Ukrainian Nazis.

Amazing is, that today, when information exists on the Internet, such idiotic statements are possible...
This obviously shows the extent to which Fake News has screwed up the minds of the people of the West...
When you lack truth you revert to ad hominem attacks?

Well good luck with your incompetence.
And yet the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians fought against the Nazis and their collaborators.

Not sure why you think that, because people going against what previous generations thought is near constant.

You mean like the Cossack forces? The story behind this picture might interest you. Look it up.

Betrayal of the Cossacks.jpg

Next, going that far against what previous generations taught isn't likely.

As the German army began its invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, Stalin ordered the Soviet Secret Service (NKVD) to “remove” the prison population in the USSR’s occupied territories rather than allow them to fall into German hands. This was largely accomplished through the mass murder of prisoners at various locations in Western Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Lithuania. The majority of the mass executions, later termed “the 1941 NKVD Prison Massacres” by local residents, occurred in Western Ukraine. Due to a lack of reliable sources, exact numbers are impossible to determine; however, historians estimate that the NKVD killed somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 people in dozens of prisons over the course of eight days. The ethnic breakdown of casualties in Western Ukraine roughly corresponded to population demographics: 70 percent of the victims were Ukrainian, 20 percent Polish, and the remainder consisted of Jews and other nationalities.
Many years ago while working for a surveying and engineering company, we surveyed an old mansion and a state in New York not far from the NJ/NY state line. While measuring the building to my astonishment I noticed that they had some old concrete planters with swastikas on them. However when I looked inside one of the windows I saw stacks of Jewish books and literature lay donut in piles in the floor. Also on the same grounds we're about four very nice big statues of famous Russian writers of the past. These has been there for as long as I could remember.Truth be known, the place used to be a park where my family and I used to go when I was a little kid but we didn't notice any of these things at the time. So one day in young adulthood I drove down the long driveway to the mansion expecting to be able to go for a walk and reminisce. A very serious but very polite Russian guy who appeared to be a caretaker came out and explained to me in broken English that it was no longer open to the public and respectfully asked me to leave, so I did.
If this document about celebrating May 9 is authentic, then World War II veterans in Ukraine are prohibited from wearing their medals in public. Meanwhile, Banderites and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army butchers are officially revered. It's beyond surreal
Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, gave an interview to Yahoo News the day before, in which he was asked about Kiev's involvement in the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina. The GUR head did not answer the question directly, but promised to "kill Russians anywhere in this world until Ukraine has won a complete victory".

According to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Budanov's words prove that "the [U.S. President Joe] Biden administration is sponsoring terrorism.
One pertinent document is that translated at Kiev in 1931 for the paleolithic swastika carving found at Mezin, Ukraine.

12 Ap 2022 Post #27
There hasn't been much talk about them in the news lately. Maybe it's because since the U.S. is supporting the Ukraine, they figure that the Russians are even worse than the Nazis. Well here's a newsflash for you. THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN! (Though anything negative you've ever heard or continue to hear about the Nazis to begin with is a load of horse shit) The Russians killed millions of Ukrainians in the past. How many millions is hard to say. Because dead men tell no tales. In 1933, an Italian Consul named Serigo Gardenigo estimated the number of those who died because of the Russians to be 10 to 15 million people. So why are there Ukrainian Nazis? Because to them, the Nazis weren't invaders. They were liberators! And if you all didn't have the hell brainwashed out of you, you would all be Nazis too!

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View attachment 767052
What do all of the people with Ukrainian flags in their avatar have to say about this ?

That said, this is an American form. The US message board here you come on here what do you expect man. Think about this one logically the United States was at war with the Third Reich in World War II. So what are you possibly expect is going to happen with your thread, of course pretty much everyone is going to disagree with you. Of course, all of us Americans stand by our history and we stand by the allies World War II.

America was at war with the third Reich. You could never expect Americans to agree with supporting Hitler.

Well, I think of the many brave American soldiers who died at Normandy, who died fighting the third Reich in World War II as well as those who died fighting the empire of Japan and fascist Italy …

It was during World War II The United States became the most powerful country in the world, and thank God it went that way instead of that being the third Reich and Japan.

During World War II, the American steel plants sent tons of steel to the Soviet union, which is crucial for the war effort of the Soviet people have always been thankful for it…. The Soviet people were always thankful to the American people for this contribution.

You can take it up with United States war department who disagreed with everything you said you’re just somebody on the Internet. During World War II the United States war department rightfully justified our support for the Soviet Union ….and then the Cold War occurred which saw proxy wars between soviets and the Americans.

You can look at this very video here where Americans and soviets work together on a special operation while they were prisoners in a concentration camp

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Mezine, Ukraine
'....Aside from Malta and Mezine of Solutrean date, the Ofnet find from upper Bavaria, is next in line, introducing a version of the Azilian stage....At Ofnet, a child's skull wears a cap covered by hundreds of small snails....meander-like combinations of angular spirals at Mezine are without precedent in the arts of the Palaeolithic.
A drawing which unfolds the ornaments according to the scheme employed in the other five illustrations has been made by George E. Weber, New York (Fig. 5,C).'

One reason for the unprecedented design is because the paleochannel of the river Desna itself forms a snail-like, angular spiral with "arms."
Apparently Ukies were considered to be too dumb other than man towers in Nazi concentration camps and machine gun escaping Jews. The Nuremburg trials apparently thought Ukies were too dumb to hang.

The Nuremberg trials were an excellent example of a kangaroo court.

