Zone1 Was Segregationist Bull Connor A Racist?

So was he racist?

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I believe that you could count the number of people in both the democratic and republican parties in the 1860s who believed in racial equality without taking off your shoes. Essentially no one believed that black, brown, red or yellow people were equal to whites. But you refuse to admit that because it would make your endless rants about how racist whites are meaningless. Whites have come a long way since the civil war. White attitudes are far more open about racial equality than in those days. Do some whites dislike blacks? Of course, just like some blacks dislike whites. No one can mandate the opinions of people; we can just control their actions in violation of laws. It's not illegal to think someone is a piece of crap, it's only illegal to act on that opinion if they are a member of a protected class.
One step at a time

The first step was believing that slavery needed to be abolished

13th, 14th and 15th amendments were huge steps for the time
Going from freeing slaves to giving them the vote in 5 years

It then took a hundred years for Civil Rights
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I believe that you could count the number of people in both the democratic and republican parties in the 1860s who believed in racial equality without taking off your shoes. Essentially no one believed that black, brown, red or yellow people were equal to whites. But you refuse to admit that because it would make your endless rants about how racist whites are meaningless. Whites have come a long way since the civil war. White attitudes are far more open about racial equality than in those days. Do some whites dislike blacks? Of course, just like some blacks dislike whites. No one can mandate the opinions of people; we can just control their actions in violation of laws. It's not illegal to think someone is a piece of crap, it's only illegal to act on that opinion if they are a member of a protected class.

The other thing to realize is the systemic tools that whites in power had to keep other races down have been eliminated from our systems of government, and made illegal in our economy.
"I believe that you could count the number of people in both the democratic and republican parties in the 1860s who believed in racial equality without taking off your shoes. Essentially no one believed that black, brown, red or yellow people were equal to whites. But you refuse to admit that because it would make your endless rants about how racist whites are meaningless. Whites have come a long way since the civil war. White attitudes are far more open about racial equality than in those days. Do some whites dislike blacks? Of course, just like some blacks dislike whites. No one can mandate the opinions of people; we can just control their actions in violation of laws. It's not illegal to think someone is a piece of crap, it's only illegal to act on that opinion if they are a member of a protected class."

And there are whites who are still acting on that opinion. You are one of them. Coming a long way is not ending the behavior. I get tired of whites telling me how far things have come. They have not come far enough.
There is no difference between "prejudice against whites" in this case and "racism against whites"

He was prejudiced against them because they were white, because of what he believed whites as a race did to him and other blacks. That's racism.
I've never met a single person in my life who didn't hold some prejudice for someone.... that's why I ask Americans to grow up and stop being victims of something unrepairable... its human nature.... if you want to make your hair curl without a perm have dinner with a black family and ask them what they think of Asians or whites...
See the problem is most white liberals have never stepped foot in a black mans home.... so I say to them to stop the cryin and grow up... and to blacks... grow up and think bout what's better for you... a great economy or food stamps and other hand outs...
I've never met a single person in my life who didn't hold some prejudice for someone.... that's why I ask Americans to grow up and stop being victims of something unrepairable... its human nature.... if you want to make your hair curl without a perm have dinner with a black family and ask them what they think of Asians or whites...
See the problem is most white liberals have never stepped foot in a black mans home.... so I say to them to stop the cryin and grow up... and to blacks... grow up and think bout what's better for you... a great economy or food stamps and other hand outs...

Between the Civil War and the 1960's there were governmental, social, economic and political systems in place based on racism. I don't deny that. No one should deny that. After the 60's, however these systems were eliminated.
Between the Civil War and the 1960's there were governmental, social, economic and political systems in place based on racism. I don't deny that. No one should deny that. After the 60's, however these systems were eliminated.
True enough for sure... but I'm talking about people and their feelings towards others different from themselves... they can say they are not racist all day long it doesn't make it true... serving in the USMC as long as I did allowed me to make friends from all walks of life and I'm here to tell you no one is different when it comes to prejudicial thinking....
I've never met a single person in my life who didn't hold some prejudice for someone.... that's why I ask Americans to grow up and stop being victims of something unrepairable... its human nature.... if you want to make your hair curl without a perm have dinner with a black family and ask them what they think of Asians or whites...
See the problem is most white liberals have never stepped foot in a black mans home.... so I say to them to stop the cryin and grow up... and to blacks... grow up and think bout what's better for you... a great economy or food stamps and other hand outs...
Racism is not human nature. You don't know what most white liberals haven't done.
True enough for sure... but I'm talking about people and their feelings towards others different from themselves... they can say they are not racist all day long it doesn't make it true... serving in the USMC as long as I did allowed me to make friends from all walks of life and I'm here to tell you no one is different when it comes to prejudicial thinking....
Prejudicial thinking is not excatly racism. I can have a prejudicial thought against another black person.
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Prejudicoal thinking is not excatly racism. I can have a prejudicial thought against another black person.
Its exactly what it is thank you for your honesty... people in the old south had black friends... they weren't talking about them they would say as the planned a lynching....
There is no difference between "prejudice against whites" in this case and "racism against whites"

He was prejudiced against them because they were white, because of what he believed whites as a race did to him and other blacks. That's racism.
Was it a belief or was it a fact, what whites were doing to him and Black Americans across the country, for centuries already at that point.
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Its exactly what it is thank you for your honesty... people in the old south had black friends... they weren't talking about them they would say as the planned a lynching....
Racism is different from prejudice. And that's what you have chosen to miss. People in the old south having black friends did not stop the racism.
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Brother Minister Malcolm X was recounting a time he had prejudice against whites, but racist...? No sir.

Yes. A racist.
It's pretty simple. Infants are not racist. Racism is a learned behavior. You amateurs need to stop trying to be sociologists.
You must be kidding.... no one is talking about infants with zero life experience.... no one is trying to be a sociologist... man you ran dry on this one....
Racism is different from prejudice. And that's what you have chosen to miss. Peiople n the old south having black friends did not stop the racism.
That's my point... and same goes for black people with white friends today....
"There is no difference between "prejudice against whites" in this case and "racism against whites"

He was prejudiced against them because they were white, because of what he believed whites as a race did to him and other blacks. That's racism."

It is this kind of simple minded thinking in some whites that has got to go. Whites HAVE done things to blacks.

"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X
You must be kidding.... no one is talking about infants with zero life experience.... no one is trying to be a sociologist... man you ran dry on this one....
Wrong. The fact you bring up life experence shows that racism is learned.

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