Well Well Well I am pretty sure we never heard this part of the "classified documents/box" story!


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).

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My, how differently they handled things for Øbama. And for Hillary as well.

And yet the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges.
So far, former President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Lynch and several EPA officials have been named as offenders. The IRS suffered record “losses” as well. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy called it “an unauthorized private communications system for official business for the patent purpose of defeating federal record-keeping and disclosure laws.


Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 4.25.29 PM.png
They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).

The Obama Foundation, and not he himself?

And They did not ignore a federal subpoena and get employees to obstruct the FBI?

Six months after. Yet NARA was already whining, because it was a conspiracy, a set-up.

'reviewed for transfer to NARA starting 6 months AFTER term ends'.

Email communication with GSA, indicate boxes were stored in VA transferred to FL, per the Presidential Transition Act 1963 (PTA), in effect for 6 months after term ends 7/2021.
Per communications GSA can only pay to transport of 'government' property or items needed in connection with 'winding up the affairs' of the President's office.
—The Former Presidents Act (3 USC note §102, sec b &c) amended 2004, replaces the Presidential Transition Act at this time and provides allowances/funds for records to be reviewed for transfer to NARA starting 6 months AFTER term ends.

They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).

Perhaps the reason that the national archives immediately started demanding return of the classified documents was because Donald took thousands of pages of the highest level of classified documents, something no other president has EVER done.

Stop pretending that what Donald Trump did with a classified documents was in any way remotely similar to anything else that has ever happened with a President of the United States.

From stealing the documents in the first place, to lying to the FBI, and obstructing their return, Trump is uniquely corrupt and criminal.
Six months after. Yet NARA was already whining, because it was a conspiracy, a set-up.

'reviewed for transfer to NARA starting 6 months AFTER term ends'.

Email communication with GSA, indicate boxes were stored in VA transferred to FL, per the Presidential Transition Act 1963 (PTA), in effect for 6 months after term ends 7/2021.
Per communications GSA can only pay to transport of 'government' property or items needed in connection with 'winding up the affairs' of the President's office.
—The Former Presidents Act (3 USC note §102, sec b &c) amended 2004, replaces the Presidential Transition Act at this time and provides allowances/funds for records to be reviewed for transfer to NARA starting 6 months AFTER term ends.

That's the way to beat a dead horse. PETA will be seeking you out
Julie Kelly.

Never heard of heard until last week.

She attempts to make a "Big Splash" into the trump cult.

This lady is WACKO.
They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).
Of course we know the way you tell it that it sounds if Obama broke the law.

Obama did not, excalibur, but your butt boy Trump did.
They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).

That's probably why Obama or Biden never waded in with opinions about that huh.
They've been conspiring since Biden allegedly won (he didn't, it was stolen).

We know that within a few weeks of Trump leaving office that NARA began crying about documents (the set-up) when in fact under normal circumstances these things last for years.

In fact, 18 months after Obama left office the Archive was still negotiating the return of documents with Obama's people, including classified documents (Indeed, the Obama Foundation agreed to pay the Archive to retrieve the documents).

All rational thinking Americans already knew this when they raided Mara lago. Then dems through their media allies brainwashed their lemming base as usual. They keep doing it because it keeps working on the morons.

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