Will Assange testify that Seth Rich’s murder was not a simple robbery?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Gray's Economy ^ | 4/23/19

In Monday’s post I wrote how Julian Assange and Seth Rich communicated with each other before Wikileaks published the Hillary Clinton emails.

The revelation came to light through a FOIA request of the National Security Agency where they admitted to having 15 documents consisting of 32 pages of conversations between the founder of Wikileaks and the Democratic National Conference worker Rich.

While this information was released quietly in Oct. 2018 in a letter from the NSA to attorney Ty Clevenger’s request for information on communications between the two individuals, Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his report last week still held to the believe that it was the Russians who worked with Assange to hack the Clinton severs.

This is an excerpt from the letter Clevenger received from the NSA:

Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph © of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.

How could Mueller and his cut-throat, partisan investigators turn a blind-eye to the details of the NSA filing?

Because the truth would destroy Mueller’s whole investigation into Trump and the Russian collusion. Despite Mueller already knowing in the middle of 2018 that his lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page — caught in an adulteress affair — where telling each other there was no collusion, the NSA revelation had to be ignored.

Bill Binney, one of the founding members of the NSA now retired, stated that if the NSA has 32-pages of information between Rich and Assange it means these two were in communication with each other since that is all the NSA tracks. Emails, phone calls and texts between two parties are all scooped up by the NSA.

Adding to the Russian hack is BS, Binney concludes that the data transfer rate for the Clinton email hack could have been done remotely. It would have to have been downloaded on a thumb drive from a computer within the DNC offices.

So what does this mean vis-a-vis Assange’s arrest earlier this month from the Ecuadorian embassy in London and the Trump White House request for extradiction?

Well the Trump administration does not need for him to testify that there was no Russian collusion, but US Attorney John Huber or DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz may want him to recount Rich’s involvement in the Clinton email release to reopen his 2016 murder case.

Washington DC police said the motive for Rich’s shooting was robbery, but since nothing was taken from the body, this seems wrong.

However given the Assange revelations, this murder case takes on a whole new cast of suspects.


Of additional interest...

Assange has the goods
Who are these people?

I know Assange. He was the guy who helped Trump get elected by being the middle man between Russia and the Trump Campaign.

But I don't know the other guy.

I'm almost afraid to read the conspiracy. Republicans come us with such nutty scenarios.
Who are these people?

I know Assange. He was the guy who helped Trump get elected by being the middle man between Russia and the Trump Campaign.
Assange is the guy that the left used to love when he was attacking Bush and the Iraq war.
Now they've turned on him like a bologna sandwich left out in the desert sun.

But I don't know the other guy.
Oh...he's the guy who worked for the DNC and ratted them out to Wikileaks and wound up with a bullet in the back of this head in a "robbery" where nothing was taken.

I'm almost afraid to read the conspiracy. Republicans come us with such nutty scenarios.
Maybe the NSA will release these email exchanges between Assange and Rich and clear things up for you. You seem very confused
and clueless.
Gray's Economy ^ | 4/23/19

In Monday’s post I wrote how Julian Assange and Seth Rich communicated with each other before Wikileaks published the Hillary Clinton emails.

The revelation came to light through a FOIA request of the National Security Agency where they admitted to having 15 documents consisting of 32 pages of conversations between the founder of Wikileaks and the Democratic National Conference worker Rich.

While this information was released quietly in Oct. 2018 in a letter from the NSA to attorney Ty Clevenger’s request for information on communications between the two individuals, Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his report last week still held to the believe that it was the Russians who worked with Assange to hack the Clinton severs.

This is an excerpt from the letter Clevenger received from the NSA:

Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph © of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.

How could Mueller and his cut-throat, partisan investigators turn a blind-eye to the details of the NSA filing?

Because the truth would destroy Mueller’s whole investigation into Trump and the Russian collusion. Despite Mueller already knowing in the middle of 2018 that his lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page — caught in an adulteress affair — where telling each other there was no collusion, the NSA revelation had to be ignored.

Bill Binney, one of the founding members of the NSA now retired, stated that if the NSA has 32-pages of information between Rich and Assange it means these two were in communication with each other since that is all the NSA tracks. Emails, phone calls and texts between two parties are all scooped up by the NSA.

Adding to the Russian hack is BS, Binney concludes that the data transfer rate for the Clinton email hack could have been done remotely. It would have to have been downloaded on a thumb drive from a computer within the DNC offices.

So what does this mean vis-a-vis Assange’s arrest earlier this month from the Ecuadorian embassy in London and the Trump White House request for extradiction?

Well the Trump administration does not need for him to testify that there was no Russian collusion, but US Attorney John Huber or DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz may want him to recount Rich’s involvement in the Clinton email release to reopen his 2016 murder case.

Washington DC police said the motive for Rich’s shooting was robbery, but since nothing was taken from the body, this seems wrong.

However given the Assange revelations, this murder case takes on a whole new cast of suspects.


Of additional interest...

Assange has the goods
Assange is likely to 'commit suicide' the day before he testifies against HRC.
Seth was exposing what Hillary and the DNC through Debbie Schultz were doing to undermine Sanders.....Seth was leaking to wikilinks......and someone really didn't appreciate that....
The men who murdered Seth were only looking for the thumb drive. They didn't bother with his wallet of watch........although the cops ruled the murder was a botched robbery.
They didn't know Seth had already sent the thumb drive contents to Assange.
The right is desperately trying to divert attention from the fact that Barr misrepresented the Mueller report. That's the purpose of this thread as well as threads about George Zimmerman, and anything else they can dredge up are being posted.
Well Rich was definitely murdered and nothing was taken.

There is a story there and I hope Assange has an answer.
The right is desperately trying to divert attention from the fact that Barr misrepresented the Mueller report. That's the purpose of this thread as well as threads about George Zimmerman, and anything else they can dredge up are being posted.

I'd just like for the Washington DC police to pick up the guys who whacked Mr. Rich and bring them in for questioning.

Offer them a deal if they didn't act alone and are willing to drop a dime on people higher on the food chain. Even give the guys a walk if it isn't the botched robbery and they can provide a lead to show a connection with the Clinton campaign or even the Obama WH.

I bet these guys would be willing to make a deal, and that's why the police are sitting on their hands
Who are these people?

I know Assange. He was the guy who helped Trump get elected by being the middle man between Russia and the Trump Campaign.

But I don't know the other guy.

I'm almost afraid to read the conspiracy. Republicans come us with such nutty scenarios.

Jesus, dude. Are you in a garage with your car running?

You believe Putin and Trump colluded to steal the 2016 election from HIllary, yet you refuse to believe that Rich could have been hit?


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