As the German army began its invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, Stalin ordered the Soviet Secret Service (NKVD) to “remove” the prison population in the USSR’s occupied territories rather than allow them to fall into German hands. This was largely accomplished through the mass murder of prisoners at various locations in Western Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Lithuania. The majority of the mass executions, later termed “the 1941 NKVD Prison Massacres” by local residents, occurred in Western Ukraine. Due to a lack of reliable sources, exact numbers are impossible to determine; however, historians estimate that the NKVD killed somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 people in dozens of prisons over the course of eight days. The ethnic breakdown of casualties in Western Ukraine roughly corresponded to population demographics: 70 percent of the victims were Ukrainian, 20 percent Polish, and the remainder consisted of Jews and other nationalities.

Another reason for the Ukrainians to have liked the Nazis.
Many years ago while working for a surveying and engineering company, we surveyed an old mansion and a state in New York not far from the NJ/NY state line. While measuring the building to my astonishment I noticed that they had some old concrete planters with swastikas on them. However when I looked inside one of the windows I saw stacks of Jewish books and literature lay donut in piles in the floor. Also on the same grounds we're about four very nice big statues of famous Russian writers of the past. These has been there for as long as I could remember.Truth be known, the place used to be a park where my family and I used to go when I was a little kid but we didn't notice any of these things at the time. So one day in young adulthood I drove down the long driveway to the mansion expecting to be able to go for a walk and reminisce. A very serious but very polite Russian guy who appeared to be a caretaker came out and explained to me in broken English that it was no longer open to the public and respectfully asked me to leave, so I did.

I wonder what the story behind all that was. › wiki › Ukrainian_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany

Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany took place during the occupation of Poland and the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union, by Nazi Germany in World War II.. By September 1941 the German-occupied territory of Ukraine was divided between two new German administrative units, the District of Galicia of the Nazi General Government and the Reichskommissariat Ukraine.
If this document about celebrating May 9 is authentic, then World War II veterans in Ukraine are prohibited from wearing their medals in public. Meanwhile, Banderites and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army butchers are officially revered. It's beyond surreal

If the Banderites were anti-Russian, that's good enough for me. As this thread is all about, the Ukrainians suffered greatly at the hands of the Russians.
Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, gave an interview to Yahoo News the day before, in which he was asked about Kiev's involvement in the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina. The GUR head did not answer the question directly, but promised to "kill Russians anywhere in this world until Ukraine has won a complete victory".

According to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Budanov's words prove that "the [U.S. President Joe] Biden administration is sponsoring terrorism.

Did you not read this thread? The Russians were responsible for the untimely deaths of millions of Ukrainians. For the Ukrainians to get some payback isn't "terrorism."
What do all of the people with Ukrainian flags in their avatar have to say about this ?

That said, this is an American form. The US message board here you come on here what do you expect man. Think about this one logically the United States was at war with the Third Reich in World War II. So what are you possibly expect is going to happen with your thread, of course pretty much everyone is going to disagree with you. Of course, all of us Americans stand by our history and we stand by the allies World War II.

America was at war with the third Reich. You could never expect Americans to agree with supporting Hitler.

Well, I think of the many brave American soldiers who died at Normandy, who died fighting the third Reich in World War II as well as those who died fighting the empire of Japan and fascist Italy …

It was during World War II The United States became the most powerful country in the world, and thank God it went that way instead of that being the third Reich and Japan.

During World War II, the American steel plants sent tons of steel to the Soviet union, which is crucial for the war effort of the Soviet people have always been thankful for it…. The Soviet people were always thankful to the American people for this contribution.

You can take it up with United States war department who disagreed with everything you said you’re just somebody on the Internet. During World War II the United States war department rightfully justified our support for the Soviet Union ….and then the Cold War occurred which saw proxy wars between soviets and the Americans.

You can look at this very video here where Americans and soviets work together on a special operation while they were prisoners in a concentration camp

I did a thread somewhere around here called, "Who was worse. Hitler or Stalin." You could learn a thing or two from it. Every White person who was involved in the defeat of Nazi Germany were SUCKERS!
I wonder what the story behind all that was.

Well, one thing to know is that the swastika was a benefic symbol associated with Hinduism for untold centuries before the Nazis stole it and bastardized it into their own. But what I think really was going on is that Russians have an intimate past with both Nazis and Jews. Those may have just been mementos brought from the motherland, kind of like a private museum if you will. Once when I visited a very old private winery and distillery in Peru, the proprietor eventually showed us a dusty collection of memorabilia and artifacts, including shrunken heads and the Works! He had his own private little museum in a back room that was disorganized yet vaccinating and he let us through it talking about the various things there. I'm sure some of those things he wasn't supposed to have. If the ministry of archeology had found out about it he might have been penalized.

You're right though. Who knows ...
The 1941 Lviv prison massacre came much too late in time to get an educated image of a region molested by the CIA for the last 70 years or so.

Lwow Pogrom (1918)

Lviv Pogroms (1941)
'....and the Abwehr-subordinated Nachtigall Battalion staffed by ethnic Ukrainians....'

As the Red Orchestra (Rote Kapelle) was soon to be captured by the Gestapo in 1942, Abwehr connections resonate with this document:
The Rote Kapelle: The CIA's History of Soviet Intelligence and Espionage Networks in Eastern Europe, 1936-1945, Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, Inc., 1979.

Allen W. Dulles had some things to say about the Red Orchestra, though he was misinformed about aspects of the group.

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