Debate Now The Donald Says He Is Serious About Running in 2016

A Donald Trump Presidency?

  • 1. Yes. Absolutely.

  • 2. Maybe.

  • 3. Probably not.

  • 4. No way in hell.

  • 5. Other and I'll explain in my post.

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The problem with Trump, is he cares far too much about the Trump brand. He is not a credible candidate based on prior history IMO.

But can you really be sure of that? Don't get me wrong. I think he has about as much chance of being considered a credible candidate as I would--even though he has a hell of a lot more money than everybody I know put together--but who are we to question his motives or what he cares about?

For sure he gets terrible press and he's the celebrity everybody loves to hate. How much of it is true and how much is exaggeration or gossip just because he is a 'safe' and 'legal' target and punching bag? Do any of us really know? His TV shows pull great Nielson ratings and have helped to keep NBC on top of the ratings wars. If he really was so hated, would so many people watch?

I don't admire or not admire Donald Trump--am actually pretty neutral. But I sure don't watch programs by celebrities I don't like and I do watch Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice. My daughter-in-law said her entire college marketing classes watched it to get some insights into that aspect of business.

For business credentials, I would personally be more comfortable with a Mitt Romney type who has an obvious track record of problem solving and carries a whole lot less negative baggage than Trump does. And of course there are those who despise Trump and refuse to see anything good in him. And not all that many who see him as mostly good with nothing to criticize. But one thing I've never seen in him is that he is either close-minded or self-righteous himself.

Trump also has absolutely nothing to lose and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. So I am curious about what he could bring to the debate. He might be exactly what the GOP needs to shake it up, break free of the PC straight jacket they put themselves into, and maybe jolt them into becoming more of what the people are looking for in a leader.

I don't know. But I'm interested to find out.

The biggest problem I have with Trump is the same one I have with Elon Musk, he has become rich by using taxpayer dollars (without recompense) to make his fortune. Trump did some good development work early in his career. Since then he has done only those things that will benefit his brand.

I have no doubt that he actually does care about this country. He could not have gotten to where he is now with any other system.

I have no doubt that he would be a fair manager, I agree Romney would be better, though he too has issues. I particularly despise the way Romney attacked his primary opponents....that exposed a vicious streak in him that told me a great deal about his character.

But ultimately, were it to come to it, in a choice of country over brand, Trump would choose his brand.

I don't know. I do know of what I have read and been told of a lot of really wonderful things he has done for people he didn't even know--all outside of the range of the cameras and the press. All in all there is no one single side to somebody like him. So I do wonder how much of the hype around him is class envy, how much is just mean gossip, how much is true, how much is real.

Would he put the Trump brand ahead of his country? I don't know enough about him to know. How do we know whether anybody we elect to public office puts country ahead of their own self-serving interests? I honestly can't think of a single one who ever demonstrated that though there have been many who have been accused of putting their self interests ahead of country.

I still think he may have something to offer whether or not he is considered a serious candidate by anybody other than himself.
Trump running for president represents the ridiculous, naïve notion that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. We've seen similar nonsense in the past with the likes of Herman Cain and Ross Perot.
This thread is in the Structured Debate Zone.

In recent interviews and in his recent CPAC presentation, Donald Trump says he is 70 to 80% sure he will declare his candidacy for the 2016 Presidential election. He has formed an exploratory committee, has people on the ground in Iowa and New Hampshire, and has told NBC he won't be doing "The Apprentice" this year as he has other stuff going.

So what do you think? De ja vu all over again? Or will he make a serious effort this time? And if he does, are you at all interested in what platform and skill sets he would bring to the debate? Does he have too much personal baggage to be viable? Does he have enough personal charisma to be viable? What would a Donald Trump campaign look like?


1. No ad hominem. Address the member's post and not who or what the member is or opinions about the member.

2. No bashing of left, right, Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative etc. Criticism of specific legislation or stated opinion presented is okay so long as it is related to a discussion of a possible Donald Trump presidential campaign.

3. Please stay on the topic of a Donald Trump presidency as much as possible so that we don't get sidetracked with discussions of other possible candidates or other issues or aspects of politics in general. Please provide your explanation of how a link applies to the topic if you post it.

Would you be interested in a Donald Trump candidacy? Please give your reason, thoughts, or explanation for your 'yes' or 'no' or 'possibly' or 'maybe' or 'other' answer.

