she had something to do with it), but the election was stolen and everybody knows it.
Too bad you have zero proof of any such theft.

That you’ve thrown a four year long temper tantrum makes you sound unhinged.
So......which of these is incorrect:

"...No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens..."

You could add,
  • massive illegal trolling for votes in Democrat, brain-dead districts, paid for my Zuckerberg,
  • last minute changing of voting rules, contrary to State laws,
  • informal waivers of ballot requirements to allow more votes from urban, overwhelmingly Democrat districts,
  • suppression of truthful news items unfavorable to Democrats (e.g., the Hunter Biden laptop),
  • Etc.
No matter how you slice it, the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Unfortunately, because it was planned over several months by an army of Leftist attorneys, there was no significant PROVABLE voter fraud, which is what that headline attacks. The level of fraud was certainly significant, but it remains unproven. The Trump lady should not have used that term (assuming she had something to do with it), but the election was stolen and everybody knows it.
What is "illegal trolling" for votes?
Lots of states changed voting rules. That's not fraud.
What "informal waivers" of ballot requirements?
"Suppression" of truthful news isn't fraud.
So......which of these is incorrect:

"...No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens..."

You could add,
  • massive illegal trolling for votes in Democrat, brain-dead districts, paid for my Zuckerberg,
  • last minute changing of voting rules, contrary to State laws,
  • informal waivers of ballot requirements to allow more votes from urban, overwhelmingly Democrat districts,
  • suppression of truthful news items unfavorable to Democrats (e.g., the Hunter Biden laptop),
  • Etc.
No matter how you slice it, the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Unfortunately, because it was planned over several months by an army of Leftist attorneys, there was no significant PROVABLE voter fraud, which is what that headline attacks. The level of fraud was certainly significant, but it remains unproven. The Trump lady should not have used that term (assuming she had something to do with it), but the election was stolen and everybody knows it.
Really no point in communicating with them. Just be prepared for what's coming spiritually. Let the liars and utter fools giggle away now. They will be gnashing their teeth and wailing in torment for eternity.

There's literally no point to communicate with them.

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