Why Do Liberals Ignore Science Regarding Transgender Surgery for Minors?

Neither can waiting till adulthood to begin transition

Of course, that's a load of shit.

Christine Jorgenson as well as Bruce Jenner and many others waited until adulthood before they started wearing women's clothes much less started having surgery. DItto with that Dylan of Bud Light fame.
Teenagers and children are not being transitioned. You have to have reached the age of consent for surgery.

This is one of the dangers of "for profit" medicine. There are always those who will do harm for profit.
Are you ever not a lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit?

KKKalifornia allows surgery for minors.

Some Transgender Children Receive Health Care Services to Affirm Their Gender Identity. Some transgender individuals experience distress from having a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned to them at birth. Transgender individuals experiencing distress can receive certain health care services, including mental health services and medical treatments. These treatments can be a part of what is referred to as “gender affirming care.” Medical treatments can include prescription drugs to postpone the development of puberty (known as “puberty blockers”), hormone therapies, and surgeries.
Teenagers and children are not being transitioned. You have to have reached the age of consent for surgery.

This is one of the dangers of "for profit" medicine. There are always those who will do harm for profit.
“Do harm for profit”.

That would be your abortion clinics.
Extremely rare
Most Transexuals do not have genital surgery

Historically that is true. It took the modern age for LGBTQ+ guys to start having their penises lopped of, and even more recent for the taxpayers and insurance companies to actually pay for the procedure. But the number of sex change operations is soaring as the Tranny movement continues to pick up steam.
And that is the problem here

Too many people are buying into the myth that they are cutting off the penis’s of young children who later change their mind.

It doesn’t happen

Children entering puberty are given puberty blockers after lengthy consultation with parents, medical professionals and experts in the field.
It isn’t done on a whim
As far as I am concerned, they can wait on the puberty blockers also. These are powerful hormones, that block the normal body development and not all of it sexual, that would not be needed, if the boy that wants to be a girl was actually genetically predisposed to become a girl or woman. At 18, if they have the money, their parents have the money or insurance chooses to cover it, more power to it, no matter what it chooses to be. I don't have tattoos, but I do not care if anybody else has tattoo, but one thing is sure, in most of the country a child below the legal age of maturity, cannot even decide to have a tattoo, so I see no reason to let them choose elective hormone therapy, that almost undoubtedly, if taken in adolescence cannot be fully reversed, simply by stopping the hormone treatment. Too young, to go down that road, is simply too young to go down that road. Though, I do realize parents have a certain amount of leeway to screw up their kids before they are adults, before they have the right to decide for themselves.
I can’t understand why a transgender would want to compete in womens sports.

What possible satisfaction could you get out of winning by a wide margin against inferior competition?
To some people, winning isn't everything. It is the only thing. That is why we do not legally allow performance enhancing drug, as other athletes in their class would automatically be at an unfair advantage. It should be the same with boys that want to compete as girls. Not Allowed.
As far as I am concerned, they can wait on the puberty blockers also. These are powerful hormones, that block the normal body development and not all of it sexual, that would not be needed,


Puberty blockers stunt the growth worse than cigarettes do. And we don't allow minors to smoke.

Not only that, they stunt emotional maturity. Puberty is a valuable part of life , that almost all humans go through and is definitely beneficial. Denying that to people without a really good reason is damaging to the psyche, which is the exact thing that Trannies are having a problem with.
Conservatives mock them to suicide
Be honest with yourself and others. Trannies are at far greater risk of both attempted and successful suicide than the general population.

There is far more going on than 'mocking' by either conservatives or Dems / Socialists.
What transition? Do you believe a man dressing as a woman somehow transitions into a biological female?

Is that a part of the leftist Cult ideology that insists men can get pregnant?
I believe there is a difference between Biology and Sexuality
Be honest with yourself and others. Trannies are at far greater risk of both attempted and successful suicide than the general population.

There is far more going on than 'mocking' by either conservatives or Dems / Socialists.

I believe the lack of acceptance in both society and their families is the main cause of suicide
Conservatives mocking them as “freaks” doesn’t help
I believe there is a difference between Biology and Physiology
I believe that you misapplied physiology and meant psychology. Physiology is a part of the science of biology.

The physiological process of pregnancy is well understood and oddly, it is only biological females who get pregnant, not men in women's clothing.
I believe the lack of acceptance in both society and their families is the main cause of suicide
Conservatives mocking them as “freaks” doesn’t help

Au Contraire

Trannies cross dress in order to honk off "straight arrows"

If squares were to universally just ignore Trannies and refused to get cheesed, that would be something that would drive your gender benders to further extremes or even suicide.
Here's the deal, a school nurse with a relatively minor medical education but a big social agenda doses a selected boy or girl with mood altering drugs and the next thing they know they are on the operating room table being castrated. For some reason the radical element in the democrat party seems to support this craziness and so does the mainstream media.

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