Debate Now Should the Government Dictate What Is and Is Not Healthy?

Other than protecting us from dangerous toxins and contaminants, the government:

  • 1. should have total power to dictate what is and is not healthy for us to consume.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. should have a lot of power to dictate what is and is not healthy for us to consume in most

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. should have some power to dictate what is and is not healthy for us to consume

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 4. should have no power to dictate what is and is not healthy for us to consume.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • 5. Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
Americans are, generally speaking, sick 24 hours a day.
We are the only country in the world that accomplished something that seems impossible - millions of obese people that are actually malnourished.
We have also accomplishes something else that defies logic - "Fat skinny people".
Skinny people with extraordinary high body fat content, especially the dangerous "belly fat".
The food corporations could never have so grossly changed America's diets without government help. Financially and by ignoring how toxic processed foods are.
End of the day though...japan only beats us in life expectancy by how many years?

Lol only half trolling....its not that many years actually
The government is the primary reason our food is unhealthy.
So what in the world would make anyone think they have the remotest concern about "healthy" food???
The government provides massive sugar and corn subsidies, as well as purposefully and knowingly deletes/modifies and misrepresents nutritional data that directly favors corn and sugar industries.
Look at the government nutrional data on products...notice something?
Sugar is listed, but the daily value is not there. It is blank. The sugar lobby successfully had that removed from Nutritional Fact Sheets years ago.
Sugar kills more people than cigarettes could have ever imagined. And the government knowingly removes and hides this from all of us thanks to generous campaign donations from both the corn and sugar groups. Very, very powerful lobbyist.
Except the new food guide matches what private, non government science says today.

So......that oddly doesnt feed the conspiracy wheel there.......unless all nutritional science is in on it!!!! All of um!!!!

No, truth is, the nutritional sciences have come a great deal way since the time where there were no black families on television and barely anyone still had televisions. Lol.

Private, non government studies provided by the food conglomerates. You wanna trust that? Really?
Sugar is the absolute most dangerous and deadly substances that people use. PERIOD. Far - far - far more dangerous than cigarettes/alcohol and even illegal drugs - combined.
You know how many child cases there were of Type 2 diabetes prior to 1950? That's easy - ZERO. None. Not one. Type 2 diabetes in children was unheard of.
Today? Millions.
And what about Diabetes generally?
Maybe this will help...

No problem here?
Did you know that dozens of times the FDA has wanted to issue warnings about Diabetes and America's unholy addiction to high sugar diets?
Did you know that Congress threatened to remove a quarter of the FDA's budget when Margeret Hamburg insisted on changing the governments sugar recommendations and reinstate the Daily % values on foods?

Our government is thoroughly in bed with food conglomerates.
It is a cruel joke to think they would honestly monitor foods when they are the ones that are gleefully providing subsidies for and ignoring the colossal and inarguable data about our high sugar more graph for you...

Are you saying that the government recommends you eat processed sugar and has no literature on their very own websites citing its dangers?

We dont find the same, if so homey.

I hear ya though. Processed sugar is quite literally the devil for health.

I design diets and personal exercise plans actual side job. Sugar is the #1 biggest bang for everyones respective buck, weight loss wise, to cut.

No, I am saying that the FDA has repeatedly tried to change sugar % recommendations only to be shut down by the two houses.
I am also saying that the government is exactly why food companies inject corn sweetners into practically every food they make. Corn sugar is the cheapest food product on the far. It is in everything. Because it is so cheap. And it is so cheap because of the government.
Food for thought too though is the govt uses BMI to measure obesity.

So its a bit overstated.

We are a fat country...but not as bad as the numbers say. Bmi is grossly inaccurate. But ins. Companies want it used. Guess why
Americans are, generally speaking, sick 24 hours a day.
We are the only country in the world that accomplished something that seems impossible - millions of obese people that are actually malnourished.
We have also accomplishes something else that defies logic - "Fat skinny people".
Skinny people with extraordinary high body fat content, especially the dangerous "belly fat".
The food corporations could never have so grossly changed America's diets without government help. Financially and by ignoring how toxic processed foods are.
End of the day though...japan only beats us in life expectancy by how many years?

