Which Of The 30,000 Protestant Denominations Is The True Church Of God?

In 500 years, all the Protestant churches will be gone. Everyone in the West will be either Catholic or nothing at all.
Not entirely true, that OP.

The Seventh-Day Adventists are for all intents and purposes a Protestant denomination, and they argue that they are the true church, the one true Christian Faith.

They also:
  • still observe the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath;
  • do not eat foods that aren't kosher;
  • believe that the seat of The Antichrist of eschatology is the United States;
  • believe in annihilationism with regard to hell.
If I'm not mistaken in my recollections about them, they also believe that the mark of the beast of eschatology will be the enforcing of all people to observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Something like that.
They all claim to have the right interpretation of the Bible.... all being all the Christian denominations.

And the 7th dayers were created just a couple of hundred years ago, with a prophecy of the second coming, come and gone with no Return in site.... from what I have read about them....
the hammerhead shart said:
Not entirely true, that OP.

The Seventh-Day Adventists are for all intents and purposes a Protestant denomination, and they argue that they are the true church, the one true Christian Faith.

They also:
  • still observe the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath;
  • do not eat foods that aren't kosher;
  • believe that the seat of The Antichrist of eschatology is the United States;
  • believe in annihilationism with regard to hell.
If I'm not mistaken in my recollections about them, they also believe that the mark of the beast of eschatology will be the enforcing of all people to observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Something like that.

care4all said:
They all claim to have the right interpretation of the Bible.... all being all the Christian denominations.

And the 7th dayers were created just a couple of hundred years ago, with a prophecy of the second coming, come and gone with no Return in site.... from what I have read about them....

Most of what they believe with regard to doctrine is based on the visions of this "prophet":

Ellen G. White - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you're not familiar with her, click the link, and learn about her.

She was a very interesting character, to be sure. :thup:
Protestantism is a slippery slope that leads to a loss of faith altogether.

Look at Great Britain. Most people don't even bothe
In 500 years, all the Protestant churches will be gone. Everyone in the West will be either Catholic or nothing at all.

Wow, that's arrogant. And dumb.

Actually, in 500 years, life as we now know it on planet earth will be gone.
You think I'm dumb, what you said is even dumber. Please explain what could wipe out all life on this planet.
In 500 years, all the Protestant churches will be gone. Everyone in the West will be either Catholic or nothing at all.

the sharts said:
Wow, that's arrogant. And dumb.

Actually, in 500 years, life as we now know it on planet earth will be gone.

blackrook said:
You think I'm dumb, what you said is even dumber. Please explain what could wipe out all life on this planet.

No, I don't "think" you're dumb, you little whiny, antagonizing, bitch-ass motherfucker: I KNOW you are.

I also know that you're not really a Christian—let alone Catholic—because most true Christians who believe the Scriptures understand that this world is in its last throes.

The majority of things you've said in your troll threads here about doctrines are things you've copied and pasted from other people on the Net who actually do know what they're talking about. And you've not given any of them any credit.
In 500 years, all the Protestant churches will be gone. Everyone in the West will be either Catholic or nothing at all.

the sharts said:
Wow, that's arrogant. And dumb.

Actually, in 500 years, life as we now know it on planet earth will be gone.

blackrook said:
You think I'm dumb, what you said is even dumber. Please explain what could wipe out all life on this planet.

No, I don't "think" you're dumb, you little whiny, antagonizing, bitch-ass motherfucker: I KNOW you are.

I also know that you're not really a Christian—let alone Catholic—because most true Christians who believe the Scriptures understand that this world is in its last throes.

The majority of things you've said in your troll threads here about doctrines are things you've copied and pasted from other people on the Net who actually do know what they're talking about. And you've not given any of them any credit.
Wow, you're the worst example of a Christian I have ever seen, and that's saying something because you took the prize away from Jeremiah. With you and him working this forum, the both of you are going to actually convert people to atheism.

I think your claim to be a Christian is a total lie, and I hope you and Jeremiah enjoy whatever eternal reward you get for giving Christ a bad name and turning people off to his way of love and brotherhood to all men, which you know nothing about by the way.
I was just going to say that:) The Church is not a building or denomination. The Church is made up or born again Believers who accept Jesus as their Savior. In faith, by His blood. Trusting in His FINISHED work and accepting His free gift.
we are all Priests and Jesus is our HIGH PRIEST.

1 Peter 2:9
Parallel Verses
New International Version
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
That's not what it says, you are twisting the words to suit your own twisted agenda.
Question: "Is the priesthood of all believers biblical?"

