The Federal Reserve Scam

The new liquidity rules make banks prefer holding reserve balances at the Fed to making over night loans for a slightly higher interest rate.
Who wrote the new liquidity rules?

Liquidity Regulations and Banks' Demand for Reserves | St. Louis Fed
Private bankers wrote the new liquidity rules?
Were they rich?

They did? Link?
hey did? Link?
No private bankers here?

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | Economic Data, Monetary Rates, Economic Education


The New York Fed is not a private bank.
Now, FRN's are accepted world wide- the more places that accept them the more control is held over them. Considering our efforts at colonizing the world I'd say the consequences are as expected. Was Johnson behind it?
The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance." He claims it began as another unintended consequence in the immediate aftermath of WWII: (P. 3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

Perhaps this explains why the US pays so much for "national defense?"

The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance."

Marxist economist mad because no one wants to hold Russian bonds as reserves?

U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
How about buying US real estate or corporations?

"The larger America’s balance-of-payments deficit becomes, the more dollars end up in the hands of European, Asian and Near Eastern central banks, and the more money they must recycle back to the United States by buying U.S. Treasury bonds.

"Over the past decade American savers have been net sellers of government bonds, putting their own money into the stock market, corporate bonds and real estate.

"Foreign governments have been obliged to hold U.S. bonds whose interest rates have fallen steadily, while their volume now exceeds America’s ability or willingness to pay."
Now, FRN's are accepted world wide- the more places that accept them the more control is held over them. Considering our efforts at colonizing the world I'd say the consequences are as expected. Was Johnson behind it?
The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance." He claims it began as another unintended consequence in the immediate aftermath of WWII: (P. 3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

Perhaps this explains why the US pays so much for "national defense?"

The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance."

Marxist economist mad because no one wants to hold Russian bonds as reserves?

U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
How about buying US real estate or corporations?

"The larger America’s balance-of-payments deficit becomes, the more dollars end up in the hands of European, Asian and Near Eastern central banks, and the more money they must recycle back to the United States by buying U.S. Treasury bonds.

"Over the past decade American savers have been net sellers of government bonds, putting their own money into the stock market, corporate bonds and real estate.

"Foreign governments have been obliged to hold U.S. bonds whose interest rates have fallen steadily, while their volume now exceeds America’s ability or willingness to pay."

That’s correct. Sort of.

The balance of payments is a symptom of the economy, not a function. We have a balance of payments deficit because we don’t save enough so we have to import savings to finance our spending. Those imported savings then buy Treasury bonds, stocks, real estate, etc.

That’s one reason why the trade deficit hit a record under Trump, even though he vowed to cut it.
Now, FRN's are accepted world wide- the more places that accept them the more control is held over them. Considering our efforts at colonizing the world I'd say the consequences are as expected. Was Johnson behind it?
The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance." He claims it began as another unintended consequence in the immediate aftermath of WWII: (P. 3)

"This Treasury-bond standard of international finance has enabled the United States to obtain the largest free lunch ever achieved in history.

"America has turned the international financial system upside down.

"Whereas formerly it rested on gold, central bank reserves are now held in the form of U.S. Government IOUs that can be run up without limit.

"In effect, America has been buying up Europe, Asia and other regions with paper credit – U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

Perhaps this explains why the US pays so much for "national defense?"

The economist Michael Hudson calls this "the Treasury bond standard of international finance."

Marxist economist mad because no one wants to hold Russian bonds as reserves?

U.S. Treasury IOUs that it has informed the world it has little intention of ever paying off."

When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
When their bonds mature, the world is free to take stacks of $20s or $100s in exchange.
Or they could buy US goods. Or exchange the dollars for their preferred currency.
How about buying US real estate or corporations?

"The larger America’s balance-of-payments deficit becomes, the more dollars end up in the hands of European, Asian and Near Eastern central banks, and the more money they must recycle back to the United States by buying U.S. Treasury bonds.

