arabism is racism

  1. Sayaras

    Dirty Fascist palestine official vows to "Purify" Land of Jews…

    What is racism??? "Pure Arab" sounds like Hitler's aide Ahmad Shukeiri. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, United States. Congress...
  2. Sayaras

    "Only" 10% of UNRWA are IslamoFascists active in racist-Arab terror

    This means, that most of its Islamists employees are just bigots without being active in terror?. == Israeli intel shows 10% of UNRWA workers in Gaza have ties to terror groups — report. By TOI Staff. Wall Street Journal says document alleges around 1,200 Gaza employees of UN agency for...
  3. Sayaras

    Nothin' ... just another racist Islamist with a knife attacking Jews in London

    Whether he screamed only Allah Akbar Or Also [genocidal] Khybar Or also free Palestine.. (the new Heil Hitler) Same difference. __ Muslim man attacks London Jewish supermarket . Itamar Eichner| 01.29.24 ...The suspect, said by police to be 34, was dressed in traditional Muslim garb...
  4. Sayaras

    So why doesn't Arab filthy-rich QATAR fund "wake up Hitler" UNRWA? (Host of Hamas, propagates at Al-Jazeera, TheNewArab, Al-Araby-al-Jadeed)

    While the Arab League whines... So why doesn't Arab filthy-rich QATAR fund "wake up Hitler" UNRWA? (Host of Hamas, propagates at Al-Jazeera, TheNewArab, Al-Araby-al-Jadeed) 'Wake up Hitler, there are still people to burn,' in Palestinian textbooks. Despite promises to the contrary, UNRWA...
  5. Sayaras

    Typical: Nazi-Arab "Palestinian" Hitler fan "journalist" utters N word on the victims

    This is classic demonic Israelophobia: BBC "palestinian" Hitlerist uttering the N word on her very victims of Nazism - past/present. Exactly like that infamous outcast racist troll. Who all know... (she also repeated that false flag bloodlibel). _ BBC's Gaza journalist Tala Halawa...
  6. Sayaras

    NY News: Suspended: racist-Arab "Palestinian" NYU prof., Amin Husain, proudly admits being antisemitic, claims to be denying October 7 atrocities

    More reasons to take control of immigration in the US. ___ NYU prof caught telling students Hamas baby killings ‘not true’ suspended after shocking clip revealed. By Snejana Farberov and Ronny Reyes. January 25, 2024...
  7. Sayaras

    Nazi Arab students in Haifa: "Hitler did not get to you - so we will burn you now"

    If you thought Hitlerism Nazism at Arab palestine is dininishing??? In a Zoom discussion, the rector - explaining why he suspended some Arab students in Haifa University, following expressions of supporting Hamas' Oct 7 atrocities: "Hitler did not get to it - so we will burn you now." Most of...
  8. Sayaras

    Hague ICJ: NO "genocide" - after all pallywood & Arab Islamic global lobby using SA + UNRWA linking with jihad-fascist Hamas..

    That moral obscenity sham case... To take measures to prevent "genocide" that's as far as the court went and avoided call for cease fire.. That's throwing a bone at anti-white racist SA govt. whose banks help Hamas jihadi fascists. (U.S. halts UNRWA funding over staffers’ involvement with Oct...
  9. Sayaras

    Oct 7 restaurant name to celebrate atrocities - Sick "palestinians" in Jordan

    Most Jordanian Arabs are "palestinian" Arabs. For example: in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin... ___ New shawarma spot just...
  10. Sayaras

    Gaza Health Ministry: our Oct 7 atrocities - per Islamic Values

    Rape Jihad Or beheadings HAMAS or ISIS Islamofascism. There’s your problem right there. “Hamas Defies Critics: Says Its Terrorists Upheld ‘Islamic Values’ During Murderous Attack on Israel,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, January 22, 2024: The Hamas terrorist organization released a report...
  11. Sayaras

    "Moderate" Arab Qatar: 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.'

