White Nationalist Group Protested by Jewish Nationalist Group

from what i remember, jews had no where to go, i dont remember tons of countries in the 1930's saying, you can all come here.

I dont think 6 million would have died, if the world gave a shit, but they didnt give a shit before ,and they wont now.

Jews antagonize hamas and hezbollah and the plo, and islamic jihad how exactly?

How can we have peace with a people who teach their kids that jews deserve to be killed, and that they should be martys
the palestinian struggle is to kill all jews, and have a palestine free of non muslims, i dont remember black south africans wanting to kill all whites, and telling their kids to blow themselves up

and, Im sure there were germans who would have felt a little bit of sadness towards the jews if they werent perceived as such a threat.

Did you ever see the movie Red Dawn? Did you identify with the KIDS or the INVADING Commies?

I just want to align your frame of reference here. South africa used kids in it's struggle too.

By the way, did you catch that slam dunk regarding Nelson Mandella? hehehehe..
I would like to see us, as white gentiles, give them a little competition for the power spoils of this great nation. As it stands, Jews pretty much run the show... why shouldn't WE run the show, yo?

You mean like that Jewish guy Bill Gates? Or Paul Allen? Or Rupert Murdoch? Or Bill Clinton? Or George Bush (jnr or snr)? Or J Paul Getty? Or John Rockefeller? Or Joseph Kennedy? Or Oprah Winfrey? Or Ted Turner? Or George Lucas?

Let's go a little further afield of the good old US of A. Or the Duke of Westminster (richest man in Britain)? Or Queen Elizabeth II (richest woman in Britain)? Or James Packer (richest man in Australia)? Or the Sultan of Brunei (richest man in the world at one time)? Or Vladamir Putin (who may not be AS rich, but he runs the show)? Or any one of number of billionaires in India or the ME. Yeah, them Jews sure got a monopoly on money and power...
He doesn't think Jews should have any money or power. We're the cause of all evils in the world. :eusa_shifty:

I thought JK was the richest woman in Britian. heh...

I think you may be right re JK. I think QEII was always considered the richest woman in the world for a long time (not just Britain), then the folks who made the lists decided not include some of her homes and castles (such as Buckingham Palace) as they belong to the people of Britian, not her personally (unlike Balmoral and Sandringham, which are actually owned and upkept by the royal family).

As far as Judism being rich, well yes. The race as a whole bat way above their weight, and he sees it as a bad thing. Why? I think, at its most basic, it is jealousy. Do Jewish people tend to be hard nosed business people? Yeah, but who isn't? I bet your old man and brother are, and why shouldn't they be? History is filled with people of ethnicities sticking together. That is why you have a Little Italy and Chinatown in some cities in the US. That is why until recently Tiger Woods and Jewish people couldn't play Augusta due to the colour of their skin and ethnicity. That is why you rarely see an East Indian marry a non East Indian. That is why I, as a whitey and you as a Jew can never visit Mecca. That is why the chances of a Jew becoming part of a Mason lodge is pretty remote (although it has happened on occasion). For WJ's theory (whatever it is - all Jews are evil???) to really work, you'd have to only have a few successful non-Jews. There are millions of non-Jews that are successful, just as hardnosed in business (see Rupert Murdoch for an example), and just as driven as the next person. As I said, at its most simplistic it is jealousy - sprinkled with a fair dose of racism too.
Seems to me Israel did just fine without us. If anything, we have put pressure on Israel to quit kicking everyone's asses all over the place.

without the money we send to israel every year?

Bush pledges to increase US funding to Israel

An American team will land in Israel in July to finalize the deal. Israel currently receives an annual $2.4 billion in military aid.

"I am strongly committed to Israel's security and viability as a Jewish state, and to the maintenance of its qualitative military edge," said Bush in the statement.

Indeed, WHEN was it that Israel was doing just fine without the support of the US?

Kicking everyones ASS all over the place? uh, because no one wants to pounce on the US's little fantasy island midget or because the US has allowed israel a double nuclear standard than the rest of the world must abide by?

