Stupid Michael Moore

As European commerce grew in the late Middle Ages, some Jews became prominent in trade, banking, and moneylending, and Jews’ economic and cultural successes tended to arouse the envy of the populace. This economic resentment, allied with traditional religious prejudice, prompted the forced expulsion of Jews from several countries and regions, including England (1290), France (14th century), Germany (1350s), Portugal (1496), Provence (1512), and the Papal States (1569). Intensifying persecution in Spain culminated in 1492 in the forced expulsion of that country’s large and long-established Jewish population. Only Jews who had converted to Christianity were allowed to remain, and those suspected of continuing to practice Judaism faced persecution in the Spanish Inquisition. As a result of these mass expulsions, the centres of Jewish life shifted from western Europe and Germany to Turkey and then to Poland and Russia.

Christian conversion was a mandate, not an option.
“Only Jews who had converted to Christianity were allowed to remain, and those suspected of continuing to practice Judaism faced persecution in the Spanish Inquisition.”

I already mentioned the conversos.

And do you think maybe some of those money-lenders exploited people?
He doesn't know when to shut up.

Moore says White Christians are Jewish people's true enemy: 'No Palestinian ran the Spanish inquisition'
Story by Alexander Hall • 10h

Oh, wow. Unreal. I guess Moore doesn't know that a lot of those Spaniards were not really "white."

True, no Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition, but a bunch of Palestinians have been murdering Jews for decades, shelling Israeli towns and blowing up Israeli school buses and malls, not to mention killing fellow Palestinians who were deemed to be too friendly with Israelis.
Oh, wow. Unreal. I guess Moore doesn't know that a lot of those Spaniards were not really "white."

True, no Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition, but a bunch of Palestinians have been murdering Jews for decades, shelling Israeli towns and blowing up Israeli school buses and malls, not to mention killing fellow Palestinians who were deemed to be too friendly with Israelis.
Well said.
Actually the Papal States took in some 10,000 Jews; the current Pope had to force the Jewish communities to take them in, as the local Jews objected to their immigration. And again nobody was forced to convert; they had a choice to leave if they didn't want to convert. Many went to the Netherlands, France, Italy, and parts of what became Germany, not just back to their Islamo-Land allies. Many went to Turkey and the weapon and armor shops of the Ottomans. They loved killing Xians.
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So what? They were a national security threat to the Crown. Allowing them to leave was a generous thing to do. They didn't have to convert, they had a choice. Many of them did convert, and became Inquisitors themselves.

The hate had nothing to do with envy, it had to do with the tax farming and extortion of peasants and monopolies on imports. They were happy plunderers of the lower classes, hiding behind Royal armies and courts. No pity party needed for them. They were hated for good reason.
The HeirHead Slime Needed a Scapegoat

Wannabe Preppies refuse to blame the clear and present predators because they hate their own Daddies for not getting
rich and spoiling them. This is why the toxic self-appointed ruling class encourages childish attitudes.
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So what? They were a national security threat to the Crown. Allowing them to leave was a generous thing to do. They didn't have to convert, they had a choice. Many of them did convert, and became Inquisitors themselves.

The hate had nothing to do with envy, it had to do with the tax farming and extortion of peasants and monopolies on imports. They were happy plunderers of the lower classes, hiding behind Royal armies and courts. No pity party needed for them. They were hated for good reason.
All the Jews, eh?

Everything done to the Jews in Europe over the centuries was done to them during the Holocaust, only, on a larger scale.

As far as the Holocaust, I reckon you agree they had it coming as well.

My favorite was when they rounded up Jews to be killed during the Black Plague. For you see, because they adhered to the cleanliness laws of the OT, they did not have rats and subsequently did not get sick. So the locals figured they had made a deal with the devil and rounded them all up to be slaughtered.
All the Jews, eh?

Everything done to the Jews in Europe over the centuries was done to them during the Holocaust, only, on a larger scale.