"Over the past decade American savers have been net sellers of government bonds, putting their own money into the stock market, corporate bonds and real estate.

"Foreign governments have been obliged to hold U.S. bonds whose interest rates have fallen steadily, while their volume now exceeds America’s ability or willingness to pay."

How about buying US real estate or corporations?

Sure. Just like you could if you had any money.

"The larger America’s balance-of-payments deficit becomes, the more dollars end up in the hands of European, Asian and Near Eastern central banks, and the more money they must recycle back to the United States by buying U.S. Treasury bonds.

Yup. So what?

"Foreign governments have been obliged to hold U.S. bonds whose interest rates have fallen steadily, while their volume now exceeds America’s ability or willingness to pay."

Obliged? Hardly.
Lots of private banks. Regulated by the US government and the Federal Reserve.
Sounds like lots of private bankers control the Federal Reserve.
Does that qualify as a centrally planned economy?

Here’s My Prediction: If the Fed Doesn’t Cut Rates 3 or 4 Times by Dec 11, Markets Are Going to Crap
American capitalism comes off more like a pyramid scheme . With the way money is always devalued , it seems rather suspicious.

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.

Thirteen shareholder families own it them.


It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes.

Except for "private".....sure. And?

Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument.


Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system?

More gibberish.
I mean, you just had to read into the second paragraph of gipper's Wiki link to show he has zero clue what's going on!

On November 28, 1961, President Kennedy halted sales of silver by the Treasury Department. Increasing demand for silver as an industrial metal had led to an increase in the market price of silver above the United States government's fixed price. This led to a decline in the government's excess silver reserves by over 80% during 1961. Kennedy also called upon Congress to phase out silver certificates in favor of Federal Reserve notes which, according to the Associated Press at that time, were still backed by gold.​

Kennedy halted the sales of silver because there was a run going on. Why would he do that if he wanted - allegedly - no silver-backed notes? Why would he want to keep a stock of silver in the first place? He could have just let the silver reserves run-off and voila! No silver-backed notes.

This is seems to escape the loons who have zero academic knowledge and zero practical experience in these things.

As that paragraph states, the currency was backed by gold. US dollars were convertible into gold by foreigners, though not be Americans. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a run on gold as foreigners began to call away the US gold supply because the US was financing a large deficit to fund the Vietnam War. The budget deficit - as it often does - led to a trade deficit, and foreigners wanted to be paid in gold fearing the devaluation of the dollar. On August 15, 1971, Nixon suspended gold convertibility. But Kennedy didn't know this would happen. It makes zero sense to have a gold and silver backed currency, especially when there isn't enough silver in the country to back the currency in the first place.

LOL! Americans were not allowed to own gold bullion from 1933 (when USA.INC declared bankruptcy in March of 1933) until 1974 without a special licensing and it wasn't and still isn't allowed to be used to discharge debt. You are the one without knowledge or how the Bretton Woods agreement was to actually work and how the banking oligarchs that own USA.INC backed out on their gentlemen's agreement to not print more Federal Reserve notes than there was gold (of other nations that bought into the scam) to back it.

You have profited from scamming investors into buying into the Fed's system and their control of Wall Street. When the feces hits the oscillating blades and all this fake paper is exposed for the fraud that it is? My suggestion to you is to turn off your cellphone and move to some other location. I have challenged you to a live debate on G.T's blog talk radio channel and you folded like a cheap tent. Gipper is 100 percent correct. Your phony bullshit explanation doesn't mean even so much as dogshit. You are as phony sack of shit and you have no real convictions nor explanations that justify the existence of a central bank that "creates money" by an extension of "credit" from an empty ledger and then charges interest on it.

Allow me to put it bluntly, you are ten pounds of bullshit stuffed into a five pound sack. Debate me, Toro......either here or on a live podcast. It makes no difference to me because I will bury you under an avalanche of facts that you can't refute.

What a load! LMAO!

You betcha, Bill Peckat.............

