Scalise Wins Secret House Ballot for Speaker

Republicans Pick Man Who Compared Himself to David Duke as Next House Speaker

A Scalise victory means that the farthest-right wing of the Republican Party would be in complete control. Scalise has refused to say outright that the 2020 election was legitimate, instead remaining loyal to Donald Trump.

But even long before that, Scalise had embraced the extremist movement. At the start of his congressional career, Scalise reportedly described himself as being like Duke, the former head of the Ku Klux Klan, but “without the baggage.”

Scalise also attended a white supremacist conference that Duke organized in 2002. Scalise later described attending the conference as “a mistake.”

But Duke said Scalise was invited because he would “communicate a lot” and was “friendly” with Kenny Knight, Duke’s political adviser.

Does Scalise have enough votes to gain the speakership on the House floor? half the House Republicans prefer Jim Jordan.
Nothing but a whip count.

Let me know when the House votes

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