The Federal Reserve Scam

Toro defending fiat currency is as predictable as Hillary blaming a video for Benghazi.

Stick to the energy business ding.
Isn’t this where you tell us that you know more about this than everyone else combined?

Exactly. :thup:
I knew I could count on you for a few laughs.

If only you could be counted on for a few laughs in the 4F.
It's the company I keep.
I mean, you just had to read into the second paragraph of gipper's Wiki link to show he has zero clue what's going on!

On November 28, 1961, President Kennedy halted sales of silver by the Treasury Department. Increasing demand for silver as an industrial metal had led to an increase in the market price of silver above the United States government's fixed price. This led to a decline in the government's excess silver reserves by over 80% during 1961. Kennedy also called upon Congress to phase out silver certificates in favor of Federal Reserve notes which, according to the Associated Press at that time, were still backed by gold.​

Kennedy halted the sales of silver because there was a run going on. Why would he do that if he wanted - allegedly - no silver-backed notes? Why would he want to keep a stock of silver in the first place? He could have just let the silver reserves run-off and voila! No silver-backed notes.

This is seems to escape the loons who have zero academic knowledge and zero practical experience in these things.

As that paragraph states, the currency was backed by gold. US dollars were convertible into gold by foreigners, though not be Americans. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a run on gold as foreigners began to call away the US gold supply because the US was financing a large deficit to fund the Vietnam War. The budget deficit - as it often does - led to a trade deficit, and foreigners wanted to be paid in gold fearing the devaluation of the dollar. On August 15, 1971, Nixon suspended gold convertibility. But Kennedy didn't know this would happen. It makes zero sense to have a gold and silver backed currency, especially when there isn't enough silver in the country to back the currency in the first place.

LOL! Americans were not allowed to own gold bullion from 1933 (when USA.INC declared bankruptcy in March of 1933) until 1974 without a special licensing and it wasn't and still isn't allowed to be used to discharge debt. You are the one without knowledge or how the Bretton Woods agreement was to actually work and how the banking oligarchs that own USA.INC backed out on their gentlemen's agreement to not print more Federal Reserve notes than there was gold (of other nations that bought into the scam) to back it.

You have profited from scamming investors into buying into the Fed's system and their control of Wall Street. When the feces hits the oscillating blades and all this fake paper is exposed for the fraud that it is? My suggestion to you is to turn off your cellphone and move to some other location. I have challenged you to a live debate on G.T's blog talk radio channel and you folded like a cheap tent. Gipper is 100 percent correct. Your phony bullshit explanation doesn't mean even so much as dogshit. You are as phony sack of shit and you have no real convictions nor explanations that justify the existence of a central bank that "creates money" by an extension of "credit" from an empty ledger and then charges interest on it.

Allow me to put it bluntly, you are ten pounds of bullshit stuffed into a five pound sack. Debate me, Toro......either here or on a live podcast. It makes no difference to me because I will bury you under an avalanche of facts that you can't refute.

What a load! LMAO!
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Wrong. The Fed doesn't print money and lend it to the US Treasury.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone.

Wrong. When the US Treasury needs money, they sell Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills.

There is no debt. There is no interest.

There has been debt since before we were a country.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.

when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people.

The Fed is private? Who gets all their earnings? Link?
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.
The Fed was created to further financial speculation among many other nefarious purposes; it is performing as intended this very minute in the Repo market:

New York Fed Plans to Throw $2.93 Trillion at Wall Street’s Trading Houses Over Next Month as New York Times Remains Silent

"Last Thursday, December 12, the New York Fed announced that over the next month it would shower the trading houses (primary dealers) on Wall Street with a total of $2.93 trillion in short-term loans..."

"The New York Fed’s repo (repurchase agreement) loan program began on September 17 when repo loan rates spiked from approximately 2 percent to 10 percent – meaning either liquid funds were not available to loan or the mega banks on Wall Street were backing away from lending to certain counterparties.

"Repo loans are typically between banks, hedge funds and money market funds on an overnight basis and are made against good-quality collateral.

"Since that time, the New York Fed has been making these loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars weekly."

"Last Thursday, December 12, the New York Fed announced that over the next month it would shower the trading houses (primary dealers) on Wall Street with a total of $2.93 trillion in short-term loans..."

Oh no!!!

Short term loans!
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -

Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

It helps that he is a wacko

If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?

Exactly! Printing instead of borrowing works everywhere it's tried. Like Zimbabwe.
Please deposit 100,000 in my account. This will give me the "permission" to loan out 1,000,000 ASAP

Please deposit 100,000 in my account. This will give me the "permission" to loan out 1,000,000 ASAP

If you loan out 1,000,000 and only have 100,000 in deposits, your loan checks are going to bounce.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

No he wasn’t.

That’s very silly.
Once again Toto you attack me with lies. JFK was pushing Congress to issue currency. This was an effort to remove the Fed from having total control of the nation’s currency.

Please get informed before you attack me again, or you will be banned.

Executive Order 11110 - Wikipedia - John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve

JFK and the Federal Reserve: Executive Order 11110

Love your first link......

Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963.

This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951)[1] by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes.[2]

Kennedy was eliminating silver certificates and allowing more Federal Reserve Notes.
How is that eliminating the Fed?
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

No he wasn’t.

That’s very silly.
Once again Toto you attack me with lies. JFK was pushing Congress to issue currency. This was an effort to remove the Fed from having total control of the nation’s currency.

