Sasha Obama Suspicious After Doing A Little Digging Around On Benghazi


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Sasha Obama Suspicious After Doing A Little Digging Around On Benghazi


WASHINGTON—Saying that none of the facts quite add up, first daughter Sasha Obama, 11, reported being “highly suspicious” today after poking around the details of the 2012 Benghazi attack. “I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t make sense—first they blame the attack on a spontaneous demonstration, but now we find out the CIA talking points were secretly revised?” said the sixth-grader, sitting in the darkened White House library intensely scrolling through pages of articles of about the controversy and classified Pentagon briefings. “Obviously, someone’s hiding something: the poor security; the al-Qaeda link; the leaked emails. All I’m asking for here is a simple explanation from the State Department and the White House, and I’m not getting one. I mean, who are they protecting here? And why?” Sasha went on to tell reporters she felt even more suspicious after former defense secretary Leon Panetta failed to respond to any of her 24 voicemails.
Even she believes Obama lied and people died. The onion did a serious story for once. :clap2::razz:
Why do you post this nonsense in current events when it should be in the comedy section?

Oh that's right, you probably think this is a real story.

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