Show me your sources.
It's not apathy, it's reality. The reality is they hide where there are children because they know they can pick their enemies off and their enemies will be reluctant to pursue them for fear of hurting children. But if you want to keep YOUR children from being picked off, you have to deal with the problem.

Decent people don't hide behind children when waging a war. When the children are inadvertently killed (and it IS inadvertent) then the ones to blame are the ones who retreat to their midst.

The pigs.

Israel's human shields draw fire
Human rights groups return to court over army's use of Palestinian civilians

Basem Maswadeh knew he was in trouble when an Israeli soldier pushed him into the barber's chair and reached for the clippers.

The humiliation of a shaved head - or, more accurately, having chunks of hair ripped out by the brutal wielding of the shears - was the start of an ordeal that culminated with Mr Maswadeh and two friends standing in a Hebron street as Israeli troops shot over their shoulders at stone-throwing Palestinians.

"The soldiers hid behind our backs as they pushed us forward," said Mr Maswadeh. "Then they put their guns on our shoulders and began shooting. We felt our eardrums burning, but when we tried to put our hands over our ears, they beat our hands away. The noise was terrible because the gun was right next to my ear."

The soldiers fired dozens of plastic bullets, using the three Palestinian men as shields, before the crowd dispersed.

Israel bans use of human shields
Israel's supreme court has banned the use of Palestinian human shields in arrest raids, saying the practice violates international law.

The court issued a temporary injunction against the practice in 2002 after a teenager was killed when troops made him negotiate with a wanted militant.

Human rights groups who brought the case say the Israeli army has repeatedly violated the temporary ban.

The army cannot use civilians for its purposes, Israel's chief justice said.

"You cannot exploit the civilian population for the army's military needs, and you cannot force them to collaborate with the army," Aharon Barak said.

B'Tselem: IDF uses Palestinians as human shield
Human rights organization investigation claims that IDF used 6 Palestinians as human shields for 12 hours. IDF examining claim
The human rights organization B'Tselem claims that IDF soldiers used six Palestinians, two of them underage, as human shields for twelve hours during IDF operations this week in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza strip.

What was it you jsut said?

Decent people don't hide behind children when waging a war.

oh, my bad.. What makes me confident that you absolutely will NOT apply the same apathetic label, PIGS, onto jews who allow the above? I wonder why that is....
from what i remember, jews had no where to go, i dont remember tons of countries in the 1930's saying, you can all come here.
I dont think 6 million would have died, if the world gave a shit, but they didnt give a shit before ,and they wont now.
Jews antagonize hamas and hezbollah and the plo, and islamic jihad how exactly?
How can we have peace with a people who teach their kids that jews deserve to be killed, and that they should be martys

Funny, your apathy towards human life in palestine, again, makes one hell of a punchline out of your post. How can we have peace when the very same people crying about ethnic hatred of others convey their masterful skill at ethnic hatred?

This isn't merely about what you think, Acts. Cite your sources because I've got a quiver full of rebuttal. You can find them peppered in every other thread concerning pal and israel. You see, evidence trumps rhetorical zionism every time.
israel is no more racist then any other nation.
I didnt jews had magic power, and we were the best at being racist, and money
what other sterio types lol

oooh, Ok.. So then we can expect Israel to be just as ethnically neutral as the US then, right? Fucking GREAT, man... so, howlong before you think there will be a first muslim president in Israel? I mean, if the US allows jews in ITS government then it's only reasonable to EXPECT israel to do the same, right? I mean, only NAZIs try to purge their nation of riff-raff and uncommon ethnicities, RIGHT?

the palestinian struggle is to kill all jews, and have a palestine free of non muslims, i dont remember black south africans wanting to kill all whites, and telling their kids to blow themselves up

Well, then I suggest you educate yourself. I won't even bother teasing you on this since you are clearly ignorant regarding the ethnic conflict in South Africa. Let me just point you in a good direction:

Nelson Mandella was a celebrated President of South Africa after he was released from prison which was the direct result of the struggle against apartheid. Now, why don't you do a little reading and tell me how different or similar HIS tactics against oppression are from that we see in palestine. Then, you can answer my trick question about who would be out to kill jews if Texas were given up as a jewish homeland: Pals or TEXANS. I assure you that no pal will be traveling to Texas to bother with what the TEXANS would be busy with.

