USA - Anti-empire

Actually it's to mix British Colonialism with US Imperialism, it's been shown to be a toxic brew.
There is no Imperialism in the USA.

And imperialism presupposes colonialism, empires settle the colonists, their slaves from the metropolis, into the colonized territories. Britain did the same in America.
There is no Imperialism in the USA.

And imperialism presupposes colonialism, empires settle the colonists, their slaves from the metropolis, into the colonized territories. Britain did the same in America.

Imperialism does not necessarily mean colonialism.

Taking the resources of a nation, and only allowing them to be sold to you, is a perfect example of imperialism without colonialism. Like Iran, when they wanted their oil production to be nationalized. The US put a stop to that and kept BP owning the oil.
Imperialism does not necessarily mean colonialism.

Taking the resources of a nation, and only allowing them to be sold to you, is a perfect example of imperialism without colonialism. Like Iran, when they wanted their oil production to be nationalized. The US put a stop to that and kept BP owning the oil.
And the USG has done that thing repeatedly all over the world.
There is no Imperialism in the USA.

And imperialism presupposes colonialism, empires settle the colonists, their slaves from the metropolis, into the colonized territories. Britain did the same in America.
The more you educate yourself on history, you more you realize we’ve been lied to.

Did thirty third degree Mason Franklin Roosevelt feel any guilt after setting up the Pearl Harbor psyop, which resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 Americans? Or his fellow thirty third degree Mason Harry Truman, whose nuclear bombs killed over 200,000 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Roosevelt was never questioned by the kept press. Truman defended his actions for the rest of his life, as did too many other Americans. People still chant the Orwellian excuse that his actions “saved lives.”

Abraham Lincoln died with the blood of nearly a million of his fellow citizens on his hands. A huge portion of them teenagers or younger. He invoked the name of God when it suited his purposes, and actually came to blame him for the bloodletting he pushed relentlessly. As I showed in my book Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963, much evidence indicates Lincoln was an atheist, who is in his wayward youth wrote a blistering rebuttal to the New Testament, which was conveniently destroyed when he launched his political career. How about his psychotic Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who did everything he could to silence the alleged “conspirators,” and treated them barbarically. Then ironically seems to have conspired to kill Lincoln.

I won’t touch on the alleged crimes of those we fought in all those senseless wars. We have no idea how real the claims are, and should always recognize that enemies must be demonized for the warfare state to work. So I concentrate in my books on the misdeeds of the “good guys.” Us. Like the bombing of the German city of Dresden, which held no military value at all. The Allies just did it because they could. Something like 39,000 toddlers were killed by their bombs. Royal Air Force commander Arthur “Bomber” Harris continued to boast of this mass murder of harmless civilians, long after the war. It’s a “greatest generation” thing, you wouldn’t understand. What could “Bomber” Harris say to God, in the way of justification?

The crimes of our leaders, past and present, are so plentiful that it’s unlikely I will ever run out of new volumes of Hidden History to write. Every northern citizen who was rounded up by Lincoln’s troops and thrown in makeshift prisons, without any charges (remember, “Honest” Abe had suspended the writ of habeas corpus), experienced one of those tiny ripples. Of injustice. And immorality. Corruption beyond measure. After the war, the southerners were subjected to the same sort of tiny ripples, as they remained under the military rule of Reconstruction. There was a refusal to understand or tolerate political differences then, and today’s unforgiving hatred against the January 6 “insurrectionists” is the logical heir to that.
Tiny Ripples of Hopelessness
The more you educate yourself on history, you more you realize we’ve been lied to.

Did thirty third degree Mason Franklin Roosevelt feel any guilt after setting up the Pearl Harbor psyop, which resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 Americans? Or his fellow thirty third degree Mason Harry Truman, whose nuclear bombs killed over 200,000 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Roosevelt was never questioned by the kept press. Truman defended his actions for the rest of his life, as did too many other Americans. People still chant the Orwellian excuse that his actions “saved lives.”

Abraham Lincoln died with the blood of nearly a million of his fellow citizens on his hands. A huge portion of them teenagers or younger. He invoked the name of God when it suited his purposes, and actually came to blame him for the bloodletting he pushed relentlessly. As I showed in my book Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963, much evidence indicates Lincoln was an atheist, who is in his wayward youth wrote a blistering rebuttal to the New Testament, which was conveniently destroyed when he launched his political career. How about his psychotic Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who did everything he could to silence the alleged “conspirators,” and treated them barbarically. Then ironically seems to have conspired to kill Lincoln.

