What about the $17 million dollar secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to sexual victims?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What about the $17 million dollar secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to sexual victims?

16 Apr 2024

Thanks to the relentless political targeting of President Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics. This shouldn’t come as a shock to many, given the nature of fame and power, but where do we draw the line? When is it acceptable for politicians to dip into taxpayer-funded slush funds to settle their sexual indiscretions privately, and without fanfare, and when is it deemed unacceptable for a private political candidate to do the same with personal funds? Here’s the thing that’s got everyone scratching their heads: Trump’s stuck in this political circus over “hush money,” where they’re all too eager to drag him through the mud over what amounts to a flimsy misdemeanor at best.

Indeed, Office of Congressional Compliance (OOC) which was set up to ensure compliance with the ludicrously named 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, controls a whole treasure chest of disputes involving congressional officials—not just congressional officials, in fact. You’ll be pleased to know that the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other legislative groups get to wet their beaks in this slush fund as well. Recent reports have indicated that over 17 million dollars has been used from this fund to take care of various “hush” projects on behalf of members of congress and other agencies.
What we’re witnessing in the United States is a prime example of peak corruption in action. Federal employees can get away with sexual assault left and right, and when they’re caught, the slush fund jumps into action to hush it up, no questions asked. And instead of these scumbags facing the music, it’s President Trump who’s under the microscope and being dragged through a sham political trial.
We should be used to this shameless “two-tier” injustice system by now.

It saddens me to say it, but I suspect there are millions of historically illiterate Americans, more than willing to toss our constitutional republic on the ash heap of history to "get" a single individual, because their hate transcends everything, or because they're naive enough to think being on the "right team" immunizes them from being subjected to the same capriciousness they champion. And because they are historically illiterate, they have no idea what happens to useful idiots when they're no longer useful, or when the demands for ideological purity become impossible to meet.
Remember that Democrat Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money.
Unfortunately, the actions of Democrats are simi;ar to those of the Palestinians who use their own children as human shields in the conflict against Israel. They hate Israel far more transcendes the love their own children, and no cost is ever considered too great to satiate their lust of hate and envy.
wasn't campaign funds and keeping records secret is not the same as gundecking a set of books

any one of those congess critters who used or approved that "fund" need accountability.

it has been a while. did such a fund really exist? or is there more evidence that you promised to show us "in 2 weeks" or as soon as you find the witnesses?
wasn't campaign funds and keeping records secret is not the same as gundecking a set of books

any one of those congess critters who used or approved that "fund" need accountability.

it has been a while. did such a fund really exist? or is there more evidence that you promised to show us "in 2 weeks" or as soon as you find the witnesses?

What about the $17 million dollar secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to sexual victims?

16 Apr 2024

Thanks to the relentless political targeting of President Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics. This shouldn’t come as a shock to many, given the nature of fame and power, but where do we draw the line? When is it acceptable for politicians to dip into taxpayer-funded slush funds to settle their sexual indiscretions privately, and without fanfare, and when is it deemed unacceptable for a private political candidate to do the same with personal funds? Here’s the thing that’s got everyone scratching their heads: Trump’s stuck in this political circus over “hush money,” where they’re all too eager to drag him through the mud over what amounts to a flimsy misdemeanor at best.

Indeed, Office of Congressional Compliance (OOC) which was set up to ensure compliance with the ludicrously named 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, controls a whole treasure chest of disputes involving congressional officials—not just congressional officials, in fact. You’ll be pleased to know that the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other legislative groups get to wet their beaks in this slush fund as well. Recent reports have indicated that over 17 million dollars has been used from this fund to take care of various “hush” projects on behalf of members of congress and other agencies.
What we’re witnessing in the United States is a prime example of peak corruption in action. Federal employees can get away with sexual assault left and right, and when they’re caught, the slush fund jumps into action to hush it up, no questions asked. And instead of these scumbags facing the music, it’s President Trump who’s under the microscope and being dragged through a sham political trial.
We should be used to this shameless “two-tier” injustice system by now.

It saddens me to say it, but I suspect there are millions of historically illiterate Americans, more than willing to toss our constitutional republic on the ash heap of history to "get" a single individual, because their hate transcends everything, or because they're naive enough to think being on the "right team" immunizes them from being subjected to the same capriciousness they champion. And because they are historically illiterate, they have no idea what happens to useful idiots when they're no longer useful, or when the demands for ideological purity become impossible to meet.
Remember that Democrat Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money.
Unfortunately, the actions of Democrats are simi;ar to those of the Palestinians who use their own children as human shields in the conflict against Israel. They hate Israel far more transcendes the love their own children, and no cost is ever considered too great to satiate their lust of hate and envy.

Not “personal funds”, but campaign contributions, I.e. illegal! The devil is in the details. :dev3:
wasn't campaign funds and keeping records secret is not the same as gundecking a set of books

any one of those congess critters who used or approved that "fund" need accountability.

it has been a while. did such a fund really exist? or is there more evidence that you promised to show us "in 2 weeks" or as soon as you find the witnesses?
🥨 🥨 🥨
it has been a while. did such a fund really exist? or is there more evidence that you promised to show us "in 2 weeks" or as soon as you find the witnesses?
Nice, more of the democrat's drivel, if you cant google it, it did not happen.

