The narrative that "Trump is good for Russia" vs Obama...the broader debate of poor intel in the West...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Sorry for the length, but this is important.

I hear the narrative and I don't understand it. I've withheld my criticism of the intel community because I generally respect them. I know it's easier for me to have an opinion from a distance, they see the "goods" and some put their asses on the line, I don't. I get it. There is still much to critique as we all find ourselves seeing the almost unstoppable influence of China.

If the intel community in the West believe somehow they can isolate Russia by propping up a 1.4B communist state it's clear on it's face that this is a horrible strategy and they are being played by big pockets. Maybe some of them know this.

Russia and China are linked historically, Russia exported to them communism and the nuclear weapon. Even when there are problems between the two, both militaries are too strong to face off and they have common interests which far outweigh any problems. Xi and Putin are both shrewd control freaks. China has exported the Wuhan Virus, moved into the sea, controlled International agencies, suppressed Taiwans rise and now used security laws to bring back H.K. Not a peep from the world...

Thus, when the West helps the rise of China, they inadvertently help Russia and we always hurt ourselves. Even as China tries to become an alternative energy nation, they still import more than $100B each year from Russia and it's not all oil. Maybe we view Russia as being on the rope at times, I know I did, but as we saw in Crimea, it's never to the extent that we believe.

So, Obama vs Trump on Russia. Obama was in office when Russia took back 7% of Ukraine while Obama and his intel "experts" sat and watched (on top of the fake "red line" debacle in Syria) Some writing op-eds warning him to not help Ukraine or even send them weapons by a British "adviser" (right...) you had in America. Maybe she was concerned for U.K security, NOT Americas? At the very least, you arm the Ukrainians, this is simple proxy 101 stuff. Europe should have been involved as well. If you have too many from the U.K dictating your foreign policy and response, you have a REAL problem. I've been amazed how many I see on T.V with British accents. You have more than we do. Really!

Under Obamas watch, America shipped uranium to Russia and Obama himself admitted to "more flexibility" after the election. Clearly, he did not see Russia as a threat, and he said so in the 2012 debates. Mocking flaky and shaky Romney. Meanwhile, all the while, Putin was playing American leadership and intel community for that big 7% land grab. Remember that. Nobody of Putins stature makes bold, risky moves on a whim...

Trump has openly said he wants a better relationship with Russia and others. He has though dropped MOABs, attacked Syria after giving Russia warning. Called them and Germany out for their pipeline and other issues. He also sent weapons to Ukraine.

I don't know any of the intel behind the scenes. I do know Trump has been fairly above board with his intentions. Which is far more than we can say for those who have assisted Chinas meteoric rise and threat to the West and her neighbours. Trump calls many nations out, friend and foe. He rightfully thinks the West, and American leadership has been weak and downright stupid. If we are measuring self interest and National Security/economic issues, he is absolutely correct.

Now my critique, this is the problem I have with the current crop of intel agencies in the West. In Canada, they are at least more competent than the low performing, dishonest plain clothed police, but that's a low bar. It's clear from Chinas rise and overt abuse of Canada, that we are ill equipped. I don't watch and pull my hair out, I shake my head and almost watch with amusement. I KNOW that some really have a grasp of it all, since a few stories leak now and again. Our Political and Business Class suppress this danger. Some in America do the same. We all suffer.

These agencies need to hire unofficially through companies and raise the alarm bells, help provide influence for someone who is intelligent enough to debate the fine points direct to the U.N or business community, while bold and "real" enough to reach out to the common citizen. This is their fight too. Just targeting Influencers isn't enough, because there is a much larger group of citizens who need to be in the fight, doing their part. This is what Reagan did so much better than any administration. The entire country hated Russia, only small pockets of elitist fools pandered to them. Trump reaches out to these people also, as undiplomatic as he is. Other leaders MUST do the same. CIA and intel agencies have to recruit better and look for more creativity, logic and courage than they will find with just book smart figurines.

Imagine, the CIA, NSA, CSIS, Mi6 and everyone else KNOW hat the communists are doing, but they can't stop it. Why not? It appears to me, they are lacking proper analysts and forceful communicators. Obama was advised to not help due to fear of Russia. It was a horrible miscalculation, driven by bad advisers. The same ones who dislike Trump because somehow he is good for Russia. In Canada our intel recruits from Queens U, McGill and U of T. This narrow approach stuck in the 1970's helps one. Get better H.R employees before you end up like the RCMP again.

We don't need WarHawks, just people with analytical skills that go beyond Ivy League education. That's why the British have historically had so many successful high rank counter espionage efforts against them, "the Old Boys Club" who consumed and regurgitated for their own benefit, but never truly were creative enough or even concerned enough for the plight of their own citizens (when they weren't drunk). The communists ate them for lunch and recruited them aggressively.

Time to rethink a new strategy on dealing with China and their influence. The old methodology isn't working and it doesn't help when so many are educated to love socialism. America, is in fact from where I can see, going down the road of what drastically hurt the British. An educated elite with too much power, far too little patriotism or concern for the nations future. The British once had the #2 economy on earth, go look at them now. You will have more headache than you can imagine if this continues

I have little doubt that the alt-left, socialist supporters will usher this demise rapidly. It doesn't even matter who Biden chooses as V.P, be it Abrams, Harris or the former soldier. They will all feel immense pressure to bend to Cali, NY and D.C lobbyist wishes.

What surprises the hell out of me is that it appears, at least if I am reading between the lines correctly, that some in intel believe that somehow the direction Obama was going was good for America, while Trumps direction is not? If so, there needs to be wholesale changes, because this would be a debate I'd like to see run on a major news network.

Thank you for your time...
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There is no superpower that has existed that hasn't fallen, the US is on it's way to unsustainable world control also.
There is no superpower that has existed that hasn't fallen, the US is on it's way to unsustainable world control also.

Nothing is inevitable. America has to get on track fast. Trump was a huge lift for the old Reagan perspective regarding America and citizens were feeling patriotic again. It must continue. Or you will truly have an end to not just economic success but also liberty and your constitution. The best minds will be suppressed for the sake of an ever un-curious and un-driven elite.
Nothing is inevitable. America has to get on track fast. Trump was a huge lift for the old Reagan perspective regarding America and citizens were feeling patriotic again. It must continue. Or you will truly have an end to not just economic success but also liberty and your constitution. The best minds will be suppressed for the sake of an ever un-curious and un-driven elite.
And missiles with really nifty powers.

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