Lol only half trolling....its not that many years actually

Japan is not a good example of a healthy culture.
Stress and overworking/overachieving is a national pastime.
Japan is a highly stressed culture.
Americans are, generally speaking, sick 24 hours a day.
We are the only country in the world that accomplished something that seems impossible - millions of obese people that are actually malnourished.
We have also accomplishes something else that defies logic - "Fat skinny people".
Skinny people with extraordinary high body fat content, especially the dangerous "belly fat".
The food corporations could never have so grossly changed America's diets without government help. Financially and by ignoring how toxic processed foods are.
End of the day though...japan only beats us in life expectancy by how many years?

Lol only half trolling....its not that many years actually

Japan is not a good example of a healthy culture.
Stress and overworking/overachieving is a national pastime.
Japan is a highly stressed culture.
Im talking mortality ....

We are x years behind the longest living country.

Look it up. Its a decent sigh of relief, for the time being.

And if you look a bit into the cellular sciences going on (specifically in terms of aging), and can wait it out......the future is a fucking epic sci fi movie.
It is really quite simple. Those that do not trust the government, and believe everything is a conspiracy, will not pay any attention to what the government has to say about healthy and unhealthy foods. Those of us who believe that the government is serving our best interests in promoting healthy citizens will pay attention. No harm, no foul.
It is really quite simple. Those that do not trust the government, and believe everything is a conspiracy, will not pay any attention to what the government has to say about healthy and unhealthy foods. Those of us who believe that the government is serving our best interests in promoting healthy citizens will pay attention. No harm, no foul.

So let me get this believe the government is serving our best interest?
You really believe that? realize that less than 20% of the population agree with you?
It is really quite simple. Those that do not trust the government, and believe everything is a conspiracy, will not pay any attention to what the government has to say about healthy and unhealthy foods. Those of us who believe that the government is serving our best interests in promoting healthy citizens will pay attention. No harm, no foul.

So let me get this believe the government is serving our best interest?
You really believe that? realize that less than 20% of the population agree with you?

Of course, I don't believe that. Our government is a vast conspiracy made up of the illuminati, muslims, illegal aliens, democrats, gays and lesbians and commies, who are going to take our guns and put us in FEMA camps. Only the NRA and Sarah Palin have been able to keep them at bay, so far....
It is really quite simple. Those that do not trust the government, and believe everything is a conspiracy, will not pay any attention to what the government has to say about healthy and unhealthy foods. Those of us who believe that the government is serving our best interests in promoting healthy citizens will pay attention. No harm, no foul.

So let me get this believe the government is serving our best interest?
You really believe that? realize that less than 20% of the population agree with you?

Of course, I don't believe that. Our government is a vast conspiracy made up of the illuminati, muslims, illegal aliens, democrats, gays and lesbians and commies, who are going to take our guns and put us in FEMA camps.

Where did anyone say that?
That is called a scarecrow argument.
It is really quite simple. Those that do not trust the government, and believe everything is a conspiracy, will not pay any attention to what the government has to say about healthy and unhealthy foods. Those of us who believe that the government is serving our best interests in promoting healthy citizens will pay attention. No harm, no foul.

So let me get this believe the government is serving our best interest?
You really believe that? realize that less than 20% of the population agree with you?

The government is serving the special interests that purchased the elections. That is not a good thing but right now it still beats the alternative being offered by the extreme right.

As far as the OP goes though some segments of the government are still functioning as intended. Truth in advertising is in the best interests of all corporations even if the one in question has to deal with finding another way to convince their customers that they are pushing a "healthy" product.
GM certainly showed us the meaning of "corporate responsibility" when they produced the Corvair for several years. Of course, Ford did the same with their Pinto which tended to blow up in flames when hit from the rear. Well, after all, it was the consumer's fault for not asking if it would do that. Now, I know better, and always ask the dealer if the car I am buying tends to explode when hit. I am sure that he would tell me the truth, even if the government did not force him to.
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GM certainly showed us the meaning of "corporate responsibility" when they produced the Corvair for several years. Of course, Ford did the same with their Pinto which tended to blow up in flames when hit from the rear. Well, after all, it was the consumer's fault for not asking if it would do that.