"America’s free lunch as Europe’s and Asia’s expense.

"After World Wars I and during World War II, U.S. diplomats forced Britain and other countries to pay their arms debts and other military expenditures in the form of real output and by selling off their companies.

"But this is not what American officials are willing to do today. (2002)

"The world economy now operates on a double standard that enables America to spend internationally without limit, following whatever economic and military policies it wishes to, without any gold constraint or other international constraint.

" U.S. officials claim that the world’s dollar glut has become the 'engine' driving the international economy.

"Where would Europe and Asia be, they ask, without the U.S. import demand?

"Do not dollar purchases help other countries employ labor that otherwise would stand idle?

" This kind of rhetorical question fails to acknowledge the degree to which America is importing foreign goods and pumping dollars into the world economy without providing any quid pro quo."
Foreign governments have been obliged to hold U.S. bonds whose interest rates have fallen steadily, while their volume now exceeds America’s ability or willingness to pay."

Obliged? Hardly.
"Central banks do not buy stocks, real estate or other tangible assets.

"When Saudi Arabia and Iran proposed to use their oil dollars to begin buying out American companies after 1972, U.S. officials let it be known that this would be viewed as an act of war.

"OPEC was told that it could raise oil prices all it wanted, as long as it used the proceeds to buy U.S. Government bonds.

"That way, Americans could pay for oil in their own currency, not in gold or other 'money of the world.'

"Oil exports to the United States, as well as German and Japanese autos and sales by other countries, were bought with paper dollars that could be created ad infinitim." (P. 5)
American capitalism comes off more like a pyramid scheme . With the way money is always devalued , it seems rather suspicious.
There's some pretty compelling evidence stocks that pay no dividends function like a Ponzi Scheme:

"Tan Liu, author of the recent book The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits, explains how many of today's perpetually dividend-less companies traded on the public market are operating as ponzi schemes by definition."
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Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.


I read your first two sentences.

That’s all I needed to read.
American capitalism comes off more like a pyramid scheme . With the way money is always devalued , it seems rather suspicious.
There's some pretty compelling evidence stocks that pay no dividends function like a Ponzi Scheme:

"Tan Liu, author of the recent book The Ponzi Factor: The Simple Truth About Investment Profits, explains how many of today's perpetually dividend-less companies traded on the public market are operating as ponzi schemes by definition."

You should take all the money you don't have.....and buy something other than non-dividend paying stocks.


The New York Fed is not a private bank.

Debate me, Toro......,.out of the 12 federal reserve banks, the NY branch is the most influential of them all. Thirteen shareholder families own it them. It is a private entity that extends "credit" from nothing and then charges interest on "money" created by some keyboard strokes. Promissory notes are monetized and then used as assets on the books of the banks because under the UCC, it can be used as a negotiable instrument. Why are you so afraid to debate me? Why do you defend this perpetual debt machine system where the floating of liens and fractional reserve "banking" guarantees that the winners and losers of this system with bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system? My guess is that you have profited handsomely from convincing investors that are not well versed into how the scam really works where the retracting of credit guarantees failures where hard assets are swooped up when "loans" are defaulted on where the banks risk nothing and never "loaned" any money to begin with. It's paper and it is at the mercy of the extension of credit or retraction of said "money supply". You always avoid answering questions because at the end of the day? You are totally clueless...or you feign ignorance to give the illusion of plausible deniability. Neither option will bode well for you when it comes crashing down.


I read your first two sentences.

That’s all I needed to read.

I bet you needed a dictionary and after two sentences? You got a bit tired. You are a blowhard and pissed that your (snicker) "expertise" has been blown apart into tiny pieces. You are terrified to
debate honestly. You can't refute the way the Federal Reserve Act was passed by nefarious means on December 23rd of 1913 with a voice vote for plausible deniability with only enough members staying behind to hold a quorum while the other members where on their way home for Christmas break.......those that saw this banking bill for what it was and didn't support it. You are a poseur and a liar........just stating the facts.

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