Scalise Wins Secret House Ballot for Speaker

Not an answer..

Are you satisfied or not with how Republicans control the House?
What have you accomplished?
I’m also not answerable to you trolls.

But you’re wrong. I did answer. I just didn’t choose to address your petty gibberish question in the manner you desire.

If by “accomplished” you mean the kind of legislative “accomplishments” you and shitstains like Pelousy and Upchuck Schumer prefer, thankfully the answer is “nothing.” And if you mean compromises that basically give the Leftard Dems what they seek, piece by piece, then I’m plenty content with no compromises.

The GOP House booted out an ineffectual “go along to get along” nominal “Republican” Speaker. That’s a terrific start.
I’m also not answerable to you trolls.

But you’re wrong. I did answer. I just didn’t choose to address your petty gibberish question in the manner you desire.

If by “accomplished” you mean the kind of legislative “accomplishments” you and shitstains like Pelousy and Upchuck Schumer prefer, thankfully the answer is “nothing.” And if you mean compromises that basically give the Leftard Dems what they seek, piece by piece, then I’m plenty content with no compromises.

The GOP House booted out an ineffectual “go along to get along” nominal “Republican” Speaker. That’s a terrific start.
I will just have to chalk that up as another thread you wimped out on

Go back and hide in your closet

I will gladly defend Pelosi’s tenure as Speaker.
I dare you to defend the Speakerships of Hastert, Boehner , Ryan or McConnell

Now go back and cower in your closet
Holy crap. I wonder what THAT means, with Trump's endorsement of Jordan.
Maybe it means they want someone other than Gym Jordon in charge. He would just be an arm of trump. The House would get less done that they are doing now. trump wants to shut down government and destroy our country.
It seems some democrats would vote for Scalise in order to keep crazy Gym Jordon out of the seat.
I will just have to chalk that up as another thread you wimped out on

Go back and hide in your closet

I will gladly defend Pelosi’s tenure as Speaker.
I dare you to defend the Speakerships of Hastert, Boehner , Ryan or McConnell

Now go back and cower in your closet
A lot of the rancor is after the fact. Ryan to voters was put on notice and he still sold them out.
I will just have to chalk that up as another thread you wimped out on
I’ll chalk your above post to yet another in your endless litany of lies. D
Go back and hide in your closet
Nah. You might still be there.
I will gladly defend Pelosi’s tenure as Speaker.
Of course. Truth and reality (as always) mean nothing to you.
I dare you to defend the Speakerships of Hastert, Boehner , Ryan or McConnell
You place way too much stock in house speakers. You silly little small minded troll.
Now go back and cower in your closet
You probably aren’t bright enough to grasp that you’re repeating your insipid prior fraudulent comment.

Go play in traffic.

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