Corporations were saving society the burden of sending kids to college when they included lead in the paint they sold. If only the big bad government hadn't dictated that they stop doing that we wouldn't have college tuition bills exceeding the mortgage on the house.
The government is serving the special interests that purchased the elections. That is not a good thing but right now it still beats the alternative being offered by the extreme right.

As far as the OP goes though some segments of the government are still functioning as intended. Truth in advertising is in the best interests of all corporations even if the one in question has to deal with finding another way to convince their customers that they are pushing a "healthy" product.

Truth in advertising doesn't really have anything to do with the OP. The question is whether the government that, as you note, is serving the special interests that purchased the elections should have the power to tell us what is healthy, and to prohibit us from imbibing anything else.

This question becomes more interesting, and more urgent, as government assumes more and more responsibility for our health care. This is where the liberal and conservative authoritarians will join forces in a statist tag-team. The liberals expanding government's caretaker role, and the conservatives using that role as an excuse to dictate personal behavior. It's a lose-lose proposition for freedom.
This guy followed the "Food pyramid" that FDA government shills in cahoots with the food industry skillfully pimped for the last 50 years......He's the picture of health ain't he? :lol:


IMHO, Humans INSTINCTIVELY know healthy food is. You already know that eating a half gallon of ice cream or a whole bag of cheetos is not good for you!! Well, unless you're a retard. In which case, I won't be asking your for directions! :lol:

I enjoy eating a slice of pie now and then, or a serving of ice cream. I love a slice of pizza with a nice cold beer too! But I do it in moderation because I value the long term feeling of being trim and fit, more than the temporary feeling that over-eating or eating fast food provides. That bears repeating- so reread it fatso!

Bottom line: If it has a label -l it's probably not very good for you. Make your own meals. Eat lots of veggies, fresh fruits, lean cuts of meat, and good fats. Educate yourself on nutrition. Get off your ass and do some sort of exercise everyday. Lift heavy things, do work. Stop being a lethargic latte drinking excuse maker and get out and MOVE!! If you do have to eat out- have a salad once in a while. Have some fucking discipline you loser!!

Do you really need the government to tell you that? If so, I won't be asking you for directions!

The government is serving the special interests that purchased the elections. That is not a good thing but right now it still beats the alternative being offered by the extreme right.

As far as the OP goes though some segments of the government are still functioning as intended. Truth in advertising is in the best interests of all corporations even if the one in question has to deal with finding another way to convince their customers that they are pushing a "healthy" product.

Truth in advertising doesn't really have anything to do with the OP. The question is whether the government that, as you note, is serving the special interests that purchased the elections should have the power to tell us what is healthy, and to prohibit us from imbibing anything else.

This question becomes more interesting, and more urgent, as government assumes more and more responsibility for our health care. This is where the liberal and conservative authoritarians will join forces in a statist tag-team. The liberals expanding government's caretaker role, and the conservatives using that role as an excuse to dictate personal behavior. It's a lose-lose proposition for freedom.

Careful friend. We are in the SDZ and Rule #3 is explicit:

3. Leave political parties and ideologies (conservatives and liberals etc.) out of it please. We aren't discussing Republicans or Democrats or any other political party or conservatism or liberalism or any other ideology. We are discussing governing power regarding what is healthy.

Otherwise, I think you made some good points re how we lose our liberties regardless of who initiates it.

In this case, we have a government who has time and time again published really REALLY bad information re what is healthy. So why should government be given power to dictate to a private manufacturer that he can't advertise a nutrition bar as 'healthy'? As long as we can read the nutritional content of that bar, why aren't the people the ones to decide whether it is or is not healthy for them?
In my experience, government "nutritional" advice is a good guide for what NOT to do. The FDA "Food pyramid" is one of the reasons we have so many fat slobs in this country. They've demonized fat and protein in favor of processed carbohydrates.