As far as the Holocaust, I reckon you agree they had it coming as well.

My favorite was when they rounded up Jews to be killed during the Black Plague. For you see, because they adhered to the cleanliness laws of the OT, they did not have rats and subsequently did not get sick. So the locals figured they had made a deal with the devil and rounded them all up to be slaughtered.

Ah, now we need strawmen, because God is going to give you extra ice cream in Heaven for mindlessly sucking up to the Xian killers.
My favorite was when they rounded up Jews to be killed during the Black Plague. For you see, because they adhered to the cleanliness laws of the OT,

No, they walled themselves off from the goyim in their own ghettoes, and had since forever. Pretty easy to avoid plagues when you never associate with most other people.
Answer the question, did the Jews deserve the Holocaust or are you one of those Holocaust deniers?

Answer what question? The idiotic one you keep babbling in an attempt to claim I'm a holocaust denier for disagreeing with your idiot fake history of the Inquisition?

You know squat, and you obviously don't know there were three Inquisitions, not one, and you have no clue which one did what.
Answer what question? The idiotic one you keep babbling in an attempt to claim I'm a holocaust denier for disagreeing with your idiot fake history of the Inquisition?

You know squat, and you obviously don't know there were three Inquisitions, not one, and you have no clue which one did what.
I'm asking if you think the Jews deserved the Holocaust, but you refuse to answer.

Schloss, C. (2002). 2000 years of Jewish history : from the destruction of the second Bais Hamikdash until the twentieth century. Israel: Feldheim Publishers.
p. 43

The Banu Kuraiza were all too aware that Mohammed would most likely unleash his frenzied rage against them. At the last moment, however, he offered them . All they had to do was say, "Mohammed is the Sent One ...."

The reply was instant and unanimous:
"We will never abandon the Law of our Torah and will never change it for another!" On the spot , six hundred Jewish men were butchered , and their wives and children taken to be sold into slavery...

KHAYBAR - genocidal Islamists still shout it today. Like: here, here,



Note, while Moore keeps going back that far in history over 500 years ago, he doesn't want to realize recent history which is ONLY ISLAMISTS are hell-bent on spreading by the sword...

5 days after 'Oct 7 atrocities', whereby some 3,000 Islamofascist racist-Arab "paLeStInIaN" under Allah Akbar carried out:
  • massacres,
  • rape jihad before and after murdering,
  • obsessive genital mutilation,
  • burning families alive,
  • decapitation..

All while laughing.

Palestinian Businessman And Politician Talal Abu Ghazaleh.
Typical Hitler loving.. and praising their death cult.

Oct 13, 2023


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I'm asking if you think the Jews deserved the Holocaust, but you refuse to answer.


Because you're a moron. I don't take orders from morons.

The Peanut Gallery can look up when the Muslims and their Jewish allies invaded and conquered Spain from Christians, then look up when Christians retook it. Hint: it was hundreds of years later, during which time Jews made out like bandits, literally. They weren't 'oppressed' often, and lined their pockets very well, hardly the tale of woe and oppression they peddle to idiots today. The average peasant fared a lot worse, and many other tribes disappeared altogether, certainly a worse fate.

Read a frigging book; even Paul Johnson's History of the Jews would help most of you idiots, and it's slanted and deliberately leaves out much. Another heavily slanted puff piece is this one. It's even free, for you uneducated types who hate to pay for books when you'd rather spend the money on breakfast beer.

They both leave out the causes of expulsions and other 'evul xian stuff', of course, but those really interested can find out and fill in the many blank spots that get skipped over, same as with any partisan history.
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The Nazis were not Christians, no matter what the local Jewish bigots keep trying to peddle, in the hopes you give them lots of money from guilt, same as con artists like IM2 hope to sucker you out of cash.
Moore made millions telling idiots what they wanted to hear, same as any other political hack, right or left wing. All of them are con artists.

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