But, Please, educate yourself and come back with a good Nelson Mandella story.
oooh, Ok.. So then we can expect Israel to be just as ethnically neutral as the US then, right? Fucking GREAT, man... so, howlong before you think there will be a first muslim president in Israel? I mean, if the US allows jews in ITS government then it's only reasonable to EXPECT israel to do the same, right? I mean, only NAZIs try to purge their nation of riff-raff and uncommon ethnicities, RIGHT?


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight... give the Jews Texas, right... something that's never going to happen. F'em all and make them live under muslim rule so they get sent into the ocean.

good one. you've got quite the sense of humor. now let's see you come back with one of your pithy mock-outraged posts which describes everything terrible I must of course think of you.
MY point being that my previous posts belay my motivations that are a bit deeper than the usual antisemite label. I notice that you don't take a stab at answering if it would be PALS or TEXANS out reacting to a carved nation nation for jews in Texas.. Why is that, Jillian? Is it because you know damn well that the same response that incites your apathy would wear a cowboy hat rather than arab headgear? Is it because you know that Pals wont be coming to Texas to kill jews anymore if israel were removed from THEIR HOMELAND? Come on, Jillian.. You are a smart gal.. why don't you humor me and tell me WHO would be out killing jews in Israel, Texas?

And, I bet that palestinians pre-48 might have thought the same thing, eh Jillian? OUR nation be carved up for a jewish homeland? NEVER! Alas...

Fuck em all. Thats great Jillian. Tell me about hateful muslims some more.

MY point being that my previous posts belay my motivations that are a bit deeper than the usual antisemite label. I notice that you don't take a stab at answering if it would be PALS or TEXANS out reacting to a carved nation nation for jews in Texas.. Why is that, Jillian? Is it because you know damn well that the same response that incites your apathy would wear a cowboy hat rather than arab headgear? Is it because you know that Pals wont be coming to Texas to kill jews anymore if israel were removed from THEIR HOMELAND? Come on, Jillian.. You are a smart gal.. why don't you humor me and tell me WHO would be out killing jews in Israel, Texas?

And, I bet that palestinians pre-48 might have thought the same thing, eh Jillian? OUR nation be carved up for a jewish homeland? NEVER! Alas...

Fuck em all. Thats great Jillian. Tell me about hateful muslims some more.


How many 1000s of years of history exist in Texas with Judasm? How many in the ME?
How many 1000s of years of history exist in Texas with Judasm? How many in the ME?

How many thousands of years validate carving out the American Southwest for a latino homeland in America? Atzlan ring a bell? My hypothetical conveys that the usurping of land, historic or not, is the sole cause behind the reaction of the Pals to the creation of israel. Would you like to similarly suggest that the claim of Atzlan supporters is viable too or does this only apply to jews? I hate to break it to you but Muslims also have just as valid of a claim to the land too. Why is it that the jewish claim is ALWAYS more important than theirs?

Hey, Maybe we can even destroy Temple Mount for the sake of the third temple of solomon since, you know, muslms already have another holy site in Saudi Arabia and there WAS once a jewish temple there... uh, THOUSANDS of years ago.

Israel's human shields draw fire
Human rights groups return to court over army's use of Palestinian civilians

Basem Maswadeh knew he was in trouble when an Israeli soldier pushed him into the barber's chair and reached for the clippers.

The humiliation of a shaved head - or, more accurately, having chunks of hair ripped out by the brutal wielding of the shears - was the start of an ordeal that culminated with Mr Maswadeh and two friends standing in a Hebron street as Israeli troops shot over their shoulders at stone-throwing Palestinians.

"The soldiers hid behind our backs as they pushed us forward," said Mr Maswadeh. "Then they put their guns on our shoulders and began shooting. We felt our eardrums burning, but when we tried to put our hands over our ears, they beat our hands away. The noise was terrible because the gun was right next to my ear."

The soldiers fired dozens of plastic bullets, using the three Palestinian men as shields, before the crowd dispersed.

Israel bans use of human shields
Israel's supreme court has banned the use of Palestinian human shields in arrest raids, saying the practice violates international law.