It's the height of stupidity. If you want severe inflammation and a morbidly obese body, just follow the "food pyramid".


So no, I don't need a morbidly obese government clerk in stretch pants telling me what to eat.

PS- I don't ask retarded people for directions either.....
That is not the latest food pyramid.

I know. That's the one they used for 50 years- ya know that time in US history where our population became fatter and fatter.

Here is the the newest Food Pyramid


is a little better, but still designed for retards......
In my experience, government "nutritional" advice is a good guide for what NOT to do. The FDA "Food pyramid" is one of the reasons we have so many fat slobs in this country. They've demonized fat and protein in favor of processed carbohydrates.

It's the height of stupidity. If you want severe inflammation and a morbidly obese body, just follow the "food pyramid".


So no, I don't need a morbidly obese government clerk in stretch pants telling me what to eat.

PS- I don't ask retarded people for directions either.....
That is not the latest food pyramid.

I know. That's the one they used for 50 years- ya know that time in US history where our population became fatter and fatter.

Here is the the newest Food Pyramid


is a little better, but still designed for retards......

It isn't much better when such a huge chunk is designated as grains and half of those can be processed grains.

And look at the government recommendation that the other largest category be dairy and that the milk consumed be low fat or skim milk.

But that is up against this:

. . .1. Low-fat foods do not lower calorie consumption: Low-fat versions are supposed to reduce the amount of calories that people eat, and in an absolute sense, they do. A cup of low-fat milk contains fewer calories than a cup of whole milk. But Ludwig and Willett note that there isn’t much evidence to support the idea that drinking lower-calorie beverages in general leads to lower-calorie intake. Reduced-fat foods and drinks may not be as filling, so consumers may end up compensating for the lack of calories and eating or drinking more. In a study published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood in March, scientists found that kids who drank lower-fat milks were actually more likely to be overweight later on.

“Our original hypothesis was that children who drank high-fat milk, either whole milk or 2% would be heavier because they were consuming more saturated-fat calories. We were really surprised when we looked at the data and it was very clear that within every ethnicity and every socioeconomic strata, that it was actually the opposite, that children who drank skim milk and 1% were heavier than those who drank 2% and whole,” study author Dr. Mark Daniel DeBoer, an associate professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the chair-elect for the AAP Committee on Nutrition, told TIME in March.. . .

Skim Milk Is Healthier Than Whole Milk Right Maybe Not

Government has not demonstrated competence or credibility in dictating to anybody what is and is not healthy.
In my experience, government "nutritional" advice is a good guide for what NOT to do. The FDA "Food pyramid" is one of the reasons we have so many fat slobs in this country. They've demonized fat and protein in favor of processed carbohydrates.

It's the height of stupidity. If you want severe inflammation and a morbidly obese body, just follow the "food pyramid".


So no, I don't need a morbidly obese government clerk in stretch pants telling me what to eat.

PS- I don't ask retarded people for directions either.....
That is not the latest food pyramid.

I know. That's the one they used for 50 years- ya know that time in US history where our population became fatter and fatter.

Here is the the newest Food Pyramid


is a little better, but still designed for retards......

It isn't much better when such a huge chunk is designated as grains and half of those can be processed grains.

And look at the government recommendation that the other largest category be dairy and that the milk consumed be low fat or skim milk.

But that is up against this:

. . .1. Low-fat foods do not lower calorie consumption: Low-fat versions are supposed to reduce the amount of calories that people eat, and in an absolute sense, they do. A cup of low-fat milk contains fewer calories than a cup of whole milk. But Ludwig and Willett note that there isn’t much evidence to support the idea that drinking lower-calorie beverages in general leads to lower-calorie intake. Reduced-fat foods and drinks may not be as filling, so consumers may end up compensating for the lack of calories and eating or drinking more. In a study published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood in March, scientists found that kids who drank lower-fat milks were actually more likely to be overweight later on.