    If these are their moderates... Islamism is bigotry. ___ Exclusive: Alleged Qatar spy operation said to have targeted GOP lawmakers opposed to Muslim Brotherhood. 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar,' document states.' By...
  12. Sayaras

    Hamas admission to Oct 7 massacres VS racist Electronic-Intifada (& his linked conspiracy theorist liar Grayzone)

    This is from today. Straight from the devil (Gaza-health-ministry) mouth. But no worries. Theories will go on.. Hamas 1st big admission Oct 7 [on] Israel attack. 01.22.24. They had 107 days to prepare a propaganda leaflet of 16 pages .. LOL
  13. FDR_Reagan

    NYC: free- pAleStInE "Allah Akbar" rammed into cop

    Question, was this Arab "pAlEsTiNIaN" refering to Christians are swine in jihad? __ 🚨 NOW: ‘Protester’ Attempts to Murder NYPD Officer with Vehicle🚨 “ALLAHU AKBAR!” 👉Follow to stay informed. Chaos unfolds as a...
  14. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  15. FDR_Reagan

    Support for Hamas and swastikas on the tomb of Prophet Joshua [Nazi Arab pAlEStINe]

    Since Feb 1941 poll, Arab-Nazism in "palestine" never ceased... ____ Support for Hamas and swastikas: the tomb of Yehoshua bin Nun in Samaria was vandalized Now 14, Dec 24, 2023: "Twice a fortnight damage to deterrence - it is imperative to restore deterrence against these Nazis," said the...
  16. Sayaras

    Kind, beautiful Jewess: Shani Bachar, another victim of racist-Arab men

    Just another victim in a long bloody list of racist-Arab murdering, viciously, Jewesses they once net. The family of Shani Bachar, who was murdered by an obsessive suitor: "He didn't let go of her". 31-year-old Shani Becher from Moshav Netiv Sheirah was shot and killed yesterday, allegedly by...
  17. Sayaras

    Majority of Anti-Semitic Crimes in Germany Linked to Islam - ism

    Some get fooled by "just criticizing Israel" Taqiyya mask... Arabism is racism. Islamism is bigotry. Majority of Antisemitic Crimes in Germany Related to 'Foreign' or 'Religious' Ideology...
  18. Sayaras

    Hitler clip, claimed to call for extermination of Jews - soaring among Arabs

    Hatred brought about the conflict to begin with. Hitler video, claimed to call for the extermination of Jews, is soaring in popularity among Arabs December 28, 2023 Arabism is racism.
  19. Sayaras

    French captive: ‘Everyone there is a terrorist’ (racist Arab-palestine)

    Next time you hear about "innocent civilians".. not all are that "innocent." _ Mia Shem opens up about Gaza captivity: ‘Everyone there is a terrorist’ "It's important to me to reveal the truth about the people who live in Gaza, about who they really are," Shem says in a preview of an...
  20. Sayaras

    Austrian University severs ties w/ Harvard amid Antisemitism row (which began by racist Arab lobby Oct 8)

    Reminder. The whole anti Israel riots - chain of events began when the Arab (pro "frankenstein palestine") activists began rioting, first cheering for Oct 7 atrocities... Harvard's Arab Alumni Association offers support for Arabs who wrote pro Hamas letter following "Palestinian" atrocities...
  21. Sayaras

    Most Arabs hated ALL JEWS before Oct 7 (& before '48)

    Most Arabs hated ALL JEWS before Oct 7. The following is by am Arab writer Lee Habeeb. Telling the ugly racist-Arab truth. She begins with the Arab demonstrators cheering for Oct 7 atrocities... I watched the demonstrations across the Arab world—and America and Europe—that followed the worst...
  22. Sayaras

    Frankenstein "palestine" terrify kids visiting Santa (Ottawa)

    Ottawa: Pro-Hamas protesters terrify children who had come to sit on Santa’s knee at a mall It should go without saying that parents shopping in malls — many with their children — during the Christmas season should not be subjected to being terrorized by pro-Palestinian thugs. Even a child...
  23. Sayaras

    Arabism is racism / Islamism is bigotry

    Arabism = racism The Arab supremacy against non Arabs. Islamism - AKA Political Islam or radical Islam = intolerance of the other. __ The Next Screwing: Two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. -The first is Arab racism, rejects any presence that isn't Arab in its neighborhood; -the...

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