The court issued a temporary injunction against the practice in 2002 after a teenager was killed when troops made him negotiate with a wanted militant.

Human rights groups who brought the case say the Israeli army has repeatedly violated the temporary ban.

The army cannot use civilians for its purposes, Israel's chief justice said.

"You cannot exploit the civilian population for the army's military needs, and you cannot force them to collaborate with the army," Aharon Barak said.

B'Tselem: IDF uses Palestinians as human shield
Human rights organization investigation claims that IDF used 6 Palestinians as human shields for 12 hours. IDF examining claim
The human rights organization B'Tselem claims that IDF soldiers used six Palestinians, two of them underage, as human shields for twelve hours during IDF operations this week in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza strip.

What was it you jsut said?

Decent people don't hide behind children when waging a war.

oh, my bad.. What makes me confident that you absolutely will NOT apply the same apathetic label, PIGS, onto jews who allow the above? I wonder why that is....

Now what do you suppose that means? I imagine it means young soldiers.
How many thousands of years validate carving out the American Southwest for a latino homeland in America? Atzlan ring a bell? My hypothetical conveys that the usurping of land, historic or not, is the sole cause behind the reaction of the Pals to the creation of israel. Would you like to similarly suggest that the claim of Atzlan supporters is viable too or does this only apply to jews? I hate to break it to you but Muslims also have just as valid of a claim to the land too. Why is it that the jewish claim is ALWAYS more important than theirs?

Hey, Maybe we can even destroy Temple Mount for the sake of the third temple of solomon since, you know, muslms already have another holy site in Saudi Arabia and there WAS once a jewish temple there... uh, THOUSANDS of years ago.


Well, it was decided by minds a lot greater than yours and mine that the Jews needed a homeland after being persecuted not only during WWII, but throughout Eastern Europe through much of the past 2000 years. Their historical homeland was thought to be the best place for them to settle. It has now been more than 60 years since that decision has been made. A bit long to change the mind, no? And don't forget until 1948 the Jews generally agreed with the division.
Taking your argument to the logical conclusion - all those of European descent go back to Europe, all those of Asian descent go back to Asia. Yadda, yadda...And I won't even start on the USA vis a vis the American Indian..after all, it is their land, right?
Now what do you suppose that means? I imagine it means young soldiers.


yea.. talk about an AUTOMATIC benefit of the doubt! You sound like a southerner making excuses for the lynching of Emmet Till. Read the articles, Allie. You might want to consider WHY it is that you avoid applying the same standard to israel that you do everyone else. OR, find your own sources that discredit mine. If you don't consider those sources.. well.. I guess we can always just make shit up in order to preserve that israeli halo.
MY point being that my previous posts belay my motivations that are a bit deeper than the usual antisemite label. I notice that you don't take a stab at answering if it would be PALS or TEXANS out reacting to a carved nation nation for jews in Texas.. Why is that, Jillian? Is it because you know damn well that the same response that incites your apathy would wear a cowboy hat rather than arab headgear? Is it because you know that Pals wont be coming to Texas to kill jews anymore if israel were removed from THEIR HOMELAND? Come on, Jillian.. You are a smart gal.. why don't you humor me and tell me WHO would be out killing jews in Israel, Texas?

And, I bet that palestinians pre-48 might have thought the same thing, eh Jillian? OUR nation be carved up for a jewish homeland? NEVER! Alas...

Fuck em all. Thats great Jillian. Tell me about hateful muslims some more.


I know this was to Jillian, but why do you think the Palestinians should get the land, but not the Jews? Why not a two state solution? Neither of them had a state prior to 1948 so the term, 'stolen' truly doesn't fit. There were Jews, there were Arabs, there was no Palestine nor Israel.
And there was no shoe wearing, written language having, constitutional "nation" in North America either. Does that negate the FACT of the people living there?

Does it take a FLAG to secure a national identity? Does it take European consideration to validate autonomy?

What two-state solution have YOU seen that isn't clearly weighted in israels favor? Why don't you break the mold and toss out some evidence?

Is that too much to ask from an apparent neo nazi?


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