“Our original hypothesis was that children who drank high-fat milk, either whole milk or 2% would be heavier because they were consuming more saturated-fat calories. We were really surprised when we looked at the data and it was very clear that within every ethnicity and every socioeconomic strata, that it was actually the opposite, that children who drank skim milk and 1% were heavier than those who drank 2% and whole,” study author Dr. Mark Daniel DeBoer, an associate professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the chair-elect for the AAP Committee on Nutrition, told TIME in March.. . .

Skim Milk Is Healthier Than Whole Milk Right Maybe Not

Government has not demonstrated competence or credibility in dictating to anybody what is and is not healthy.

Exactly. Vegetable oils are the worst too. The best oils are : Coconut. Avocado, and Olive oil. Corn, vegetable, and canola oil are garbage.

In my experience, government "nutritional" advice is a good guide for what NOT to do. The FDA "Food pyramid" is one of the reasons we have so many fat slobs in this country. They've demonized fat and protein in favor of processed carbohydrates.

It's the height of stupidity. If you want severe inflammation and a morbidly obese body, just follow the "food pyramid".


So no, I don't need a morbidly obese government clerk in stretch pants telling me what to eat.

PS- I don't ask retarded people for directions either.....
That is not the latest food pyramid.

I know. That's the one they used for 50 years- ya know that time in US history where our population became fatter and fatter.

Here is the the newest Food Pyramid


is a little better, but still designed for retards......

It isn't much better when such a huge chunk is designated as grains and half of those can be processed grains.

And look at the government recommendation that the other largest category be dairy and that the milk consumed be low fat or skim milk.

But that is up against this:

. . .1. Low-fat foods do not lower calorie consumption: Low-fat versions are supposed to reduce the amount of calories that people eat, and in an absolute sense, they do. A cup of low-fat milk contains fewer calories than a cup of whole milk. But Ludwig and Willett note that there isn’t much evidence to support the idea that drinking lower-calorie beverages in general leads to lower-calorie intake. Reduced-fat foods and drinks may not be as filling, so consumers may end up compensating for the lack of calories and eating or drinking more. In a study published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood in March, scientists found that kids who drank lower-fat milks were actually more likely to be overweight later on.

“Our original hypothesis was that children who drank high-fat milk, either whole milk or 2% would be heavier because they were consuming more saturated-fat calories. We were really surprised when we looked at the data and it was very clear that within every ethnicity and every socioeconomic strata, that it was actually the opposite, that children who drank skim milk and 1% were heavier than those who drank 2% and whole,” study author Dr. Mark Daniel DeBoer, an associate professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the chair-elect for the AAP Committee on Nutrition, told TIME in March.. . .

Skim Milk Is Healthier Than Whole Milk Right Maybe Not

Government has not demonstrated competence or credibility in dictating to anybody what is and is not healthy.

Exactly. Vegetable oils are the worst too. The best oils are : Coconut. Avocado, and Olive oil. Corn, vegetable, and canola oil are garbage.


I have always wondered too about the generation before me who grew up eating lots and lots of eggs, bacon, fried salt pork, and sausage for breakfast almost every morning of the world, lots of fried fish and fried chicken fried all fried in lard (which makes the best fried fish and chicken in the world) all complimented with lots of mashed potatoes and gravy plus veggies from the garden. Homemade bread served up with their own churned butter. There were cakes and pies for desserts at supper time, a cookie and whole milk, often unpasteurized and unhomogenized after school. Folks canned their garden produce to get them through the winter, but otherwise processed foods were pretty nonexistent.

And I don't remember ANY of them being fat. Most lived to a ripe old age and were active and productive late into life.

I don't think you do kids any favors feeding them meager food they hate for lunch that almost certainly contributes to binge eating bad foods just as soon as they get home.

And I would sure rather my kid snack on that nutrition bar than really bad snacks, but I guess the government is discouraging that too.

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