Is there more evidence? What makes you think evidence is posted on the internet. This is easy, thank you for the Democrat rule.

Trump committed no crime, if you think so, post the evidence.
Not “personal funds”, but campaign contributions, I.e. illegal! The devil is in the details. :dev3:
Trump is not charged with using campaign funds? That would be a violation of Federal Law, Trump is charged in state court. Where in the campaign laws, says that this is illegal, and dont forget to link to the law.

Conradv, claims campaign funds used in this way is illegal. Well, post the law that was broke, show that it was a state law. And while you are at it, show how the personal account of a lawyer is campaign funds.

Yes, the Devil is in the details.

Careful there, facts and laws broke by democrats and unprosecuted by democrats dont count

What about the $17 million dollar secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to sexual victims?

16 Apr 2024

Thanks to the relentless political targeting of President Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics. This shouldn’t come as a shock to many, given the nature of fame and power, but where do we draw the line? When is it acceptable for politicians to dip into taxpayer-funded slush funds to settle their sexual indiscretions privately, and without fanfare, and when is it deemed unacceptable for a private political candidate to do the same with personal funds? Here’s the thing that’s got everyone scratching their heads: Trump’s stuck in this political circus over “hush money,” where they’re all too eager to drag him through the mud over what amounts to a flimsy misdemeanor at best.

Indeed, Office of Congressional Compliance (OOC) which was set up to ensure compliance with the ludicrously named 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, controls a whole treasure chest of disputes involving congressional officials—not just congressional officials, in fact. You’ll be pleased to know that the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other legislative groups get to wet their beaks in this slush fund as well. Recent reports have indicated that over 17 million dollars has been used from this fund to take care of various “hush” projects on behalf of members of congress and other agencies.
What we’re witnessing in the United States is a prime example of peak corruption in action. Federal employees can get away with sexual assault left and right, and when they’re caught, the slush fund jumps into action to hush it up, no questions asked. And instead of these scumbags facing the music, it’s President Trump who’s under the microscope and being dragged through a sham political trial.
We should be used to this shameless “two-tier” injustice system by now.

It saddens me to say it, but I suspect there are millions of historically illiterate Americans, more than willing to toss our constitutional republic on the ash heap of history to "get" a single individual, because their hate transcends everything, or because they're naive enough to think being on the "right team" immunizes them from being subjected to the same capriciousness they champion. And because they are historically illiterate, they have no idea what happens to useful idiots when they're no longer useful, or when the demands for ideological purity become impossible to meet.
Remember that Democrat Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money.
Unfortunately, the actions of Democrats are simi;ar to those of the Palestinians who use their own children as human shields in the conflict against Israel. They hate Israel far more transcendes the love their own children, and no cost is ever considered too great to satiate their lust of hate and envy.

/——-/ Thanks for reminding us. I had forgotten all about that slush fund.

What about the $17 million dollar secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to sexual victims?

Remember that Democrat Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 in hush money.
This can not be true, where did Bill Clinton get $850,000. Bill Clinton was not a millionaire when he became president (he is worth $200 million now). The only place Bill Clinton could get $850,000 is from campaign donations, which we all know where given to Clinton illegally by the Chinese.

You are essentially pointing out that Democrat Bill Clinton received a million dollars from the Chinese to pay off a trailer park bimbo and then passed laws that allowed our factories to be taken apart and rebuilt in China so that they could sell us everything we used to make.
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wasn't campaign funds and keeping records secret is not the same as gundecking a set of books

any one of those congess critters who used or approved that "fund" need accountability.

it has been a while. did such a fund really exist? or is there more evidence that you promised to show us "in 2 weeks" or as soon as you find the witnesses?

wasn't campaign funds

Trump didn't use campaign funds, that was John Edwards.
Trump didn't use campaign funds, that was John Edwards.
John Edwards used campaign funds, and was found innocent. And it was Jack Smith, same government attorney that is now going after Trump. Jack Smith lost that case, it went to the Supreme Court, as I am sure you know, so I am not trying to educate you. I am just using your post to educate others.
John Edwards used campaign funds, and was found innocent. And it was Jack Smith, same government attorney that is now going after Trump. Jack Smith lost that case, it went to the Supreme Court, as I am sure you know, so I am not trying to educate you. I am just using your post to educate others.
There’s a better case against Trump and it doesn’t hurt Smith that Trump runs his mouth to his own detriment, daily.
There’s a better case against Trump and it doesn’t hurt Smith that Trump runs his mouth to his own detriment, daily.
It helps Smith, for the democrat/media to continually repeat the propaganda that, Trump runs his mouth to his own detriment, without quoting Trump or providing proper context.

All dirty politics, protected by free speech. Politicians if they are democrats, are allowed to yell, FIRE, in a crowded theater.

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