There is one main passage that deals with the priesthood of all believers. It is as follows: "You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ … But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:5-9).

Old Testament priests were chosen by God, not self-appointed; and they were chosen for a purpose: to serve God with their lives by offering up sacrifices. The priesthood served as a picture or "type" of the coming ministry of Jesus Christ--a picture that was then no longer needed once His sacrifice on the cross was completed. When the thick temple veil that covered the doorway to the Holy of Holies was torn in two by God at the time of Christ's death (Matthew 27:51), God was indicating that the Old Testament priesthood was no longer necessary. Now people could come directly to God through the great High Priest, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:14-16). There are now no earthly mediators between God and man as existed in the Old Testament priesthood (1 Timothy 2:5).

Christ our High Priest has made one sacrifice for sin for all time (Hebrews 10:12), and there is no more sacrifice for sin that can be made (Hebrews 10:26). But as priests once offered other kinds of sacrifices in the temple, so it is clear from 1 Peter 2:5,9 that God has chosen Christians "to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:5-9 speaks of two aspects of the priesthood of the believer. The first is that believers are privileged. To be chosen by God to be a priest was a privilege. All believers have been chosen by God: a "chosen generation...His own special people" (verse 9). In the Old Testament tabernacle and temple, there were places where only the priests could go. Into the Holy of Holies, behind a thick veil, only the High Priest could go, and that only once a year on the Day of Atonement when he made a sin offering on behalf of all of the people. But as mentioned above, because of Jesus' death upon the cross of Calvary, all believers now have direct access to the throne of God through Jesus Christ our great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16). What a privilege to be able to access the very throne of God directly, not through any earthly priest. When Christ returns and the New Jerusalem comes to earth (Revelation 21), believers will see God face-to-face and will serve Him there (Revelation 22:3-4) Again, what a privilege especially for us who were once "not a people" ... "without hope" ... destined for destruction because of our sin.

The second aspect of the believer's priesthood is that we are chosen for a purpose: to offer up spiritual sacrifices (see Hebrews 13:15-16 for example), and to proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Thus, by both life (1 Peter 2:5; Titus 2:11-14; Ephesians 2:10) and by word (1 Peter 2:9; 3:15), our purpose is to serve God. As the believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), so God has called us to serve Him from our hearts by first of all offering our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2). One day we will be serving God in eternity (Revelation 22:3-4), but not in any temple, for "the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple" (Revelation 21:22). As the Old Testament priesthood was to be free of defilement, as symbolized by being ceremonially clean, so has Christ made us holy positionally before the Father. He calls on us to live holy lives that we might also be a "holy priesthood" (1 Peter 2:5).

In summary, believers are called "kings and priests" and a "royal priesthood" as a reflection of their privileged status as heirs to the kingdom of the Almighty God and of the Lamb. Because of this privileged closeness with God, no other earthly mediator is necessary. Second, believers are called priests because salvation is not merely “fire insurance,” escape from hell. Rather, believers are called by God to serve Him by offering up spiritual sacrifices, i.e., being a people zealous for good works. As priests of the living God, we are all to give praise to the One who has given us the great gift of His Son's sacrifice on our behalf, and in response, to share this wonderful grace with others.
Recommended Resources: Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics by Ron Rhodes and Logos Bible Software.

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Who are the Jesuits, and what do they believe?

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Is it wrong for Catholics to refer to their priests as “father”?

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Is the priesthood of all believers biblical?

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Popes of Rome
Broken Succession (876-891 CE)
Evidence exists to indicate Apostolic Succession was broken for both the high priests of (Pontifex Maximus) Magna Mater of the Vatican and any Christian Bishop for the period of not less than 532 CE to 536 CE representing 4 years. Evidence to the contrary has been deliberately fabricated by multiple editions and revisions to the forgey Liber Pontificalis to hide this break. As a result, all claims of Apostolic Succession by the Roman Catholic Church must be false and therefore null and void as at the earliest date of 742 CE being the official creation date of the Catholic Church.

The birth of the Roman Cult
When Louis II died in 876, he left a power vacuum across the Frankish Empire. Catholic Pope Adrian II did not survive long after and the Papal States were once again thrown into turmoil.

During this period, the various Lombard princes who had managed to keep their titles and lands by continuing to switch their allegiances between Byzantine, Muslim and Catholic invaders took it upon themselves to fight for the right to claim themselves Kings of Italy and Holy Roman Emperors.