I won’t touch on the alleged crimes of those we fought in all those senseless wars. We have no idea how real the claims are, and should always recognize that enemies must be demonized for the warfare state to work. So I concentrate in my books on the misdeeds of the “good guys.” Us. Like the bombing of the German city of Dresden, which held no military value at all. The Allies just did it because they could. Something like 39,000 toddlers were killed by their bombs. Royal Air Force commander Arthur “Bomber” Harris continued to boast of this mass murder of harmless civilians, long after the war. It’s a “greatest generation” thing, you wouldn’t understand. What could “Bomber” Harris say to God, in the way of justification?

The crimes of our leaders, past and present, are so plentiful that it’s unlikely I will ever run out of new volumes of Hidden History to write. Every northern citizen who was rounded up by Lincoln’s troops and thrown in makeshift prisons, without any charges (remember, “Honest” Abe had suspended the writ of habeas corpus), experienced one of those tiny ripples. Of injustice. And immorality. Corruption beyond measure. After the war, the southerners were subjected to the same sort of tiny ripples, as they remained under the military rule of Reconstruction. There was a refusal to understand or tolerate political differences then, and today’s unforgiving hatred against the January 6 “insurrectionists” is the logical heir to that.
Tiny Ripples of Hopelessness
I will only bother to correct one thing. The Germans and Japanese set the standard of aerial bombing helpless civilians. The Gernans did it when they first bombed Guernica during the Spanish Civil War and then Warsaw in 1939, after both cities had beren publicly proclaimed “open cities” meaning they wouldn’t be defended. The Japanese bombed numerous Chinese cities just to kill civilians. Both the Germans and Japanese just reaped what they had sown.
I will only bother to correct one thing. The Germans and Japanese set the standard of aerial bombing helpless civilians. The Gernans did it when they first bombed Guernica during the Spanish Civil War and then Warsaw in 1939, after both cities had beren publicly proclaimed “open cities” meaning they wouldn’t be defended. The Japanese bombed numerous Chinese cities just to kill civilians. Both the Germans and Japanese just reaped what they had sown.
Wrong. Once again you prove you’re uninformed.
I will only bother to correct one thing. The Germans and Japanese set the standard of aerial bombing helpless civilians. The Gernans did it when they first bombed Guernica during the Spanish Civil War and then Warsaw in 1939, after both cities had beren publicly proclaimed “open cities” meaning they wouldn’t be defended. The Japanese bombed numerous Chinese cities just to kill civilians. Both the Germans and Japanese just reaped what they had sown.
Here is an excellent column which will alleviate you of your ignorance.

The Hiroshima Myth

By John V. Denson
August 6, 2022
Every year during the first two weeks of August the mass news media and many politicians at the national level trot out the “patriotic” political myth that the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 caused them to surrender, and thereby saved the lives of anywhere from five hundred thousand to 1 million American soldiers, who did not have to invade the islands. Opinion polls over the last fifty years show that American citizens overwhelmingly (between 80 and 90 percent) believe this false history which, of course, makes them feel better about killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians (mostly women and children) and saving American lives to accomplish the ending of the war.
The Hiroshima Myth - LewRockwell
I will only bother to correct one thing. The Germans and Japanese set the standard of aerial bombing helpless civilians. The Gernans did it when they first bombed Guernica during the Spanish Civil War and then Warsaw in 1939, after both cities had beren publicly proclaimed “open cities” meaning they wouldn’t be defended. The Japanese bombed numerous Chinese cities just to kill civilians. Both the Germans and Japanese just reaped what they had sown.

The stark fact is that the Japanese leaders, both military and civilian, including the emperor, were willing to surrender in May of 1945 if the emperor could remain in place and not be subjected to a war crimes trial after the war. This fact became known to President Truman as early as May of 1945. The Japanese monarchy was one of the oldest in all of history, dating back to 660 BC. The Japanese religion added the belief that all the emperors were the direct descendants of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. The reigning Emperor Hirohito was the 124th in the direct line of descent. After the bombs were dropped on August 6 and 9 of 1945, and their surrender soon thereafter, the Japanese were allowed to keep their emperor on the throne and he was not subjected to any war crimes trial. The emperor, Hirohito, came on the throne in 1926 and continued in his position until his death in 1989. Since President Truman, in effect, accepted the conditional surrender offered by the Japanese as early as May of 1945, the question is posed, “Why then were the bombs dropped?”