Please get informed before you attack me again, or you will be banned.

Executive Order 11110 - Wikipedia - John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve

JFK and the Federal Reserve: Executive Order 11110

The second link is funny too!!!

President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of the nation. According to the United States Secret Service, 99% of all U.S. paper "currency" circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes.

Existing United States Notes remain valid currency in the United States; however, as no United States Notes have been issued since January 1971, they are increasingly rare in circulation.

United States Note - Wikipedia

Issued until 1971, no mention of pulling them in 1963.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Your post doesn’t prove I’m lying. Can you try again?
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Your post doesn’t prove I’m lying. Can you try again?

None of your posts proved

…... that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Your post doesn’t prove I’m lying. Can you try again?

None of your posts proved

…... that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

In fact, he was expanding their scope.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Your post doesn’t prove I’m lying. Can you try again?

None of your posts proved

…... that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed
Yes, I suppose I overstepped there. Though there are those who surmise his currency, had it been produced in large enough quantities, would have replaced the federal reserve notes.
The constitution gives congress the authority to create money. This function has been privatized in 1913. Let's say the government needs $100.00.

Under the Fed, the Fed will print the money and lend it to the government to be paid back with interest.

Under the constitution, congress prints the money. It is not owed it to anyone. There is no debt. There is no interest.

yeah we have been a facist dictatership since 1913.the fed is an evil organization. whats sad is had JFK served his second term,the fed would have been abolished.He signed an executive order that had he lived,would have ended the fed. For five months,our money was backed by something,silver.soon after JFK's death,Johnson got rid of the executive order and no president since then has had the balls to reinstate it.:mad:

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Illuminati Roundtable

i see a certain troll who cant refute my facts has to laugh in defeat going into evade mode as always in defeat.LOL
Last edited:
Yep, it's a total scam.....and only the tip of the scam iceberg. Is it any wonder young people are flocking to Socialism
(even though it will create more problems than it could ever solve)

So, what are you (we) gonna do about it? Nothing.

THAT has been the acceptance that Americans have been willfully giving evil men since before then.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

And here we are....and will be. The Founders tried (in vain) to tell you....Freedom isn't Free. No one listened.
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.
the last President that tried that was JFK and we know how that ended up.

I see you beat me to the punch.I elaborated a little there on your excellent post here explaining more details on it.
Ron Paul has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve for decades - he's been labeled a wacko-

One of it's original intents was to smooth the peaks and valleys in the economy and it has. The problem is the unintended (or are they) results. The most obvious is the rampant corruption in and from the District of Criminals. We can thank Richard M. Nixon for that. Prior to his meddling in the economy to bring us, among other things, was, The Wage and Price Control Act, AND the move away from United States Silver Certificates as the "official" currency, for all debts, private and public
It's amazing the number of people who never question The Federal Reserve. I've asked several people the following; If congress has the authority to coin money and set it's value, why do they borrow it?
A friend of mine from another message board pointed that out to me several years ago. The response usually given, in person, is that deer in the head lights look. The answer is quite simple, though vehemently denied by acolytes of godverment - when you owe another you are enslaved to him - who does the US owe the most to? Currently tax payers are enslaved for several generations to a private corporation.

It's called Fiat Currency folks. To add insult to injury, tax payers foot the bill through Income Taxes, which are really nothing more than user fees and a gov't (tax payer) funded, IRS is the enFORCEment tool for a privately owned corporation. What could possibly go wrong with that? "I care not who has the power, give me the money"- the scam doesn't lie so much in the fed reserve as it does in elected officials -
It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed but he got his head blown off, before he could get much accomplished.

It should be remembered that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed

You're lying. He gave the Fed permission to print $1 and $2 FRNs for the first time.
Your post doesn’t prove I’m lying. Can you try again?

None of your posts proved

…... that JFK was actively working to terminate the Fed
Yes, I suppose I overstepped there. Though there are those who surmise his currency, had it been produced in large enough quantities, would have replaced the federal reserve notes.

there are those who surmise his currency, had it been produced in large enough quantities, would have replaced the federal reserve notes.

He was eliminating silver certificates. He was allowing small denomination FRNs for the first time.

How is that replacing FRNs?
It’s on its last legs. Central banking in general is. One of the things trump was elected to do was to end it. He’s currently setting up an alternate financial system that he can transition into when the central bank collapses. Why do you think he’s going around the world setting up new trade deals? Why do you think he set up USMCA? All of it is to establish the United States as the premier exporter again so that it can be as insulated as possible when we make the switch out of private central bank and back into national bank controlled by the people. Get on board or get out of the way.
the last President that tried that was JFK and we know how that ended up.
There’s been at least 4 different attempts on trumps life. They can’t get to him because he controls the intel agencies now. He’s several steps ahead of them at all times. They didn’t even know he went to Afghanistan to feed the troops on thanksgiving. He sent a fake motorcade to maralago and the deep state CIA controlled media fell for it. They don’t have any real intel control anymore, all they have is their rogue elements that are virtually cut off from the system at this point.

He’s going to be fine.

If you think Trump is any different than warmongers Bush and Obama,then WHY doesnt he simply sign an executive order to abolish all these evil organizations,the CIA,FBI,fed and others? think about it. where is your proof that there has been assassination attempts on him?

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