During this period, there were absolutely no Catholic Popes as the Tusculum pagan high priests of Magna Mater (Cybele) firmly established their claims and control of Rome.

The first to break the deadlock between warring Lombard princes was Guy II of Spoleto. In a brilliant act, in 891 Guy convinced Formosus, the current pagan high priest (Pontifex Maximus) and ancestor of the Colonna to converting (at least in outward appearance) to being nominally Catholic as Popes, thereby being capable of crowning Catholic Kings and Emperors.

Whether Formosus actually converted to being christian or not is still open for debate. What is certain is that by 892 in a grand ceremony in Rome, Guy was crowned King of Italy and Holy Catholic Roman Emperor by "Pope" Formosus.

Neither the reign of Guy, nor Formosus were long as it appears he was murdered by other members of his fiercly pagan family of ancient priests no later than 896.

The Vatican and the counts of Tusculum returned to their bloody pagan traditions for a further 161 years until "Pope" Gregory VII (1057-1084) the first genuine High Priest (Pontifex Maximus) who converted to Catholicism and founded the key doctrine of the Roman Cult- a parastic demonic and satanic set of heresies that have existed in direct opposition to the founding doctrine of both christianity and Catholicism for one thousand years.

Gregory VII is credited with merging the blood human sacrifice rituals of the Mother Goddess ("Magna Mater"), changing her name to Mary into the liturgy claimed to be "Catholic". While Henry IV invaded Italy and executed Gregory in 1084, the Roman Cult survived through the treacherous bloodlines of the Princes of Benevento who through the scheming Pope Urban II (also known as Peter the Hermit) succeeded in rallying an army and captured the Imperial records of Constantinople.

Once the Roman Cult had the original records concerning the formation of Christianity, it was only a matter of time before a truce could be forced to ensure the Roman Cult could maintain its parasitic control over Catholicism. This event occurred at the Concordat of Worms in 1123 between Roman Cult leader Callixtus II and Holy Catholic Emperor Henry V.

The fraudulent evidence of claimed Apostolic Succession
Evidence to prove the complete forgery of the Liber Pontificalis, ancient relics and associated forged documents including the falsity of claimed Apostolic Succession during this clear break comes in four specific forms:

1. The Indisputable fact that Christianity both as a word and a religion was not formed until Emperor Constantine created the Holy Roman Empire and Christianity as its Imperial State Religion in 326. Therefore it would be impossible to have any Christian official residing in Rome before the date Christianity is formed. Therefore any people listed must clearly either be wholly ficticious, or base on real characters but with key facts altered. Therefore the Apostolic Succession of the Catholic Church is false;

2. The clear facts proving the Catholic Church was not created until 742 by Pepin the short and his brothers Carloman and Winfred. Therefore it would be impossible to have any Catholic Bishop in Rome from France prior to this date. Therefore any people listed prior to this date must be either wholly ficticious or based on real characters but with key facts altered. Therefore the Apostolic Succession of the Catholic Church is false;

3. The Clear facts proving that the Roman Catholic Cult did not seize power from the Catholic Church for the first time until Pontifex M. Gregory IV in 827 and again under Pontifex M. Sergius III in 904. That the veneration of Cybele disguised as "Queen of Heaven" Mother Mary, the celibacy of priests, human sacrifice of children and the burning of heretics, simulation of human cannibalism by the congregation during communion are all illegal and forged heretical additions to the original doctrine of the Catholic Church and remain complete at odds with the original teachings of both Christianity and the original Catholic Church formed in 742. Therefore the Apostolic Succession of the Catholic Church is false;

4. The evidence presented here in this article supports the proposition that Apostolic Succession of the Catholic Church is wholly false.

In spite of the evidence presented, the Roman Catholic Cult remains firmly in control of the Catholic Church and main the false claim that their Apostolic Succession is superior to all other Christian faiths .
we are all Priests and Jesus is our HIGH PRIEST.

Every believer now can commune with God instead of needing the priest. Jesus is our priest. That's what it says.

1 Peter 2:9
Parallel Verses
New International Version
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
That's not what it says, you are twisting the words to suit your own twisted agenda.
To answer the OP, the Church is in all denominations, and all denominations contain apostates as well as unbelievers. Man separates, God unites.
We have a loving Father. When a Baptist and a Methodist reach the pearly gate at the same time, God will tell them to leave their dogma at the door and come in, their coronation is about to begin.
It is heart, not head that interests our Father. If you love Him and honor Him thinking that your dogma is the right approach in which to do that, it will be appointed to you as righteousness.

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