The Arrogance of the Trump Worshippers Fails to See Reality

And explain this Dims:
"In a recent survey conducted by North Star Opinion Research for populist right organization League of American Workers, former President Donald Trump emerges as the front-runner among Georgia voters, with a significant lead over President Joe Biden."
"Significant lead"! A 10 point lead in Georgia!

I don't predict a Trump win, although I've been encouraged by the polling that has shown Trump pretty consistently leading in the battleground states.

For instance, how the fuck do you lose a state like Nevada in 2020, and now lead it by 13%? How do you account for that, when Trump practically has one step in a jail cell?!

Just shows you what a colossal fuck-up Joe Biden has been! Good lord, you can't even bury someone like Trump?!! It's fucking hilarious!!!
Since that was a poll and not the election, ypu can't say that Biden is losing anything. So again ,once Captain Queeg stands up in front of the nation and starts talking about the strawberries durimg his nomination speech, the country will come to understand just how far the Republlican party has fallen. The false narrative about Biden will be destroyed by Biden, just as he did during the state of the union. There is a part of this nation that has chosen to beieve a lie, and from what you have posted, you appear to be one of the people in that number.
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

❓How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.

Biden losing nearly 30% to, 'who the hell are they'?

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And explain this Dims:
"In a recent survey conducted by North Star Opinion Research for populist right organization League of American Workers, former President Donald Trump emerges as the front-runner among Georgia voters, with a significant lead over President Joe Biden."
"Significant lead"! A 10 point lead in Georgia!

There is nothing to explain. Explain in November.
You Orange Deity got the shots for covid and still bagged it anyway. So you are saying that tRump (the t is silent) lied both ways?
Trump is not MY anything. I despise him as a worthless clown. Nothing more.

Despite having two of the most compromised immune systems in the world and not getting the shots, my wife and I didn’t get “Covid” until the first week of December, 2023. Within three days we were both fine. A bad flu. Nothing more.
do you want me to load the shotgun? Sorry, no handgun or rifle. Shotguns are only used in serious suicides
No. Firearms are for cowards when it comes to suicide. Swords require true dedication.
Since that was a poll and not the election, ypu can't say that Biden is losing anything. So again ,once Captain Queeg stands up in front of the nation and starts talking about the strawberries durimg his nomination speech, the country will come to understand just how far the Republlican party has fallen. The false narrative about Biden will be destroyed by Biden, just as he did during the state of the union. There is a part of this nation that has chosen to beieve a lie, and from what you have posted, you appear to be one of the people in that number.

You can blow it off all you want, but polls have been pretty consistent, and they haven't been looking very good for fossil Joe.
I'm not predicting a Trump win, but I think you're fooling yourself to not be concerned.
They could write it in in many states. I am a proud voter that voted for Pat Paulson.
I remember that. But I was too young to vote then.
Let's be honest, America would take Trump back in the White House today in a heartbeat. The Biden trainwreck was predictable, Trump warned you.
America doesn't want trump. Trump was the trainwreck and we should really think about our national mentality that this criminal is even close to being considered for president.
You can blow it off all you want, but polls have been pretty consistent, and they haven't been looking very good for fossil Joe.
I'm not predicting a Trump win, but I think you're fooling yourself to not be concerned.
Yeah, and according to the polls you guys talk about, there was going to be a red wave. I am concerned that our nation has become so fucked up trhat we are even having such a discussion. A trump defeat will not change my concern because the same attitudes that created Nixon, Reagan, Gingrich and Trump will still exist.
America doesn't want trump. Trump was the trainwreck and we should really think about our national mentality that this criminal is even close to being considered for president.
they don't want Biden either.
America doesn't want trump. Trump was the trainwreck and we should really think about our national mentality that this criminal is even close to being considered for president.
Your ignorant post, it's not really worth responding to. Trump gathers 100,000 in blue state NJ to cheer a 2nd Trump presidency. The Biden campaign is in panic mode. These are facts. You just spew lies like a firehose so yeah, meh.

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