The stark fact is that the Japanese leaders, both military and civilian, including the emperor, were willing to surrender in May of 1945 if the emperor could remain in place and not be subjected to a war crimes trial after the war. This fact became known to President Truman as early as May of 1945. The Japanese monarchy was one of the oldest in all of history, dating back to 660 BC. The Japanese religion added the belief that all the emperors were the direct descendants of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. The reigning Emperor Hirohito was the 124th in the direct line of descent. After the bombs were dropped on August 6 and 9 of 1945, and their surrender soon thereafter, the Japanese were allowed to keep their emperor on the throne and he was not subjected to any war crimes trial. The emperor, Hirohito, came on the throne in 1926 and continued in his position until his death in 1989. Since President Truman, in effect, accepted the conditional surrender offered by the Japanese as early as May of 1945, the question is posed, “Why then were the bombs dropped?”
That's a nice piece of imagination. The Allied position on both Germany and Japan was that only UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER would end the war. Truman had no ability to overrule the Soviets, British and French unilaterally even if he had wanted to and if he had tried to accept a conditional surrender, he would have been impeached, convicted and tossed out of office. The American people had no sympathy for the Japanese in 1945. Japan's endless string of atrocities had placed them beyond the pale.
That's a nice piece of imagination. The Allied position on both Germany and Japan was that only UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER would end the war. Truman had no ability to overrule the Soviets, British and French unilaterally even if he had wanted to and if he had tried to accept a conditional surrender, he would have been impeached, convicted and tossed out of office. The American people had no sympathy for the Japanese in 1945. Japan's endless string of atrocities had placed them beyond the pale.
Think again my poor ignorant statist friend.
This will help you get informed, if you’re man enough.

Since President Truman, in effect, accepted the conditional surrender offered by the Japanese as early as May of 1945, the question is posed, “Why then were the bombs dropped?”

The author Alperovitz gives us the answer in great detail which can only be summarized here, but he states,

We have noted a series of Japanese peace feelers in Switzerland which OSS Chief William Donovan reported to Truman in May and June [1945]. These suggested, even at this point, that the U.S. demand for unconditional surrender might well be the only serious obstacle to peace. At the center of the explorations, as we also saw, was Allen Dulles, chief of OSS [Office of Strategic Services] operations in Switzerland (and subsequently Director of the CIA). In his 1966 book The Secret Surrender, Dulles recalled that “On July 20, 1945, under instructions from Washington, I went to the Potsdam Conference and reported there to Secretary [of War] Stimson on what I had learned from Tokyo — they desired to surrender if they could retain the Emperor and their constitution as a basis for maintaining discipline and order in Japan after the devastating news of surrender became known to the Japanese people.”

It is documented by Alperovitz that Stimson reported this directly to Truman. Alperovitz further points out in detail the documentary proof that every top presidential civilian and military advisor, with the exception of James Byrnes, along with Prime Minister Churchill and his top British military leadership, urged Truman to revise the unconditional surrender policy so as to allow the Japanese to surrender and keep their emperor. All this advice was given to Truman prior to the Potsdam Proclamation which occurred on July 26, 1945. This proclamation made a final demand upon Japan to surrender unconditionally or suffer drastic consequences
The Hiroshima Myth - LewRockwell
You've never read history. Those are all historical facts. Next you will be saying the Rape of Nanking didn't happen.
We’ve already proven you know nothing more about this event than a third grader.
From the very beginning and at all times, except for the troubled times of the left and the Trumpists, the United States has done only one thing - freed the world from imperialism.

This is where the history of the United States began.
In modern times, it was the first and only country that challenged Eurocentrism and destroyed all the colonies.

The US is the first, and in fact the only one, to do this.

The French Revolution and the Spring of Nations were only after the US Revolution and the liberation of the American continent. They were inspired by America and acted with American support.

Therefore, the Statue of Liberty stands in the United States for a reason.
Most Americans don’t realize we live in the cruelest corporate dictatorship on earth because we are kept distracted with a heavy dose of mindless entertainment and fabricated tales of a democracy that has never existed here.
Most Americans don’t realize we live in the cruelest corporate dictatorship on earth because we are kept distracted with a heavy dose of mindless entertainment and fabricated tales of a democracy that has never existed here.
The hordes of illegal aliens in the USA, at our border, planning their trip right now call you a liar.
The hordes of illegal aliens in the USA, at our border, planning their trip right now call you a liar.
You think these poor desperate people think about this? Lol. They're uninformed just like you.
how do they not think of this

the poor and desperate have an education you can not fathom
What first world nation on earth has their borders wide open allowing anyone to enter? THINK.

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