The single biggest threat to my family


If you're dumb enough to believe that cutting medicaid which makes up the majority of nursing home care money, cutting a large percentage of the money that helps the poor and raising healthcare insurance through the roof won't cause death. Well, you're just stupid.
people with pre-existing conditions CANNOT AFFORD INSURANCE when private insurance have their way - even if they can afford it one year, the companies HIKE THE PREMIUMS until they are FORCED OUT


the answer is pretty obvious, they can either DIE or "USE THE EMERGENCY ROOM", like pre-ACA

Republicans know one thing and one thing only:

Tax cuts for the wealthy.

I hope everyone sends this to their GD Repub congressman-

Thing is, every single Repub will do the same thing. They might pretend they're thinking about it but the WILL vote to screw over the American people because - MONEY.

Its always money. This isn't very long and is well worth listening to.

Video: Constituent loses his temper at Rep. Tom MacArthur over health care


Republicans know now 2018 is going to be a bloodbath for them in Congress so they are passing every draconian screw the poor and middle class law they can get through before then.

The Democrats should be drafting impeachment proceedings against each of Trump's Supreme Court picks and clear that out as soon as they get in. Then replace them with middle of the road moderates that will make rulings on behalf of the entire nation rather than the 20% that support Drumpf. In any case, Republicans are coming to grips with the loss of Congress in 2018. Which means impeachment of Trump as well will then be on the agenda as well as investigations of all his derpy cronies, forced reveal of his tax returns, and removal of his hillbilly family from nepotismic phoney appointments. Drumpf will be subpoenaed to testify in various cases.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Tank thinks cancer and per-existing conditions are funny and Sunni Man thinks its nothing at all.

WTH is wrong with you people? Just because you don't have to take care of yourself, doesn't mean others don't. One day, you'll have to pay your own bills, maybe you will be sick and maybe you'll wonder how you will afford it. Or maybe you'll just call mommy.
Simple pay your own bills and quit "taxing" others nationwide to help you pay for your own insurance bills.
I'll say it to your goddamn face! You're killers!

People will die because of your evil fucking bill. Period. For what? So you can have your dream of the 19th century again where the rich can jack prices through the goddamn roof.

You're posting on an internet message board Matthew,I would hardly call that face to face.
I hope everyone sends this to their GD Repub congressman-

Thing is, every single Repub will do the same thing. They might pretend they're thinking about it but the WILL vote to screw over the American people because - MONEY.

Its always money. This isn't very long and is well worth listening to.

Video: Constituent loses his temper at Rep. Tom MacArthur over health care


Republicans know now 2018 is going to be a bloodbath for them in Congress so they are passing every draconian screw the poor and middle class law they can get through before then.

The Democrats should be drafting impeachment proceedings against each of Trump's Supreme Court picks and clear that out as soon as they get in. Then replace them with middle of the road moderates that will make rulings on behalf of the entire nation rather than the 20% that support Drumpf. In any case, Republicans are coming to grips with the loss of Congress in 2018. Which means impeachment of Trump as well will then be on the agenda as well as investigations of all his derpy cronies, forced reveal of his tax returns, and removal of his hillbilly family from nepotismic phoney appointments. Drumpf will be subpoenaed to testify in various cases.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.

I'm certain you're right. They have a very small window in which to get the most money out of our pockets and into theirs and they're going for it.

So far trump has not had even one piece of major legislation so this is important for him so he can carry on with his lie that he's doing something. To get that, he will sign anything.

As for the 5 Repubs who say they're not going to sign, they're lying. They will make some noise, like they give a damn about their constituents, then there will be some noise about how someone compromised and then they sign.

ScienceRocks is right - they're evil.

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