Woman says she feels empowered after having sex with more than 300 people in one year

It sounds like she is sleeping with her fans...and from her fans she is making around a thousand dollars per day. Sounds a bit like prostitution.
It sounds like she is sleeping with her fans...and from her fans she is making around a thousand dollars per day. Sounds a bit like prostitution.
Apart from it sounding BS -- just a good PR stunt -- she has a business --- if it is true that she can earn 1m dollars a day .
She should put up her rates . Earn double that amount in a day and retire in five years with at least a million in the bank .
If this is her choice , then opinions like yours , Mortician , count for nothing .
If men are stupid enough to pay for their lust , so be it .
As Eric sang , " It's my life and I'll do what I want"
This is what's wrong with society today. Yikes.

Her nickname's probably "Beefy".

Is that a thing?

Not a lot of the kids today will get that...
Me and this girl I grew up with used to trade insults like that. :auiqs.jpg:

Ahh, good times. She was a little older than me and quite..buxom.

Years later we stopped all that and just became good friends.

"What did Evel Knieval jump? Your cooter, bitch!"

:aargh: Yeah, we'd go deep with it. Ofc she'd say "You never went deep in nothin'!"

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Why would I go to a garbage dump, and pick out bits of spoiled food to eat, when I have a refrigerator at home stocked with fresh, clean food?
Good sense trumps instinct in your case. That's not the result in many cases. The small brain often overwhelms the large one.
No matter what they say, 90% of the guys in the world would get in that waiting line. The other 10% are candidates for Monkhood.
Why would I go to a garbage dump, and pick out bits of spoiled food to eat, when I have a refrigerator at home stocked with fresh, clean food?
Good sense trumps instinct in your case. That's not the result in many cases. The small brain often overwhelms the large one.

I guess I must be lacking some “instinct” that you think most men have.

I have a wonderful wife, who loves me more than I am quite able to fully understand. What “instinct” could I have, to tempt me to have sex with some filthy whore that is probably infested with just about every sexually-transmitted disease known to Mankind, when my wife is much more convenient and known to be free from any such diseases?

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