I love this structured debate zone. It's the PC zone of the USMB. Let me try:

The very act of entertaining the idea that Donald Trump is in any way serious about running for president is cause for extensive self evaluation.

Looking forward to what a clown such as Trump has to say because "he isn't afraid to say what he thinks" is an indication that one is extremely uneasy about his or her party's prospects in the upcoming election. It leaves the reader questioning the poster's level of awareness regarding this walking self promotional gimmick.

We are talking about a man who has had ample opportunity to say what he thinks. He has full access to media. There isn't any mystery to what he is all about. He's a flamethrower with no interest beyond his brand and his bank account. Therefore, a desire to have him "shake things up" is simply a desire to have someone on the big stage saying incendiary things and making a mockery of our electoral politics.

We need to go in the exact opposite direction. Right?
We are talking about a man who has had ample opportunity to say what he thinks. He has full access to media. There isn't any mystery to what he is all about. He's a flamethrower with no interest beyond his brand and his bank account. ...

We need to go in the exact opposite direction. Right?

While I agree with your assessment of Trump, I redacted the bulk of your post that was a deliberate taunt and a violation of thread rules. [*mods, feel free to delete my post along with LoneLaugher's insults and personal insinuations]
We are talking about a man who has had ample opportunity to say what he thinks. He has full access to media. There isn't any mystery to what he is all about. He's a flamethrower with no interest beyond his brand and his bank account. ...

We need to go in the exact opposite direction. Right?

While I agree with your assessment of Trump, I redacted the bulk of your post that was a deliberate taunt and a violation of thread rules. [*mods, feel free to delete my post along with LoneLaugher's insults and personal insinuations]

That's awesome. Nice job!
Trump being POTUS would make me extremely nervous. BUT...he has NOT been in any political position and maybe..just maybe..that IS what is needed now.

That's why I put the "maybe" up there in the poll options. Not that I think he'll be a contender for the nomination. But again, I'm curious to see if he will be able to change the nature of the debate from sound bites and talking points to something people can actually get optimistic and excited about. If he could just do that, he would have done an invaluable service.
Trump running for president represents the ridiculous, naïve notion that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. We've seen similar nonsense in the past with the likes of Herman Cain and Ross Perot.

Well I suppose that he won't be changing your mind about that then, right? :)

I personally do think the country needs to be run on the same solid and sound fiscal premises that a good business is run on. And certainly it is a huge help if our elected leaders know what makes commerce and industry run and knows how to encourage that instead of more and bigger and more intrusive and more regulatory and authoritarian central government.

I see it a possibility that somebody like Donald Trump would actually get down to the 'how to make things better' instead of the more vague general platitudes, long on ideology and short on specifics, that we usually get during the campaign season.
Now to be intellectually honest, the Donald's CPAC speech was more of what he intends to do and not much of how it gets done. But if you want an insight into what a Donald Trump campaign will look like here it is. Takes a few minutes to watch the short speech--the interview following the speech is more instructive to show his thinking and focus, though still short on specifics. But then the specifics aren't really whats happens in a forum like this.

He'd never get the necessary approval as he's gone on the record (CPAC, 2013) saying that he'd favour immigrant from Europe over the peasants you're currently being invaded by.

It just depends Swagger. If the American public is more fed up with the reality of things than they are committed to political correctness, they may forgive him for the un-PC language and embrace the message in it.
He'd never get the necessary approval as he's gone on the record (CPAC, 2013) saying that he'd favour immigrant from Europe over the peasants you're currently being invaded by.

It just depends Swagger. If the American public is more fed up with the reality of things than they are committed to political correctness, they may forgive him for the un-PC language and embrace the message in it.

Yeah. The more I think on it and with your comments in this thread, I'm beginning to believe you might be right.

America just might be ready for someone like Donald Trump. A real leader and a businessman a successful businessman.

I mean, America is so fed up with the way things are going, we might be able to look past any fall that someone like Donald Trump might have.

One thing is sure, he would be willing to work with the other side to get things done. He would never have a closed mind about anything. He'd be open to all kinds of suggestions. You don't become a successful real estate tycoon without having an open mind.

At the very least we should hear what he has to say. We shouldn't walk anybody out from the debate.
but who are we to question his motives or what he cares about?

We the People have every right to question his motives and his track record of multiple bankruptcies and divorces. We shouldn't question the man's motives. He deserves the benefit of the doubt. Just like all politicians.

So having been given the benefit of the doubt in 3 divorces and 4 bankruptcies you are saying the 8th time is the charm for the trumpster?

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