USA - Anti-empire


Mme. Long, a rich land owner, forced to confess, sentenced to die, who' son that was in China, brought to Viet-Nam, a soldier, stripped of his rank and medals, sentenced to 20 years in prison

of course the peasants were intimidated and would vote for those who would kill them otherwise
What first world nation on earth has their borders wide open allowing anyone to enter? THINK.
Think? Hell, I have lived years in foreign countries, I have had friends from just about everywhere.

Mexico I lived in for a year, Brazil many years, and then Canada, Argentina, England, Spain. Certainly not the entire world. But an eye opening experience.

Think, no need, I have heard their voices, by being amongst them.
From the very beginning and at all times, except for the troubled times of the left and the Trumpists, the United States has done only one thing - freed the world from imperialism.

This is where the history of the United States began.
In modern times, it was the first and only country that challenged Eurocentrism and destroyed all the colonies.

The US is the first, and in fact the only one, to do this.

The French Revolution and the Spring of Nations were only after the US Revolution and the liberation of the American continent. They were inspired by America and acted with American support.

Therefore, the Statue of Liberty stands in the United States for a reason.
It's a slightly enlightened England with a great constitution and more voters.... Thomas Jefferson. We got to stop paying taxes to England. Now the French Revolution was something lol. Blacks were equals, metric system, you name it. Then the rwers....
The American Revolution ended in 1783. The Monroe Doctrine was first articulated by President James Monroe in 1823. That is a 40 year gap in what you claim happened.

And Europeans were not expelled. The British were mostly expelled. The French were still most welcome, since they helped us win our independence. Other europeans were welcomed as long as they accepted that America was free.
Nobody was expelled, Tories fled...
elektra, I love seeing your well thought-out posts. But anytime your posts contains the phrase "rupaul makes a good point" I have to wonder.
The post made me wonder.

The Democrats came for all the Holy Crosses, we said little.
The Democrats came for the Ten Commandments
The Democrats came for the statues of the statues of the Confederacy leaders, a little grumbling.
The Democrats came for the statues of our founding fathers

The Democrats now want to tear down the Statue of Liberty. The Democrats want to tear down the Statue of Liberty. The Democrats are going to tear down the Statue of Liberty.

Democrats vehemently oppose and hate Liberty,

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